FLAME Supplemental Instruction
Special Announcements
To improve student success and retention in courses taught at Northwestern State University, the Academic Success Center has launched an initiative – the Faculty Led Assistance in My Education (FLAME) program. Part of the FLAME initiative includes Supplemental Instruction in which faculty dedicate two hours of their weekly office/student hours each week to assisting students with what has traditionally been relegated to “peer” or student tutoring. During Supplemental Instruction, faculty are available (both in person and virtually) in the Academic Success Center in Watson Library and various locations around campus, to help students with completing homework assignments, understanding material covered in classes, and preparing/studying for exams. FLAME complements existing student support services offered through the Academic Success Center and represents an additional mechanism to support faculty/student engagement with the ultimate goal of enhancing student success.

FLAME Supplemental Instruction Supported Courses
Questions about FLAME Supplemental Instructions?
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please email Liz Pursell at purselle@nsula.edu.