Current CIS Students
CIS faculty serve as advisors to CIS majors and are assigned according to the student’s last name.
Dr. Curtis Penrod
Director, School of Business
201A Russell Hall
Student’s Last Name Starts With:
For advising during the summer, or if your advisor is unavailable, please contact Mr. Curtis Penrod at
Computer Information Systems Minor (Minor code: MI22)
This is an interdisciplinary minor that strives for computer fluency; it consists of 6 courses (18 hours). It can be completed online. The variety of courses offered is designed to augment any major available at the university.
Minor Requirements (as of Fall 2023)
- Initial Course: CIS 1015
- Select 1 from CIS 1030, or CSC 1060
- Database Course: CIS 2980
- Select 3 courses from: BUAD4800, 2020, 2080, 2090, 2100, 3020, 3300, 3400, 3410, 3700, 3800, 3900, 3970, 3980, 4000, 4030, 4040, 4060, 4070, 4220, 4230, 4600, ART 1010, ART 2560, or CSC2060 (Students may select according to their interests and/or objectives. Be aware that some courses have prerequisites from within this list, eg., CIS 3400 is a prerequisite for CIS 4220.)
Course titles:
CIS 1015 (Intro. To CIS)
CIS 1030 (Intro. To Software Development)
CIS 2980 (Database Systems)
CSC 1060 (Program Design I)
BUAD 4800 (Microcomputer Applications II) Requires BUAD 1800
CIS 2040 (Intro To Video Game Development) Requires CIS 1030
CIS 2080 (Computer Technology – Software A+ Core 2)
CIS 2090 (Computer Technology – Hardware A+ Core 1)
CIS 2100 (Software Development) Requires CIS 1030
CIS 3020 (Web Page Development) Requires CIS 1015
CIS 3300 (Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming) Requires CIS 1030
CIS 3400 (Telecom. & Networks) Requires CIS 2080 and 2090
CIS 3410 (Certified Ethical Hacking) Requires CIS 2080 and 2090
CIS 3700 (Intro to Servers) Requires CIS 2080 and 2090
CIS 3800 (Enterprise Operating Systems) Requires CIS 3700
CIS 3900 (Systems Analysis & Development) Requires CIS 1030, 2080 and 2090, 2980, & 3020
CIS 3970 (Secure Programming Principles) Requires CIS 3300
CIS 3980 (Intro. to Info. Security) Requires CIS 3400
CIS 4000 (Advanced Database Systems) Requires CIS 2980
CIS 4030 (Web Apps: Client-Side Development) Requires CIS 3020 & 3300
CIS 4040 (Cyber Forensics) Requires CIS 2080 and 2090
CIS 4060 (Mobile Applications Development) Requires CIS 3300
CIS 4070 (Data Analytics) Requires CIS 2980 and BUAD 2120
CIS 4080 (Cloud Computing) Requires CIS 2080 and 2090 & CIS 2980
CIS 4100 (Web Apps: Server-Side Development) Requires CIS 2980, 3020, & 3300
CIS 4220 (Network Implementation & Admin) Requires CIS 3400
CIS 4230 (Advanced Network Implementation & Admin) Requires CIS 3400 & 4220
CIS 4600 (Advanced System Development) Requires CIS 3900
ART 1010 (Design 1)
ART 2560 (Graphic Comm. I)
CSC 2060 (Program Design II)
CIS Course Rotation
CIS courses are offered according to a set rotation, i.e., some courses are only offered in the Fall semester, some only in the Spring semester, and some are offered both semesters. Click the link below to see a document showing the current rotation schedule. Students need to plan their semesters carefully to be sure that the proper prerequisite courses are taken in the correct semesters.
Click here for Degree Checkout Plans – Rotations – Advising Aids