Student Organizations

Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Smith
Department: ACCT
Phone: 318.357.5709

Beta Alpha Psi

Founded in 1919, Beta Alpha Psi is an honor organization for financial information students and professionals. There are over 300 chapters on college and university campuses with over 300,000 members initiated since Beta Alpha Psi’s formation. All of our chapters are AACSB and/or EQUIS accredited. We are not a fraternity or sorority but an honors organization.


The purpose of Beta Alpha Psi is to engage with members, industry and educational institutions associated with the Beta Alpha Psi Professions to:

Academic Excellence
Motivate, recognize and celebrate academic excellence

Professional Development
Facilitate workplace readiness, employment, credentialing, mentoring, networking and lifelong learning

Responsible Practices
Foster a commitment to ethics, service, belonging, and environmental, social, governance-responsible practices

Advocate for the benefits of education, practice, credentialing and partnering associated with the Beta Alpha Psi Professions

Support the shaping of the relevant and successful evolution of education, practice and credentialing associated with the Beta Alpha Psi Professions


Beta Alpha Psi will shape the financial and business information professions by developing members into ethical, professional, and confident leaders.


The mission of Beta Alpha Psi, the premier international honor and service organization for financial and business information students and professionals, is to inspire and support excellence by:

  • encouraging the study and practice of accountancy, finance, business analytics and digital technology;
  • providing opportunities for service, professional development, and interaction among members and financial professionals; and
  • fostering lifelong ethical, social, and public responsibilities.

As a member of Beta Alpha Psi at NSU, you will be able to:

  • participate in campus and community service activities;
  • make presentations at local high schools and introductory college classes, as well as at annual and regional meetings;
  • develop professional friendships and relationships through various networking activities;
  • interact with professionals and future professionals from whom you may later wish to seek employment;
  • develop strategic contacts and relationships with faculty members who can provide good potential job sources and references.

Beta Gamma Sigma

Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Smith
Department: ACCT
Phone: 318.357.5709

Beta Gamma Sigma Overview
Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.  Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB International.  Membership is by invitation only and is limited to the top 10% of Seniors and the top 7% of Juniors.

Benefits of BGS membership
Membership in BGS is widely recognized as a major achievement in the business world.  Corporate recruiters, including KPMG, Eli Lilly, and Intel, actively seek individuals who have been elected into membership in Beta Gamma Sigma.  Long after graduation, programs such as the BGS CareerCentral job board, BetaLink On-Line Community and the Alumni Network offer alumni member’s opportunities to stay connected and benefit from their commitment to academic excellence.  New members receive a complimentary, one-year gift subscription to BusinessWeek.  A two-year (24 issues) subscription to Business 2.0* magazine is also included in your lifetime membership.  Additionally, members are eligible for discounts from BGS’ corporate partners including Kaplan,, and GEICO.  Additional benefits can be found at the Beta Gamma Sigma website.

Beta Gamma Sigma at NSU
The BGS chapter at NSU has been recognized for our outstanding performance in recognizing and attracting quality candidates. As such we have sometimes been able to offer a $1,000 scholarship to a student member.

Faculty Advisor Dr. Julie McDonald
Department BUAD
Phone 318.357.5708

PBL/FBLA Collegiate Application

FBLA Collegiate is dedicated to inspiring and developing the next generation of leaders by preparing members for careers in business and business-related fields.

There are core themes that run throughout the FBLA Collegiate Roadmap. These themes are:

  • Honing 21st century skills
  • Developing individual vision and personal brand
  • Building relationships with mentors in the business community
  • Being a mentor to someone else
  • Networking and completing internship experiences
  • Understanding that business principles are a part of every sector

Phi Beta Lambda isn’t just another student group—it gives members that opportunity to learn, travel, and grow as a business professional. Employers are looking for students with cutting-edge skills. PBL gives members the chance to gain these skills and prepares them for the “real-world” after college.

Set yourself apart from the average graduate!

In today’s highly competitive business environment it takes more than just a degree to succeed. It requires business savvy, leadership skills, and technical knowledge. By taking advantage of the many programs that Phi Beta Lambda offers, students acquire the skills that will set them apart from the average graduate. They will be better prepared for careers, graduate school, and life!


Student Advisory and Outreach Board

Faculty Advisor   Carmella Parker, Esq./MBA
Department BUAD
Phone 318 357-5723

The Student Advisory and Outreach Board is a selection of students within the College of Business and Technology who are selected by professors because of their exemplary leadership qualities. The S.A.O.B. acts as a liaison between students, the Dean and faculty of the School of Business.

Mission Statement:
The mission of the NSU School of Business Student Advisory and Outreach Board (S.A.O.B.) is to provide feedback that serves as a catalyst for innovation and engagement while promoting collaborative outreach efforts that will impact and empower all students and stakeholders.

To provide feedback to the Dean and faculty regarding internal and external factors and matters that may aid in greater efficacy within the College of Business and Technology.
To foster student engagement in campus-wide and School of Business educational activities and opportunities.
To assist in developing a positive image for the School of Business while promoting good relations between all stakeholders.