
About Leah Jackson

Leah Jackson is Northwestern State University's Director of Public Information and Media Relations. She is a 1994 and 2011 graduate of NSU and has been on staff since 2004.

Friends/colleagues DeFord and Yankowski are bonded for life

NATCHITOCHES –Two Northwestern State University art professors are bonded for life after Matt DeFord donated a kidney to his long-time friend and mentor Michael Yankowski, a gift that both agreed was sanctioned by divine intervention.

The two have been friends since DeFord joined the faculty at NSU in 2005.  The surgeries took place at the John […]

College of Business hosts memorial for esteemed faculty

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University’s College of Business and Technology hosted a remembrance ceremony Aug. 13 for four members of the faculty who passed away in the past year. Fred Clark, William “Phil” Habig, Dr. Ted Jones and Dr. John G. Williams were honored through personal tributes and the dedication of four trees outside Russell […]

Students can take advantage of co-campus vaccine clinics

Northwestern State University is hosting several vaccine clinics for the university community.

The clinics are being held in tandem with Gov. John Bel Edwards’ Shot for 100 vaccine incentive program that will give $100 to the first 75,000 college students who get their COVID-19 vaccine at participating institutions of higher education.

A vaccine clinic will be set […]

Cane River Singers open to NSU and the community

NATCHITOCHES – Students, faculty and the Natchitoches community are invited to join the Cane River Singers beginning Aug. 30.  Vocalists will meet from 7-8:30 p.m. every Monday in Room 103, the choral rehearsal room, in Northwestern State University’s Creative and Performing Arts Annex.

Masks are required, according to Dr. Nicholaus Cummins, director of choral activities.

Faculty and […]

NSU Lab School, Physical Plant get hand sanitizer donation

NATCHITOCHES – Richard Armstrong, owner of Trace Reliability, donated more than 20 gallons of hand sanitizer and 8 oz. purple spray bottles to Northwestern State University’s Elementary and Middle Lab schools and the NSU Physical Plant for use around campus.  Trace Reliability is an industrial reliability solutions company that supplies products, including Luceda products, in Louisiana, […]

Pete Gregory begins 60th year at NSU, discusses Williamson Museum’s centennial

NATCHITOCHES – Dr. Hiram “Pete” Gregory begins his 60th year on faculty at Northwestern State University this fall.  Gregory began teaching at NSU Sept. 15, 1961, when he arrived as a 23-year-old temporary instructor.  When a permanent position teaching anthropology and geography opened up, he decided to stay. He is the longest-serving employee in NSU’s […]

UL System announces NSU Presidential Search Committee, initial meeting

NATCHITOCHES – The Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System Chair James Carter announced the Northwestern State University Presidential Search Committee. The group is responsible for reviewing applications, interviewing candidates and recommending finalists for the presidency. The finalists will ultimately be interviewed and a president selected by the full UL System Board of […]

Hotter ‘N Hell closing reception Aug. 27.

Phyllis Lear

NSU Hotter ‘N Hell, Director/Coordinator




NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University Art Demons turned up the heat this summer with a juried exhibition of pyrotechnical art by collegiate artists from across the United States. Students, faculty, staff and the general public are invited to a closing reception for the 2021 Hotter ‘N Hell Collegiate Art […]

Demon Days are here! Fall semester will be masked but exciting

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University will kick off the Fall semester with Demon Days, a series of events that being with Move-In Day, Saturday, Aug. 14.  Demon Days is a series of fun and free events designed to welcome new and returning students with opportunities to explore Northwestern State, connect with other students and get […]

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