
About Leah Jackson

Leah Jackson is Northwestern State University's Director of Public Information and Media Relations. She is a 1994 and 2011 graduate of NSU and has been on staff since 2004.

Hotter ‘N Hell art exhibition July 1-Aug. 27

It’s ‘Hotter ‘N Hell’ at NSU

National Collegiate Art Exhibition Features Fire and Heat


Northwestern State University of Louisiana Art Demons are turning up the heat this summer with a juried exhibition of pyrotechnical art by collegiate artists from across the United States.

The “Hotter ‘N Hell National Collegiate Art Exhibition” encompasses all art forms that use fire […]

Natchitoches artist unveils “Faith” monument to late wife and other loved ones

NATCHITOCHES – Natchitoches artist James Borders unveiled a sculpture that honors the memory of his late wife, Lisa, who lost her battle with breast cancer in 2018 at age 49.  The soaring metal monument, “Faith,” stands about 40 feet tall at Trinity Baptist Church in Natchitoches and was two years in the making. The sculpture also honors Avis Borders […]

Maggios honored with scholarship in thanks for years of service to NSU

NATCHITOCHES – The Northwestern State University Foundation Board planned a special surprise for Dr. Chris Maggio, who is retiring from NSU after more than 33 years of service, the last four as president.  At a June 18 board meeting, which was also Maggio’s birthday, the group announced the creation of the Dr. Chris and Jennifer […]

NSU unveils restored historic marker

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University unveiled a restored historical marker that acknowledges the early presence of Europeans in what would become Louisiana territory. The Colonial Gateway Corral marks the confluence of three paths, one from the west that used by Spaniards; one east towards a residence of Louis Juchereau de St. Denis, and one north […]

Caddo student commits to Call Me MISTER program at NSU

NATCHITOCHES – Christian Holmes, a 2021 graduate of C.E. Byrd High School in Shreveport, was honored during a signing day program for future educators.  Holmes committed to participate in the Call Me MISTER program at Northwestern State University, an initiative to recruit African American males to become teachers and mentors at low-performing schools.

Holmes participated in […]

NSU will host virtual STEAM camps in July

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University has partnered with the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA) to present three upcoming virtual summer camps for junior high students entering grades 6-8 and high school students entering grades 9-12 this fall. Registration is open to all junior and high school students.

Participants will work intensively with NSU faculty […]

NSU staff, alumni will be among presenters at LYPC

NATCHITOCHES – Several Northwestern State University staff and alumni will be featured during the fourth annual Louisiana Young Professionals Conference that will take place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, July 9 at Chateau St. Denis in Natchitoches. Organizers say employers and employees will both find real value in the session topics for this conference.

“Our keynote […]

Nursing students awarded CHEN scholarships for summer school

NATCHITOCHES – The Community Healthcare Education Network (CHEN) awarded two senior Northwestern State University nursing students with scholarships for the summer semester.  CHEN is a volunteer, non-profit organization consisting of healthcare professionals, businesses, agencies and organizations that provide healthcare education and resources to the people of north and central Louisiana. “We want to help students with […]

Kurti releases CD recording of works by Paganini

NATCHITOCHES – Andrej Kurti, professor of violin, viola and chamber orchestra at Northwestern State University, has recorded a CD of some of the most challenging and beloved compositions for violin.  “24 Caprices” features Nicolo Paganini’s “Twenty-Four Caprices for Solo Violin, op. 1,” which was recorded live in a concert Kurti performed at NSU in October 2019. […]

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