
About Leah Jackson

Leah Jackson is Northwestern State University's Director of Public Information and Media Relations. She is a 1994 and 2011 graduate of NSU and has been on staff since 2004.

NSU seeks nominations for new alumni awards

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University Alumni Association invites nominations for three new alumni awards, two that will recognize distinguished service and one for volunteerism toward the Alumni Association.

The new awards are Outstanding Young Alumnus/Alumna Distinguished Service Award, Outstanding Alumnus/Alumna Distinguished Service Award and NSU Alumni Association Volunteer of the Year Award. The awards are intended […]

Comm students create and distribute original magazine, The Inferno

NATCHITOCHES – Students in the Department of New Media, Journalism and Communication Arts designed a magazine and produce The Inferno, a collection of informative and inspiring articles by and for NSU students.

Under the direction of Assistant Professor Melody Gilbert, students in Communications 4230 wrote in-depth stories about losing a scholarship, losing a love, loving a […]

NSU, BPCC sign Fire Science, UPSA transfer agreement

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University and Bossier Parish Community College finalized a transfer agreement that will allow students who complete the Associate of Applied Science in Fire Science at BPCC to transfer credit hours into NSU’s Bachelor of Science Degree in Unified Public Safety Administration with a concentration in fire and medical emergency management administration.

Both […]

Phi Beta Delta holds virtual induction program

CONTACT:            Sharon Joy

318 357-5754; 832 978-6145



NATCHITOCHES – The Northwestern State University chapter of the Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars inducted six new members on April 18 via Zoom.

The members of Phi Beta Delta include faculty, staff and students who are selected on the basis of their international orientation, scholarship accomplishment and/or […]

IP Foundation continues support of Cradle to College initiative

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University was awarded $1,000 from International Paper’s Campti Mill and the International Paper Foundation to support the Cradle to College initiative, a project that seeks to remap the path for at-risk youngsters by providing early literacy activities and support to children and families with limited resources so that children can engage […]

ULS approves Snowden appointment at NSU

NATCHITOCHES – Dr. Michael Snowden’s appointment as vice president for Diversity and Inclusion at Northwestern State University was approved by the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System. Snowden was named interim vice president in June 2020. The appointment will be effective May 1.

A veteran administrator and student advocate in higher education with […]

Central High angler signs with NSU Fishing Team

NATCHITOCHES – Matthew Elliott, a graduating senior from Central High School in Baton Rouge, has signed with the Northwestern State University Fishing Team.  On the front row are Elliot, center, with his parents Denise and Steve Elliott. Standing are Director of Recruiting Van Erickson and Baton Rouge area recruiter Emily Miller. Elliott plans to major […]

Students participate in V.L. Roy Day of Service

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University students participated in V.L. Roy Service Day April 9 to give back to the university and the City of Natchitoches. The student-led event included approximately 80 NSU students working on volunteer projects that included city and campus clean-up, planting trees and providing free manpower.

On the NSU campus, students pitched in […]

NSU names new event space after Lucile Mertz Hendrick

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University formally named a new multipurpose meeting space in the Friedman Student Union after long-time administrator Lucile Mertz Hendrick (1909-2003) and unveiled a portrait of Hendrick created by NSU graduate student Edgar Cano Lopez that will hang outside the room. The space, Room 121, is the site of the former campus […]

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