
About Leah Jackson

Leah Jackson is Northwestern State University's Director of Public Information and Media Relations. She is a 1994 and 2011 graduate of NSU and has been on staff since 2004.

Creole Heritage Center supports Boys to Men Club

The Creole Heritage Center at Northwestern State University presented a check to the Boys to Men’s Club, a local youth organization designed to teach young males life skills prior to entering high school, during the CHC Christmas open house Dec. 17.  Funds were generated by the Legacy Fun Run and Walk that took place in […]

IP supports Cradle to College initiative

NATCHITOCHES – The International Paper Foundation contributed $1,000 to the Cradle to College initiative, a project that seeks to remap the path for at-risk youngsters by providing early literacy activities and support to children and families with limited resources so that children can engage in literacy activities at home with their parents.


Kelly Trumbo, communications coordinator […]

Reed Scholarship will be awarded to future educators

NATCHITOCHES – The daughters of Annie E. and Hoyt J. Reed have endowed a scholarship honoring their parents to be awarded to a Louisiana native junior or senior level or graduate students majoring in teacher education or educational leadership at Northwestern State University.  Applicants for the Annie E. and Hoyt J. Reed Scholarship must have […]

NSU hosts signing for Cherokee Plantation book

NATCHITOCHES – Co-authors Diny Nolan Landen and Tom Whitehead were featured during a book signing at Northwestern State University to mark the release of “Cherokee Plantation on the Cane River,” which documents the history of the historic home and the Prudhomme and Murphy families and their descendants who have called Cherokee home since 1837.  The […]

NSU launching campus tree survey

Campus faculty, staff and students have discussed the benefits of establishing campus tree and bird walks that would include existing heritage trees and other trees of significant size or species.

Education graduates recognized

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University’s School of Education recognized graduating seniors who completed degrees in early childhood education, secondary education, music education and health and physical education during a program Dec. 9 in which the new teachers received apple pins and were congratulated by faculty, supporters and fellow students. On the front row from left […]

CFS students collect supplies for Women’s Resource Center

NATCHITOCHES – Students in the child and family studies program at Northwestern State University collected about $3,000 worth of supplies for the Women’s Resource Center, an organization that provides education and support for women who plan to carry their pregnancy to term.


The Women’s Resource Center provides free one-on-one childbirth and breastfeeding instruction, material assistance for […]

11th annual Multicultural Christmas Concert celebrates the season, supports girls’ home

By Shane Rasmussen

Director of the Louisiana Folklife Center

Photos by Kevin Shanahan

The 11th Annual Natchitoches-NSU Multicultural Christmas Concert was held on December 4th at Treen Auditorium at the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts. The event was a benefit concert for the local nonprofit organization Cane River Children’s Services and was sponsored by the Louisiana Folklife Center, the […]

ROTC cadets recognized during fall awards program

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University’s Department of Military Science hosted the fall awards program for the 70th Demon Battalion Thursday, Dec. 5.  The event recognized the accomplishments of outstanding cadets in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.


Cadets Maria Magdalena Bansil and Larancion Magee, who commissioned in May 2019, were recognized for completing Advanced Camp at Fort […]

Heart in Hands art car on display for Gala

NATCHITOCHES – The “Heart in Hands” art car has been on display to greet guests attending the Northwestern State University Christmas Gala at the Natchitoches Events Center and will appear again next weekend as the Gala is presented at Shreveport’s historic Strand Theatre. The Mazda RX-8 will be positioned in front of each venue so […]

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