Web Services at Northwestern State

About Web Services at Northwestern State

Web Services is a unit of Information Technology Services (ITS) at Northwestern State.

HMT student featured in LRAEF spotlight

NATCHITOCHES – Rachel McKenna Opbroek of Keithville was featured in the Student Spotlight section of the Louisiana Restaurant Association Education Foundation newsletter. Opbroek is a freshman majoring in hospitality management and tourism with a concentration in travel and tourism. She completed the Louisiana Restaurant Association’s ProStart program as a student at Caddo Magnet High School […]

HMT students studying in France this spring

HMTstudents1bgNATCHITOCHES, La. (NSU Press Release) – Three Northwestern State University students are spending their spring semester abroad at Université D’Angers in France where they hope the experience of living abroad will enhance their coursework in hospitality management and tourism. University D’Angers is the third second largest hospitality […]

News Item #3

Nullam aliquet semper facilisis. Donec quis velit justo. Maecenas aliquam lectus vel orci aliquam hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed eget leo maximus, facilisis purus eu, sollicitudin orci. Morbi pellentesque vestibulum tempus. Sed aliquam urna ipsum. Nullam suscipit tellus fermentum mauris tempor euismod. Nunc feugiat varius neque, a pretium justo mollis ac. Quisque ac […]

BBB Induction

NSU Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society Delta Theta chapter inducted 51 students during its annual Induction Ceremony held on March 7, 2017 in the Friedman Student Union. Eligible students majoring in the biological sciences with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater are invited to apply for membership to the distinguished organization.

News Item #2

Ut elementum ultricies tortor in imperdiet. In interdum, ligula sed pretium facilisis, diam metus ullamcorper ante, nec ultrices nisi est eget quam. Curabitur lacinia velit mi, ac venenatis erat molestie eu. Aenean nec odio arcu. Aenean vestibulum, ligula sed euismod feugiat, ante risus rhoncus libero, molestie ornare eros nulla quis felis. Sed vulputate, nulla nec […]

Psi Chi Halloween Fundraiser

In the wake of the earthquake that devastated Nepal, Empower Nepali Girls, an organization that provides scholarships, support, and mentoring to at-risk young Nepali girls, has expanded their mission to providing medical care, housing, basic services, as well as to rebuilding destroyed schools. This past October, NSU’s Psi Chi hosted a fundraiser to raise money […]

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