
About Melinda Parrie

Melinda Parrie is an Academic Technology Support Specialist. She is a 1999 and 2003 graduate of NSU and has been on staff since 2003.

July Professional Development

Online Workshops via Webex

To register, go to nsula.webex.comAttendees are encouraged to have a working microphone to fully benefit from the sessions.

Course Overview and Introduction

The Course Overview area is the first part of the course that the students will see, but probably the last thing you will create. In this workshop, we will […]

March Professional Development

Online Workshops via Webex

To register, go to nsula.webex.comAttendees are encouraged to have a working microphone to fully benefit from the sessions.

Creating Groups in Moodle

Have you ever wanted to design a discussion or assignment that can be done by students as groups? In this workshop, we will define Moodle groups and demonstrate how […]

December Professional Development

Online Workshops via Webex

To register, go to nsula.webex.comAttendees are encouraged to have a working microphone to fully benefit from the sessions.

Measurable Objectives

Clear learning objectives provide a foundation for a quality course. In this interactive workshop, you will revise or create measurable objectives that provide a roadmap for your activities and assessments.

Tuesday, December […]

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