Academic Advising

The School of Business faculty are available each semester for academic advising.  Students are encouraged to seek out their faculty advisor throughout the semester if they have any questions or concerns.  Faculty interaction with students is a major component of our business model.

To simplify the registration process, we encourage students to connect to NSU Connect through their myNSU account at

–If you have completed less than 30 hours at NSU, you will have an advisement hold on your account.  You will need to call or email your advisor and they will be able to assist you with an “alternate PIN” for registering your classes.

–All Accounting, Computer Information Systems, and Hospitality Management and Tourism majors must be advised every semester. You will need to call or email your advisor and they will assist you with an “alternate PIN” for registering your classes.

Advising Aids

* Business Analytics (110M): (24 semester hours) CIS 1030, 2980, 4000, 4070; Choose 12 hours from ACCT 4220, ACCT 4320, BUAD 3120, BUAD 4910, MGT 3500, MGT 4450, MGT 4460, and MKTG 4440.

* Entrepreneurship (110N): (24 semester hours) BUAD 4190; Choose 21 hours from BUAD 3260, BUAD 4000 (05), BUAD 4910, CIS 4840, CIS 4930, FIN 4120, FIN 4220, MGT 4450, MGT 4460, MGT 4500, MGT 4700, MKTG 4370, and MKTG 4500.

* Finance (110I): (23 semester hours) BUAD 4900; FIN 2150, 3090, 3100, 4200; 9 hours of advanced finance electives. BUAD 4910 may count as an advanced finance elective.

* Human Resources (110P): (24 semester hours) MGT 2500, 3220, 4270, 4280, 4300, 4350, and 4500; 3 hours from BUAD 4910, PSYC 4500, or UPSA 2000.

* International Business (110L): (26 semester hours) BUAD 3270, 4160, 4900; MGT 4350, 4700; 6 hours of foreign language; 6 hours from BUAD 4000, BUAD 4910, FIN 4050, MGT 4450, MGT 4460, and MKTG 4600.

* Management (110J): (24 semester hours) MGT 3220, 3580, 4300, 4320, 4500, and 9 hours of advanced management electives. BUAD 4910 may count as an advanced management elective.

* Marketing (110K): (23 semester hours) BUAD 4900; MKTG 3230; 18 hours of advanced marketing electives. BUAD 4910 may count as an advanced marketing elective.

* Pre-Law (Business) (110Q): (24 semester hours) BLAW 2250, BLAW 3260, PLPS 4020; Choose 9 hours from BLAW 3270, BLAW 3280, BLAW 3290, BLAW 3300, FIN 3150, HMT 4150, MGT 4270, MGT 4280, PLPS 3050, PLPS 3060, and SECO 3850; Choose 6 hours from ANTH 3070, ANTH 3120, BIOL 2990, COMM 2040, CJ 3070, CJ 4450, HP 3000, PSCI 3090, PSCI 4060, SOWK 4270, UPSA 4400, and any PLPS 3000 or 4000 level classes.

Business Administration Minor Requirements: (non-business majors) (24 semester hours) Accounting 2000, 2010; Business Administration 2200; Management 3220; Marketing 3230; Economics 2000, 2010; three hours of advanced business electives.

CIS Degree Plans

Please refer to the School of Business section in the appropriate Course Catalog located on the Registrar’s webpage.