Student Performance Indicators
The Northwestern State School of Business is committed to the success of its students. The below indicators provide some insight into the performance of students and graduates of the Northwestern State School of Business. While we realize each student is unique in their goals, we hope the below information provides you some insight into our programs. If you have any questions about how we promote student success, please let us know. We are “Dedicated to One Goal. Yours.”
- Degrees Awarded Trends – This file contains information regarding the number of degrees awarded in our three AACSB-accredited programs.
- Enrollment Trends – This file contains information regarding the Fall census enrollment in our three AACSB-accredited programs.
- Graduate Performance – This file contains information regarding our graduates’ employment and other post-graduate performance. The information is based on a survey and graduate tracking via graduate responses, LinkedIn, etc.
- Graduation Rates Trends – This file contains information regarding our six-year graduation rates in the School of Business.
- Retention Trends – This file contains information for the past several years regarding our one-year retention rates in our three AACSB-accredited programs.