Resume Assistance

Resume Assistance


The Career Center is here to assist our students and alumni with their career development needs. We understand that you cannot always prepare for situations that may arise in the future. However, we can help you create a plan to assist with your success in your career! A HUGE part of your plan is creating an awarding winning resume!

Below you will find resources to assist you in your resume development process:

Need help creating or editing your resume? See NSU Resume Rubric

Unsure of what to include on your resume? Here’s what to include in your resume.

Need a few extra tips on creating your resume? Check out the Quick Guide to Resume Writing

A great deal of work experience? Not or enough or no work experience? Only participated in campus organizations and activities?

No problem! Regardless of your work experience or lack thereof you can create a resume to showcase your skills, experience, and highlight your strengths to prove you are the right candidate for the job!

Check out the resume examples below and determine which type of resume will help you land the job your desire!

No work history, involved mostly in campus organizations, or a gap in employment? A functional resume is most likely to highlight your strengths to potential employer as it focuses or your skills and experience rather than your work history.

See example of a functional resume: Functional Resume

Work experience? A chronological resume is most likely to showcase your related work experience and experience where you were able to gain certain skills that are needed and relatable to the job you are applying for. Chronological resumes list your work history in reverse chronological order (most recent to oldest). See example of a chronological order: Chronological Resume

Work experience? Campus involvement? A combination resume is most likely to showcase all of your experience and skills to potential employers!

Combination resumes, and chronological resumes are very similar in format. See example of a combination resume: Combination Resume

Regardless of the type of resume you use to format your resume, be sure to follow the guidelines in the resume rubric to ensure you are meeting resume standards suggested by NSU Career Center!