Events (Business)

CLE Workshops 2018

CLE Workshop Friday, November 16, 2018 in the Natchitoches Room in Russell Hall.

Description: This outreach effort was started to assist attorneys in the local and regional areas to obtain their CLE hours in various content areas. The event will offer a total of 6 different speakers who have graciously donated their time for this event. […]

Inferno Pitch Business Development

Promo on Pitch Competition available
by NSU News Bureau

Northwestern State University received permission from Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program to share the following promo video with the community. The video highlights the concept behind the business pitch competition in which students from Northwestern State, Grambling and LSU-S participated. NSU named the competition “The Inferno Pitch.”

Students developed a […]

Homecoming Brunch

The School of Business Homecoming Brunch brings together old friends, faculty and alumni.  During this reception, the college recognizes outstanding alumni, businesses and faculty achievements. In recognition of their outstanding support to NSU and the College of Business, the College selects three businesses every even year to honor for their contributions.


Graduation Reception

Each Fall and Spring semester, the College of Business honors its graduating seniors by hosting a reception in the Russell Hall Natchitoches room. Graduating seniors, family, friends and College of Business faculty are invited to attend.

At Fall receptions, individuals selected for Beta Gamma Sigma are inducted into this business honorary organization.

Future Business Leaders of America

FBLA-PBL is the largest business career student organization in the world.  The high school division has 215,000 members, while the post-secondary division reaches over 11,000 college students.  The newest group, FBLA-Middle Level, is showing remarkable growth with nearly 15,000 student members.  Finally, the Professional Division has reached over 3,000 members.  Over 11,000 advisers round out […]

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