NSU News

The NSU News Bureau works with print, broadcast and digital media outlets to publicize all aspects of the university, including faculty programs, research, initiatives and accomplishments. Working with you, we can develop a strategy to give your story the best possible chance of receiving coverage. The News Bureau also assists media who are covering stories involving higher education, current topics or human interest stories involving NSU students, faculty, staff and alumni. Click here to return to the NSU News Bureau website.

CIS alumna finding success in I-20 Cyber-Tech Corridor

NATCHITOCHES – When Taylor Spencer was in high school, she was more interested in symphonies than software. But a trip to Northwestern State University’s Senior Day caused her to consider a new field.

Spencer, a 2018 graduate in computer information systems with a concentration in application development and a minor in business administration, […]

Weinzettle named to CSWE commission

NATCHITOCHES – Dr Ruth Weinzettle, professor and head of Northwestern State University’s Department of Social Work, has been appointed to the Commission on Accreditation (COA)of the Council on Social Work Education.  Weinzettle has served as a site visitor for the COA for the past 10 years, visiting and reporting on university social work programs seeking […]

Poe earns award for research project

NATCHITOCHES – Abigail Poe of Natchitoches, a spring 2020 graduate in biology, was recognized for a research project completed while working with the National Center for Preservation Training and Technology and the National Park Service. The award is presented annually to individuals from around the world, typically those who are students or early career, based […]

Campus events and activities for July 26 – Aug. 1

NATCHITOCHES – Here is a look at the week of July 26 – Aug. 1 at Northwestern State University.

July 26 – Aug. 1 – Registration for fall 2020 semester

July 28 – Department of Engineering Technology Risk Mitigation Workshop via WebEx, 10 a.m.



NSU will host All-Greek Centennial Celebration

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University will host a Greek Centennial Celebration April 9-11, 2021.  All members of every fraternity and sorority chapter that has ever called NSU home is invited to join the celebration. The weekend celebration will include a riverbank festival, gala and All-Greek worship service.

Festivities will begin Friday, April 9 at Flavor of […]

Notary prep class to begin Aug. 18

NATCHITOCHES – A notary public exam prep course will be offered through Northwestern State University’s Office of Electronic Learning & Global Engagement starting Aug. 18.

The online course will be taught on Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. An early bird fee of $430 is available […]

NSU, NYP to host professional development webinars

NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University’s Career Center is partnering with Natchitoches Young Professionals to present Teachable Tuesday:  How to Get Hired, a professional development series.  The NSU Career Center will offer four free professional development webinars each Tuesday in August.  Sessions will be at noon or 4 p.m., presented by Career Center Services Coordinator Karen […]

Students earn NASA permission for LaACES payload launch

NATCHITOCHES – A team of students from Northwestern State University and the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts successfully defended their LaACES DemonSats-1 payload before LaSPACE and NASA officials, earning permission to launch their payload into space via sounding balloon.

NSU’s LaACES (Louisiana Aerospace Catalysts Experiences for Students) team includes Abigail Poe of Natchitoches, […]

Maggio discusses Return To Campus plans

The beginning of the Fall, 2020, semester and a new academic year are just a month away, and it will be exciting and gratifying to have students, faculty and staff back together for in-person classes and activities.

There have been extensive and innovative efforts in recent weeks to adapt our campuses, instructional sites and online learning […]

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