NSU News

The NSU News Bureau works with print, broadcast and digital media outlets to publicize all aspects of the university, including faculty programs, research, initiatives and accomplishments. Working with you, we can develop a strategy to give your story the best possible chance of receiving coverage. The News Bureau also assists media who are covering stories involving higher education, current topics or human interest stories involving NSU students, faculty, staff and alumni. Click here to return to the NSU News Bureau website.

Future Educator Honor Roll

Students in Northwestern State University’s School of Education were honored by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, Commissioner of Higher Education Dr. Kim Hunter-Reed, and State Superintendent of Education John White.

NSU designated StormReady

The National Weather Service (NWS) recognized Northwestern State University as StormReady® Tuesday and named Health and Environmental Safety Officer Julie Powell an Ambassador with the Weather Ready Nation through the NWS.

Anatomy lab named for Dr. Jack Pace

Northwestern State University’s School of Biological and Physical Sciences named Room 217 in Bienvenu Hall for Dr. Jack Pace who taught many classes there during his long tenure at NSU.

Water aerobics classes begin May 14

A water aerobics class will be offered by Northwestern State University’s Office of Electronic Learning & Global Engagement beginning Tuesday, May 14.

Phi Kappa Phi honors Spring 2019 initiates

Membership based on high academic achievement
NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University’s chapter of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest, most selective and most prestigious all-discipline honor society, held an induction ceremony for Spring 2019 initiates. Selection criteria for Phi Kappa Phi are based on high academic standard. Membership is open to […]
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