The mission of the Environmental Health and Safety Office at Northwestern State University (NSU) is to protect people, property, the environment, financial resources, and other resources in support of the University’s teaching, outreach, research, and student services.
The Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Office is responsible for administering the campus safety, health, and environmental programs.
Risk Management is responsible for the administration of the University’s insurance program and coordination of insurance programs for NSU campuses
The Emergency Preparedness (EP) Office is responsible for administering the campus Emergency Preparedness Program and the Continuity of Operations Programs for Northwestern State University.
Asbestos is a building material that has been used in floor tile, ceiling tile, insulation, and numerous other materials for many years. Asbestos fibers can cause serious health effects if they are not sealed into the material that they are a part of.
Northwestern State has a done a complete inspection of campus buildings for asbestos-containing materials. The initial inspections of buildings were done in 1993-1994 by Inspectors from the State of Louisiana.
Asbestos Management Plans are maintained on all buildings with asbestos containing materials. Those plans are located in the Environmental Health & Safety Office. The Management Plan includes a description of asbestos containing materials in the buildings, and procedures for re-inspecting buildings.
Asbestos Notification Letters
When an employee becomes an authorized driver, their name will be added to an “Authorized Driver” list published on this site monthly. When a driver is not authorized due to being a high risk driver, the employee and their supervisor will be notified via e-mail. The Motor Pool Office and the Travel Office will also be notified. Unauthorized Drivers are not allowed to drive on University Business.
No employee can drive a University vehicle, a rented/leased vehicle or their personal vehicle on University business without becoming an authorized driver. An employee must also be required to drive in the course and scope of their job duties in order to become an Authorized Driver.
Please turn in the Defensive Driving Certificate, and the [DA 2054] Driver Authorization Form at the same time. If you have out-of-state driving records, please attach those to the other 2 documents and return all information at the same time. This will be a tremendous help when processing driver authorizations.
Important Notes to Remember with On-The-Job injuries:
- If an employee is seen by an urgent care/emergency room facility and required further treatment, it is important that the employee follow up with their worker’s compensation claim adjustor, so that all further appointments can be approved.
- If the employee did not return to work following the accident, he/she is required to submit a “Return to Work Status Report”, from the attending physician. Any limitations or exclusions would be helpful if listed on that work status report.
- The first seven (7) days of missed work are considered the “waiting week” and are not eligible for indemnity benefits unless the employee has missed 14 or more days as a result of the injury. Otherwise, indemnity benefits will start on the 8th day, including the weekend, at 66.666 percent of wages or salary.
- When the employee is approved to return to work, he/she is required to submit a “Return to Work Status Report” with physician’s clearance. It must list any exclusions or limitations on the work status report.
- NSU does offer Transitional Return to Work, which may allow for light duty employment until the employee if fully released by their physician.
Relevant Documents
Only responsible for Blood Borne Pathogens and Driver’s Safety.
Keep all certificates in the departmental office, unless Student needs to be approved to drive on University business. Check the requirements below.
Blood Borne Pathogens
Employee certificate is retained in employee unit supervisor’s office. High Risk Employees are required to take a face-to-face class.
Defensive Driver Training
Defensive Driver Training is only needed if driving is required in the course and scope of employment. Each student must complete a new form and new driving course annually, preferably in the first week of the semester each fall.
Student Employees: you must be on NSU’s Authorized Driver list before you are allowed to drive in the course and scope of your student employment (if first employment is in the Spring, and student employee must take prior to driving). Driver Authorization Form and the Defensive Driving Certificate are required to be sent to the EHS Office.
Please forward the completed paperwork as listed below:
- [DA 2054] Driver Authorization Form (State of Louisiana)
- A printed Certificate of Completion for training course
- Non-Louisiana residents only: you will need to request an Official Driving Record from the state that issued your driver’s license and include a copy.
You will need to add your name to the “Certificate of Completion” and print certificate. EHS must have a certificate for the course to count towards your training and for you to become an Authorized Driver.
Potential Issues
In the past, there has been some difficulty in printing the certificates, so you may take the entire course and the certificate not print. The State’s training course program seems to work better on Foxfire and Chrome and may encounter difficulty on Internet Explorer. The certificate will come up on the screen but sometimes will not print. Take a screen shot with your computer and print the image.
Quarterly Safety Meetings
The following topics will be covered in Quarterly Safety Meetings:
Professional internship is defined as the internship or experiential training activities for students seeking professional degrees. Student Experiential Learning Insurance provides coverage for students participating in approved Professional Internship Programs or Experiential Programs (e.g., accidental property damage, and accidental injuries to others while in the program setting). Medical Malpractice Coverage will cover students will providing medically related services (e.g., wrong medication or dosage is accidentally given to patient). Needle sticks are not covered under either policy, and the student’s personal health insurance would have to cover any expenses related those type accidents.
Related Documents
Property claims arise when damage occurs to content property or structural property that is owned by Northwestern State University (NSU). In the event of a natural disaster or major loss, please contact EHS Office immediately to report damage. The deductible for Property claims is $1,000 per incident. Contents depreciated value will be factored into the total amount of the claim. The University assumes no liability for loss or theft of personal property of students, employees and visitors to the campus.
What Information Is Needed to File a Claim
When a property loss occurs, the department is required to provide an itemized list of property that was damaged, destroyed, or stolen. Estimates for repairs must be submitted prior to authorizing repairs of damaged items. If a police report was filed, please provide the case number so a report can be obtained. If a police report was not filed, please provide a detailed statement as to what happened. Include any witness statements. If possible, please take photographs of damaged items and submit with your claim information. The department must provide the following:
Items under $1,000
- Type of goods or equipment damaged, stolen, etc.
- Number of each type of item damaged, stolen, etc.
- Date purchased or approximate age
- Approximate acquisition cost
- Cause of damage
- Location of damage, building and room number
- Photographs of damage, if available
- Police report case number, if applicable
Items over $1,000
- All Items in the list above
- State property tag number
- Equipment inventory sheet
- Model number
- Serial number
All damaged property must be protected against further damage and must be made available for inspection. Please do not discard property without contacting Risk Management for authorization.
Settlement is based on repair/replacement cost, less $1,000 deductible and depreciation.
State law requires that the claimant provide documented evidence that the damaged/stolen property has been repaired or replaced. Therefore, the settlement amount will be set aside until proof of repair or replacement is received. In order to complete the claims process, please submit a copy of the repair invoice, purchase order, etc. with a copy of the cancelled checks showing proof of payment. Also please submit account number you would like to be credited for this loss.
Purple Alert is Northwestern State University’s rapid notification system. At its core, Purple Alert is a multi-part communications process for disseminating alerts to NSU students, faculty and staff. Purple Alert are distributed through a company called Firstcall. Registration for Purple Alert will take place directly through a Firstcall supported website. For more information on Purple Alert or to activate an account click here.
Employee Accident Information is distributed with every safety meeting. All information and forms are distributed with safety meeting information or available to print from this website (see: Safety Tips).
No documents have been uploaded to this Category yet.The following documents consist of topics covered during employee safety meetings.
Vehicle accidents must be reported immediately and investigated in a timely manner using ORM [DA 2041] Accident Report (Louisiana State Driver Safety Program). Printed copies of this form can be obtained from the NSU Environmental Health & Safety Office. Forms should also be located inside each NSU vehicle.
Automobile claims arise when Northwestern State University (NSU) is legally liable for bodily injury or property damage caused by the use of university owned, personal vehicles on university business, rented or leased automobiles.
All claims for liability or physical damage to state-owned, leased or rental vehicles are to be reported to the NSU EHS Office immediately at or
A [DA 2041] Accident Report (Louisiana State Driver Safety Program) and [DA 2000] State Employee Incident/Accident Form must be submitted within 24 hours of an auto accident even if there is no damage to the vehicle or employee.
DEDUCTIBLE: The deductible for auto collision and comprehensive claims is $1,000. All departments are responsible for the $1,000 deductible per accident, for collision and comprehensive coverage.
DRUG SCREEN: Post-Accident/Incident: Any employee directly involved in an on-duty accident or incident, and whose action or inaction may have been a causative factor of same, shall be required to immediately submit to drug and alcohol testing if:
- Reasonable Suspicion: Circumstances give rise to a reasonable suspicion of the employee’s drug or alcohol use or impairment, or
- Fatality: The accident or incident resulted in a fatality; or seriously bodily injury, or
- Hazardous Materials Release: The accident or incident resulted in or caused the release of hazardous waste as defined in LA R.S. 30:2173(2) or hazardous materials as defined in LA R.S. 32:1502(5).
Related Documents
Procedures for Enrolling Operators
Upon recognizing the need for an employee to operate a state-owned/leased/hired vessel by their supervisor, the employee shall complete the Authorization History Form (DA 2066). The information on this form shall be used to acquire the Water Operator Record (from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries). The Authorization History Form and the WOR is then submitted to the Agency head or designee who shall review the operator record and sign the Authorization History Form. When employees are authorized to operate water vessels, they shall be enrolled in the “BoatUS” course (or other NASBLA-approved course) or the refresher course. A copy of the certificate of completion shall be retained on file.
It is the responsibility of the individual Agency to retain any/all records pertaining to the Water Vessel program (with the exception of records for the BoatUS Course) as the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries will NOT maintain such.

Environmental Health & Safety Office
Emergency Preparedness
998 South Jefferson Street
Facility Services Building, Room 122
Natchitoches, Louisiana 71497
Phone: (318) 357-4424
Fax: (318) 357-4348
Chelsea Eddington, Assistant to the EHS Officer
There are 4 steps to Accident Reporting:
- Notify your supervisor
- Notify University Police 318-357-5431
- Notify EHS 318-357-4424 or
- Fill out the proper form