Northwestern State University offers courses for college credit for selected high school students through two dual enrollment programs: Eligible 11th and 12th grade students can apply to deNSU Early College and eligible 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students can apply to deNSU Fast Forward (Associate of General Studies degree program). Students can earn college credit while enrolled in courses taught at their high school by NSU credentialed high school teachers. Students may also enroll in online courses directly through Northwestern or in traditional courses on Northwestern’s campus.

  1. Student must be enrolled in a Louisiana public, private, or parochial school, or in a Louisiana Department of Education BESE-Approved Home Study Program.
  2. Student must be in good standing as defined by the high school.
  3. Student must be on track for completing (by graduation from high school) the required Louisiana Board of Regents Core Curriculum.
  4. Student must be enrolled in a college course for which dual credit is attempted and recorded on both student’s secondary and postsecondary academic record.
  5. Student must meet the Louisiana Board of Regents Student Eligibility Requirements to enroll in academic courses. Northwestern State University reserves the right to set higher admission standards.
  6. High school is responsible for verifying students’ high school grade point average prior to the start of each NSU semester to continue dual enrollment.
  7. A student must meet the prerequisite requirements of an NSU course to enroll.

Students must meet the eligibility requirements designated below in addition to the minimum requirements from the BOR Academic Affairs Policy 2.22.

deNSU Early College Access (Public, Private or Charter High School)

A student attending a public, private or charter high school would be eligible to enroll in the deNSU Early College Access (Dual Enrollment Program) if they meet the following criteria:

  • 11th or 12th grade high school student
  • A minimum 2.5 cumulative high school GPA
  • Meet subject-specific minimum scores on approved assessments (Example: Both ACT English (18) and ACT Math (19) minimum scores.)
  • OR Counselor Recommendation based on overall student performance and grade trends in the subject.

For a list of approved list assessments and score requirements click here.

deNSU Early College Access (BESE Approved Home Study Program)

A student attending a BESE Approved Home Study Program would be eligible to enroll in the deNSU Early College Access (Dual Enrollment Program) if they meet the following criteria:

  • 11th or 12th grade high school student
  • A minimum 2.5 cumulative high school GPA
  • Meet subject-specific minimum scores on approved assessments (Example: Both ACT English (18) and ACT Math (19) minimum scores.)
deNSU Fast Forward (Associate of General Studies degree program)

A student attending a public, private or charter high school or BESE Approved Home Study program would be eligible to enroll in the deNSU Early College Access (Dual Enrollment Program) if they meet the following criteria:

  • 10th, 11th or 12th grade high school student
  • A minimum 3.5 cumulative high school GPA
  • Meet subject-specific minimum scores on approved assessments (Example: Both ACT English (18) and ACT Math (19) minimum scores.)

Application must be submitted prior to 10th grade year.  11th and 12th grade students may apply, but application and prior credit will be reviewed.

For a list of approved list assessments and score requirements click here.

To learn more about the deNSU Fast Forward program click here.

Students may enroll in courses listed on the Louisiana Board of Regents Master Course Articulation Matrix. Students should consult with the Registrar’s Office of the institution they plan on attending after high school prior to enrolling in dual enrollment courses to verify course transferability.

Fall 2025 Online Dual Enrollment Course Schedule

Tuition is $60.00 per credit hour. 

Tuition exemptions
When a student registers for classes, they are considered an enrolled Northwestern State University student and are assessed regular tuition and registration fees. Charges for regular tuition/registration fees, and IncludED fees will display in the “Payments” block on student’s myNSU Account Homepage (Dashboard). These charges will continue to display on student’s myNSU Homepage until exemptions have been posted for each course(s). **See timeline below. Students are responsible for paying their tuition and IncludEd Textbook Program fees immediately upon registering for classes.

Fee payment
Paper statements are not mailed by the University. Students are responsible for paying their tuition and IncludEd Textbook Program fees immediately upon registering for classes unless tuition/IncludED is being paid by the high school or district. High school and district invoices are processed upon request from high school/district.

Textbooks for internet courses, Natchitoches Campus and Leesville Campus courses will be part of the IncludED Textbook Program. IncludED is a partnership between NSU and the NSU Campus Store that allows students to purchase textbooks at a reduced cost. The charge is posted directly to their myNSU Account and should be paid along with tuition (unless covered by the high school or district). Note, courses taken at the high school with a NSU credentialed high school instructor are not part of IncludED.

For more information on the IncludED Textbook Program click here.

Who Should Apply
New students
Students who enrolled in the previous semester but withdrew from all courses (re-apply)
Students who applied for the previous semester, but did not enroll (re-apply)
Students who previously took courses, but did not enroll in the current semester (re-apply)

Application Fees
Use discount code dual1884 when applying for admission to waive the application fee. We can no longer refund application fees once they have been paid.

Application Process
New students must apply online for admissions by creating an account and completing the Northwestern State University Application for Admission. Students re-applying can sign in to their existing account.

Submit immunization records (only if you attend NSU face-to-face classes and/or utilize NSU on-campus resources)

High School Guidance Counselor is responsible for submitting required documentation through their school’s personal OneDrive folder::

Click here to access instructions for Applying for Admissions.

Campus-Wide ID

After a student has been admitted, they must retrieve their Campus-Wide Number (CWID).  Student must have their CWID to sign-in to myNSU. For instructions on retrieving click here.


For login instructions for myNSU, please click here.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an electronic authentication method in which a user is granted access to a website or application only after successfully presenting two or more pieces of identifiable information (or factors).

To setup multi-factor authentication on your myNSU account you will need at least one of the following:

  • A mobile device running iOS or Android
  • A mobile phone that can receive text messages
  • A mobile or landline phone that can receive voice calls

For instructions on setting up MFA, click click here.

Registering for classes has never been easier.  Log on to myNSU and click the Registration link found on the QuickLinks Menu.

Click here to access instructions for Registering and Dropping Classes.

Northwestern State University uses Moodle as its learning management system.  This platform is designed to provide educators, administrators, and learners with a secure and integrated system to deliver online courses.  For assistance navigating Moodle course, please click here.

Students taking online courses may be required to secure proctoring services for some or all exams.  Instructors will post proctoring requirements within each course.

Information regarding proctoring can be located here.

High School dual enrolled students must comply with the published NSU Academic Calendar.  To access the Academic Calendar, click here.


Julie Longlois
Carl Perkins and Dual Enrollment Program Coordinator
119 South Hall
Phone: 318-357-6355
Toll Free: 800-376-2422

Melanie McBride
Dual Enrollment Specialist
110 South Hall
Phone : 318-357-6355
Toll Free: 800-376-2422

Stephanie Henson
Director of Electronic Learning & Global Engagement
120 South Hall
Phone: 318-357-6355
Toll Free: 800-376-2422