Louisiana’s Taylor Opportunity Program (TOPS)

The TOPS program is a comprehensive, merit-based student aid program consisting of a series of components, with each component having its own eligibility criteria and titled award. The purpose of TOPS is to provide an incentive for Louisiana residents to academically prepare for and pursue post-secondary education in this state, resulting in an educated work force enabling Louisiana to prosper in the global market of the future. The major components of TOPS are the Opportunity Award, the Performance Award and the Honors Award.  Students can check TOPS eligibility at the LOSFA website.

TOPS Summer Payment Criteria (at least one):

Student has earned at least 60 hours of college credit prior to summer session, OR
Summer session is required enrollment in the degree program and student is enrolled in no less than the minimum number of hours required for that degree program, OR
Degree program’s graduation requirements can be completed during the summer session, OR
Course taken is required for graduation and is only offered during summer session, OR
Summer session is conducted for the nonacademic program a student is enrolled in.

TOPS Summer Payment Request Form

Louisiana National Guard Patriot Scholarship

The Louisiana National Guard Patriot Scholarship, created in August 2023, provides scholarships to Louisiana National Guard members who are enrolled in a Louisiana public postsecondary institution and who are eligible for the Louisiana National Guard tuition waiver.  This program provides for the payment of mandatory fees charged to the student by the institution as funds are appropriated.
Eligibility Requirements:

Be a member in good standing with the LA National Guard.
Be eligible to receive the LA National Guard tuition waiver.
Be eligible for STEP.
Be enrolled in at least one credit hour or more at a LA public postsecondary institution.
Must be enrolled as of the 14th class date.
You must not have used the Patriot Scholarship for more than 12 semesters.
Pursuing Undergraduate degree.

Award Amount:

Equal to mandatory fees charged as evidenced on fee bill. Student Association fees are covered by the Patriot Scholarship.
NSU shall determine award amounts for eligible students based on hours enrolled.
Maximum of 12 semesters. Part-time enrollment in summer sessions or intercessions count towards the maximum number of semesters or quarters.

Number of Hours Award Amount Number of Hours Award Amount
3 779.70 11 1737.90
4 883.85 12 1842.05
5 1113.00 13 1847.05
6 1217.15 14 1852.05
7 1321.30 15 1857.00
8 1425.45 16 2012.05
9 1529.60 17 2167.05
10 1633.75 18+ 2322.05

Award Year:

Begins with fall semester or term and ends immediately prior to the next fall semester or term.
Includes all semesters, quarters, terms, and intersessions.

Billing process:

The NG Patriot Scholarship will be offered to all eligible students.
NSU will bill for awards after the 14th class day.
Awards will be accepted once NSU has received payment from Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA).

Continuing Eligibility:

Be a member in good standing with the LA National Guard.
Be eligible to receive the LA National Guard tuition waiver as of billing date.
Not have received the scholarship for 12 semesters or 16 quarters.
Not be on academic probation.
Not received the scholarship for four years unless granted an extension due to mobilization or call to active duty.
Not achieved a baccalaureate degree utilizing the funds for the program.

Regaining Eligibility:

You can lose eligibility if you get put on academic probation, or if your Unit Commander Flags you.
Academic Eligibility can be reviewed once a student is no longer on academic probation.

Visit the Louisiana National Guard website for more information.


The Start Saving Program establishes education savings accounts by individuals, groups, or organizations with provisions for routine deposits of funds to cover the future educational costs of a designated beneficiary.

Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship

This program competitively awards scholarships to high school graduates, college undergraduate and graduate students majoring in forestry, wildlife or marine science. Recipients must attain a degree in one of the three eligible fields at a Louisiana public college/university or repay the funds, plus interest. More information found on LOFSA Programs website.

Geaux Teach

The Geaux Teach scholarship program was established to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in teacher preparation programs or alternate certification programs approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) at postsecondary education institutions within the state.

What are the eligibility requirements?
1. The student must be a United States citizen and if required, registered with the Selective Service.
2. Be a Louisiana resident for at least two years prior to July 1 immediately preceding the academic year of enrollment.
3. Have at least a 2.50 cumulative college grade point average.
4. Be enrolled full time in an approved teacher preparation program or alternate certification program.
5. Sophomore or higher classification.
6. Complete FAFSA for award year (2023-2024) for Fall 2023, Spring 2024.

Continuing eligibility requirements

To maintain eligibility to receive a Geaux Teach Program scholarship, a student must:

• Have received the award for not more than four academic years; and
• Maintain a minimum cumulative college GPA of at least 2.50; and
• Enroll full time in an approved teacher preparation program at a Louisiana postsecondary institution or enrolled in an approved, alternative certified teacher education program through the census date.

What costs are covered?
The maximum annual award is $5,000. Scholarship awards shall be applicable only to the cost of tuition, required fees, and textbooks and instructional materials required for the course of study. The award shall be used only after all other state and institutional financial aid and awards are applied.

Award amounts
The maximum annual award is $5,000. The award amount shall be applied only to tuition, fees, textbooks, and instructional materials required for enrollment. Geaux Teach Program scholarships shall be awarded after all state and institutional financial aid are applied. Summer term awards are allowed.

The maximum semester amount for the 2024-2025 award year is up to $2000 per semester, with a maximum yearly award of $5000 due to the number of eligible applicants and funds that were allocated for awarding to NSU.

How to apply?
Complete the online application with the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance. Due to limited funding, not all eligible students can be awarded. Undergraduate students admitted into the Teacher Candidacy will be given priority consideration.

Application Deadlines
Applications received after deadlines below will not be reviewed unless funding is still available.
Fall Deadline – September 15th
Spring Deadline – February 15th
Summer Deadline – May 15th

Who do I contact if I have questions about Geaux Teach?
Dr. April Giddens
Interim Director of the School of Education
Email: giddensa@nsula.edu