NSU Scholarships
The process for applying for scholarships varies based on whether you are an entering freshman, a currently enrolled student, or a transfer student. Only complete applications will be considered.
Scholarships are financial awards given to students who intend to enroll in the University or are currently enrolled in the University. NSU offers the following Institutional Scholarships for Entering Freshman, Currently Enrolled Students and Transfer Students:
Academic: Awards based primarily on academic performance and the achievement as measured by grades and/or specified test scores.
NSU Scholarship Amounts
NSU Alumni/NSU Foundation Scholarships: A variety of scholarships are available through the generous donations and endowments to our university from our alumni and friends. Apply online for Foundation/Leadership Scholarships.
Performance: Awards based primarily on service participation of the recipient and individual evaluation performed by the department. These awards are awarded through the Department of Creative and Performing Arts, Department of Military Science and Department of Language and Communications. Determinations of awards are done by respective departments.
Athletic: Awards based primarily on individual evaluation performed by the Athletic Department in compliance with current NCAA regulations.
Entering Freshman Students
In order to receive priority consideration please adhere to the following dates:
- October 31 – Early Bird
- December 1 – initial priority deadline
- March 1 – second priority deadline
Entering freshman must submit the following during their senior year in high school:
- Complete the Application for Admission
- Official high school transcript*
- Official test score on either the ACT (school code 1600) or SAT (school code 6492)
*Louisiana Students graduating 2003 and after: NSU will request an electronic copy of your transcript from the State of Louisiana’s Student Transcript System. There is no need for you to request a hard copy from your school district unless instructed by the NSU Office of Admissions.
Currently Enrolled Students
Currently enrolled undergraduate students will be selected, if funding is available, based on their academic achievement while at NSU. Student selected should receive an award letter in July.
Transfer Students
Transfer students must submit the following by July 1 prior to their intended fall enrollment in order to receive priority consideration for academic scholarships if funding is available:
- Complete the Application for Admission
- Official college transcripts from all colleges attended
Academic Progress for Scholarships
Students must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress as stated on your award letter each semester in order to receive awards the following semester. Recipients of academic and leadership scholarships must maintain the required GPA and be enrolled as a full-time student at NSU for the semester.
Students must maintain the required 3.0 (or 2.5 depending on the scholarship) semester or cumulative GPA. The required GPA is specific to each scholarship and is stated on your award letter.
Students must attempt at least 12 hours each semester unless in clinical rotation. Students in clinical rotation must attempt at least 11 hours.
Students who have scholarships cancelled due to failure to meet specified criteria for continuing to receive the award may appeal to the scholarship appeal committee for an exception, by completing a scholarship appeal form. Students will receive notice of cancelled Scholarships via their official Student email address.
Scholarship appeal deadline dates:
- February 15 following a fall semester cancellation
- August 15 following a spring semester cancellation
Purple Prestige Transfer Scholarship: Students who are PTK graduates are guaranteed admission to NSU and could be eligible to receive an annual scholarship of $1,500 upon meeting the following criteria, The student must:
- Have completed an associate’s degree no earlier than Spring 2017
- Be an active PTK member at the time of graduation
- Have completed a FAFSA
- Have applied to NSU
- Enroll full-time at NSU the semester after their completion of an associate’s degree
- Maintain full-time enrollment (for renewal)
- Be in good academic standing while enrolled at NSU (for renewal)
- Maintain a 3.0 semester GPA to retain the scholarship
Purple Prestige Transfer Scholarship Application
Purple Prestige Transfer Scholarship Flyer
Transfer Excellence Scholarship: Students who are first time transfer students to NSU beginning in Fall 2023, could be eligible to receive an annual Transfer Scholarship of $1,500 upon meeting the following criteria. This award is for a maximum of two academic years, excluding summer enrollment.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Have applied to NSU and eligible for Admissions
- Must have completed 30 transferable hours
- Must have a minimum 3.25 cumulative transfer GPA
- Student must be attempting to complete a first Associate or Bachelor’s degree
- Must enroll in at least 12 hours during first semester attending NSU
All students who meet the eligibility criteria will be reviewed for awarding based on the Admissions Application and Official Academic Transcripts.
Renewal Criteria:
- Maintain 3.0 semester GPA
- Maintain Full-Time enrollment
Private Scholarships: Consider free only online scholarship search services, such as Fastweb and redkite.