Alpha Lambda Delta
The National Honor Society for First-Year Success

Welcome to Alpha Lambda Delta
The purpose of Alpha Lambda Delta is to encourage superior academic attainment among students in their first year in institutions of higher education, to promote intelligent living and a continued high standard of learning, and to assist students in recognizing and developing meaningful goals for their unique roles in society.
To learn more about Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society visit: https://www.nationalald.org/
NSU Scholarship Recipients
National Awards and Recognition
Each year, Alpha Lambda Delta recognizes individual chapters with various honors that represent the hard-work and achievements throughout the academic year. The Alpha, Lambda and Delta awards are presented for significant increases in membership. The Order of the Torch is the annual award for the most outstanding chapters of Alpha Lambda Delta in the nation. Chapters are eligible to receive the distinction every four years. Maintaining the Flame is presented to chapters who have continued to excel in programming, activities, and service. Below is the history for the presentation of these awards to the NSU Chapter.
Service Events and Opportunities
ALD Leads Certified
ALD Leads Certified is an online leadership and career development series offering 12 courses that cover essential competencies for the 21st century. Participating in ALD Leads Certified will help you set yourself apart and jumpstart your journey for career preparedness and success. Each course includes a popular leadership speaker. Successfully complete 10 out of 12 self-paced courses and receive a nationally recognized ALD Leads Certificate/Leads 365 Certificate of Completion. Average individual course length is approximately 45 minutes.
For more information and to sign up: https://www.nationalald.org/leadscertified