President’s Leadership Program
We believe that everyone has the potential for leadership - a quality we all possess.
Why Should You Participate in PLP?
Since its inception in 1975, the President’s Leadership Program (PLP) offers students a unique opportunity for leadership growth as it embraces leadership as a process rather than a title or position. Throughout the program, participants engage with professional staff, peer mentors, and like-minded first-year students. PLP is designed to equip students with leadership skills so they can positively contribute to campus life at NSU over the next four years. Participants will discover their personal leadership style, advance their leadership skills, and make new friends.
Learning to Lead
You will discover that YOU have leadership potential. You will be supported and encouraged to find your personal leadership style. As a participant in PLP you will:
- Discuss principles of leadership, as well as topics such as ethics, communication, conflict-resolution and working in groups.
- Explore extracurricular activities at NSU.
- Learn about various leadership styles while attending workshops, speaker events, and networking activities.
- Practice, personal wellness, engage in productive self-reflection, and create inclusive environments.
- Actively participate in campus traditions, service, and building community.
- Network with faculty, staff and administrators.
- Build relationships with other new students.
- Approach leadership activities through intensive, hands-on learning, and practice.
Participation is open to all majors and is limited to first-year, full-time students.
How to Apply
Applications are accepted on an on-going basis with a final application deadline in late summer. The Leadership Application can be found online at: Group interviews for the program are typically held in the spring and involve both group activities and personal interviews.

“When I came to NSU I only knew a handful of people; however, over the course of my first year, the activities in the President’s Leadership Program showed me how to become more comfortable and familiar with the people around me in order to work together positively and effectively. This encouraged me to become more involved around campus and be unafraid to meet 5 new people everyday!”