Contact Forms 7 & Your Privacy

Web Services values your privacy and makes it our priority. The forms within some of these pages uses an application called Contact Forms 7 and this page explains how the information we collect will be treated.

What information do you store?

We store user input data sent through the contact forms on this website, along with meta information about the submissions, including the time stamp, the origin IP address, and the user agent (browser). Also, third party services may collect information about website visitors. We currently use Google Analytics.

Where does the information go?

We use the Contact Form 7 plugin to manage contact form submissions. The information is sent as email messages that only a select few are allowed to access.

How long do you keep the information?

We try to flush the data as soon as possible, unless we are directed by our CIO to keep the data from a particular form input; otherwise we try to clear all input data the end of each semester.  If you want your information to be removed from our database before this time, please contact us. We will remove it anytime there are concerns about your privacy.

Do you share the information with other parties?

No, although we do use some WordPress plugins on this website that may pass data to external servers to process, such as Akismet Anti-Spam or Jetpack by  We only use WordPress plugins and themes that are hosted by’s guidelines clearly prohibit tracking users without their explicit informed consent.