
Bill Brent
QEP Director

Dr. Chris Gilson
QEP Assistant Director

Dr. Vickie Gentry
Provost & Vice President Academic Affairs
Phone: 318-357-5361

Quality Enhancement Plan

Learning for Life: Experience Your Future is more than a slogan. It represents the university’s legacy in experiential learning and its commitment to expanding and enhancing hands-on experiences across programs. Learning for Life will bridge gaps between classroom theory and application while prompting students to reflect on their learning. Most importantly, it will improve student readiness for a chosen career or advanced study.

Improving student learning is the heart of the accreditation process. As part of the reaffirmation for accreditation, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) expects each institution to develop a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that focuses on one area essential to the University’s mission and future success. Learning for Life: Experience Your Future was created through a multi-year process with input from students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members. Our QEP purpose over the next five years is to give all undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in one of the following high-impact educational practices: internship/apprenticeship; research thesis/project; or capstone course/project. These experiential education opportunities will best prepare students for their future.

The QEP was developed by two teams: QEP Executive Committee and QEP Task Force. Three additional teams will be established to guide the implementation and assessment processes.

The purpose of the QEP Executive Committee is to provide leadership and oversight to the five components of the QEP Review Framework. These components include: 1) An institutional process, 2) Focus of the plan, 3) Institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and completion of the plan, 4) Broad-based involvement of institutional constituencies, and 5) Assessment of the plan.

The QEP Task Force is responsible for writing the QEP. Each team member partners with one or two members of the Executive Committee to cover their writing assignment (i.e., one of the five components of the QEP Framework).

NSU Experiential Education Conference, Spring 2018