Our Staff

Director’s Office
Megan Lowe Director
JaReyna Washington (Admin Coord 2) Library Administration Office
(318) 357-4403
fax (318) 357-4470

Cammie Henry Research Center
Donna Baker, University Archivist and Records Officer
(318) 357-4585
Vacant, Assistant Archivist
(318) 357-4585

Yolanda Bobb, Head
(318) 357-4477
Brent C. Thomas, Assistant Night Library Facilities Manager
(318) 357-6063

Reference and Library Instruction
Anna Tapia MacDonald, Head
(318) 357-6263

Government Information
Michael Matthews, Head
(318) 357-4466
Christine Dorribo
(318) 357-4574

Collection Development and Cataloging
Debbie Huntington, Head
(318) 357-6947
Vacant, Library Specialist 3
(318) 357-6942

Serials and Media
Kerri Christopher, Head
(318) 357-4407
Terrie Sebren
(318) 357-4467
Sontonia Helaire
(318) 357-6946

InterLibrary Loan
Jackie Hawkins
(318) 357-5465

Shreveport Nursing Library
Sherri Voebel, Nursing Librarian
(318) 677-3013
Sandra Rufty
(318) 677-3007

Leesville Library
Heather Ritter
(337) 423-4914

Prince Music Library
(318) 357-5475

NSU Academic Department Library Liaisons

Education TBD
Biological & Physical Sciences/ Engineering Technology/ Mathematics
Michael Matthews
(318) 357-4466
Criminal Justice, History, Social Sciences TBD
Creative & Performing Arts/ New Media, Journalism & Communication Arts Debbie Huntington
(318) 357-6947

English, Foreign Language & Cultural Studies/ Louisiana Scholars College/ Psychology & Addiction Studies/ Social Work TBD
Accounting, Business, Computer & Information Systems Anna McDonald
(318) 357-4407
Health & Human Performance/ Military Science ROTC TBD
Nursing/ Allied Health Sherri Voebel
(318) 677-3013
Leesville Campus Heather Ritter
(337) 392-3126

The library accepts book requests from all patrons. Submit complete publication information for your recommendation by using our Book Request Form or by sending an email to huntingtond@nsula.edu. If we acquire it, we’ll notify you by email.