Cammie G. Henry Research Center
The Melrose Collection
Third Floor, Watson Memorial Library
913 University Parkway
Natchitoches LA 71457
Mon—Thu | 8am-5pm |
Fri | 8am-noon |
Contact Us
Phone: 318-357-4585
Donna Baker, University Archivist and Records Officer
Vacant, Assistant Archivist

“Some day – some one will hunt history in these very old materials C.G.H” — note by Cammie G. Henry in a Melrose Scrapbook
The Research Center is named after Carmelite “Cammie” Garrett Henry (1871-1948) of Melrose, Louisiana who collected Louisiana documents and books of rare fictional and non-fictional works. Here you’ll find Louisiana books, rare books, archival materials, NSU Archives, microfilm, maps, newspapers, and oral history tapes.
Melrose Plantation, the Henry Family home, provided a perfect setting for entertaining guests from diversified intellectual disciplines including literature, art, and the social sciences.
After the sale of Cammie G. Henry’s home, her manuscript collection was donated to Northwestern State University and named the Melrose Collection. This collection, our largest, serves as the core of the Research Center’s holdings. It focuses on the rich cultural, historical, and literary heritage of Louisiana and Natchitoches spanning from French Colonial times through the 1940’s.
Other collections sharing similar strengths include those of James Aswell, the Cloutier Family, Robert DeBlieux, Caroline Dormon, Joe Dellmon, the Egan Family, and the Federal Writers’ Project. Our resources offer a wealth of opportunities for scholars. Focusing on Louisiana History, documents range in date from the founding of Natchitoches in the early 1700’s to the present.
The Melrose Imaging Project digitizes images from these collections for easier access and preservation. Electronically imaging the Melrose Collection allows computer access to documents related to the region’s history, and preserves the originals.
Fees | |
Distance researchers, minimium processing fee | $10.00 plus postage |
Photocopy & low-resolution digital copy: Printed matter | $0.10 per page |
Photocopy & low-resolution digital copy: Manuscript materials | $0.50 per page |
$0.70 (11×17) | |
Custom Scanning: 300ppl or higher | $1.00 each original |
Custom Scanning: negatives | $2.00 each |
Media: Blank CD | $2.00 |
Media: Blank DVD | $4.00 |
Save to your disk, flash drive, or hard drive | no charge |
Publication Fee: Print & non-web publications | $25 |
Publication Fee: Commercial | $100 |
Web-only use: Non-Profit | $15 |
Web-only use: Commercial | $100 |
Exhibits: Non-Profit | no charge |
Exhibits: Commercial | $50 |
Payment due before we complete and send your request.
Write checks and money orders payable to “NSU Foundation”
Please indicate “Dunnington Special Collection” on the memo line.
Mail payment to:
Cammie G. Henry Research Center
Watson Library
Northwestern State University
Natchitoches, LA 71497
Tel 318 357-4585
Regulations for Use and Reproduction of Material
The Cammie G. Henry Research Center reserves the right to decide what materials in its collection are available for use and reproduction and what form that reproduction may take.
The Copyright Law of the United States [Title 17, United States Code] governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials. Special Collections staff reserve the right to refuse duplication if, in their judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.
When planning to publish materials obtained from the CGHRC, a permission to publish form must be completed and signed by the patron and the head archivist.
The fees charged for reproduction does not in any way constitute sale of a duplicated photograph or manuscript item, but is merely a fee charged for obtaining a copy print in lieu of using the original file print, negative or manuscript item. The Cammie G. Henry Research Center retains all rights to the photographic materials on file in the CGHRC.
The provision of current U.S. Copyright Law or other legal questions apply; any and all responsibility of restrictions of copyright and/or other legal questions which may arise from facsimile reproduction of materials from the collections of the CGHRC or from the use of such reproductions, in any manner, will be assumed by the applicant.
Photographs and manuscript materials are procured for purposes of private study and/or scholarly research. Reproduction, i.e., in a publication or for any other purpose or donation to another institution without the written consent of the CGHRC is prohibited. The CGHRC normally reserves to itself the sole right to copy or reproduce its photographs and manuscript materials.
Any material from the CGHRC used in a publication must be credited to the CGHRC. If it is from a particular collection in the CGHRC, that collection must also be credited. The staff will supply the appropriate wording for this credit line. The person ordering photographs or manuscript materials and requesting permission for its use will be responsible for the credit line. All published photographic images or manuscript items must at least include “Cammie G. Henry Research Center” on the same page of the manuscript item or the photograph.
Photocopying and photoduplication requests must be approved by CGHRC staff in order to protect fragile materials.
The physical condition of the materials to be copied is of primary concern and duplication that might damage or alter the original in any way is not allowed.
Original artwork or tightly bound, fragile, or oversize books cannot be copied on a copy machine; although, it may be possible to utilize non-flash photography and/or a flatbed scanner. Use of hand-held or personal scanners are not permitted.
Please specify the purpose (study, publication, exhibition, etc.) for which the duplicated material is intended. In order to protect the integrity of the collections, CGHRC reserves the right to limit the size of copy orders and to not duplicate an entire collection.
Credit line will have the following format:
Name of the item, name of collection, from the NSU Cammie G. Henry Research Center
All reproduction from materials in the CGHRC will be made on the premises by the staff. The original negatives may not leave the premises without authorization from the head archivist of the CGHRC. Such authorization must be requested in writing and state reasons why the reproduction cannot be made by the CGHRC staff.
If photographs and manuscript material are used in a publication, a copy of that publication should be sent to the CGHRC for its files.
In order to protect the integrity of the collections, and the intellectual properties of the university, no more than 24 images or 10% of the total collection, whichever is greater, from any individual collection on may be reproduced.
Patrons seeking more than 24 images, or 10%, from an individual collection must submit a request in writing to the head archivist explaining the need for the images.
Approval of such requests will be based on considerations such as the following:
- Will fulfilling the request enhance the standing of the university or fill a cultural resource need in the region?
- Are there any alternatives for securing copies of the images?
- Are the images likely to be reproduced by the patron for sale or further distribution?
- Will NSU be cited as the domicile of the originals in any public use or exhibition of the images?
Any photograph or manuscript material made by the CGHRC which is put on display should be accompanied by a credit line displayed with the image. The CGHRC is more than willing to work out a reasonable credit line at the time the image is ordered.
Any person or organization not abiding by these regulations, including failure to give proper credit, will be denied access to the use of materials in the CGHRC.
Components of the Cammie Henry Research Center
Louisiana Books. Works relating to Louisiana and publications by Louisiana writers. These books are denoted as “Louisiana Collection” or “also in La. Room.”
Rare Books. Rare and unusual books including history, anthropology, geography, literature, and art.
Archives and Manuscripts. This Collection could not exist or continue its growth without community support through generous donations of original materials to the University. Nearly 800 collections can be found through the Research Center’s extensive subject index, collection inventories, and specialized guides. You must complete a research application and agree to abide by special regulations when using these materials.
Northwestern State University Archives. University non-current records and past presidential papers. Consult our subject index for access to these records.
Maps. More than 3000 maps dating from the early colonial Louisiana to the present. The maps are cataloged by date, location, and cartographer. Copies of Louisiana Confederate maps confiscated during the Civil War remain of great interest to many researchers.
Newspapers. Original issues of Louisiana newspapers, often the entire publication run. Because newsprint proves especially susceptible to damage, we ask researchers to use the microfilm copiers located in the Media/Serials Department on the second floor of the library.
Microform. Louisiana census schedules, local church records, American State Papers and copies of other archives with material pertinent to Louisiana history.
- Black Women Oral History Project, November 29, 1979, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College
- Cane River
- Census Records
- Civil War and Reconstruction
- Conservation & horticulture
- Federal Writer’s Project
- Genealogy
- Grand Ecore
- Great Depression
- Kate Chopin
- Local Church Records
- Louisiana Artists, Writers, and Poets
- Louisiana Politics
- NSU, State Normal School
- Plantation Life & Slavery
- The Red River
- Texas Borderland studies
- Women’s Studies
- World War II
The Caroline Dormon collection, along with items from the Melrose collection and numerous publications document the life, the writings, the art, and work of this accomplished conservationist, teacher and artist.
Caroline Dormon was born on July 19,1888 to James Alexander Dormon and Caroline Trotti Sweat Dormon at their summer home (named Briarwood) near Saline, Louisiana. She attended Judson College in Marion, Alabama, and was a public school teacher for a short time. In 1918, Dormon moved with her sister back to Briarwood where she became increasingly interested in forest conservation and native plant collecting. By 1920, her work was noticed by Mrs. A. F. Storm, president of the Louisiana Federation of Women’s Clubs, and Henry E. Hardtner, president of the Louisiana Forestry Association. Dormon quickly became Louisiana’s conservation chairman and served on the legislative committee to study the state’s forestry laws. One year later, she was hired by the forestry department in public relations and initiated a forestry education program in the public schools.
By 1923, tired of the bureaucratic atmosphere of her job, Dormon left her position. She continue her educational work, was instrumental in the establishment of Kisatchie National Forest, collected and studied wild irises and other native plants and was employed as a beautification and landscape consultant for several state and private gardens. Throughout the years she spoke at many garden club meetings across the South, all the while publishing a total of six monographs and a multitude of nature articles. In 1965 she was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Science degree from Louisiana State University for her achievements in botany and horticulture. Dormon died in Shreveport in 1971, but not before making arrangements to set aside her beloved Briarwood as a nature preserve for all to enjoy.
The collection covers Dormon’s many activities accomplished as naturalist, botanist, conservationist, gardener, writer, illustrator, landscape artist and clubwoman. Materials include photographs, pamphlets, scrapbooks and paintings. Also included is personal correspondence with individuals on such topics as botany, forestry, politics, Native Americans, archaeology and anthropology. Of particular interest, are three letters from Thomas Edison to Dormon concerning the possible use of a goldenrod grown by Dormon as a rubber source. Drawings and paintings by Dormon documenting plants and Native American research are also present in the collection.
F377 .N4 B75 2003 LACOLL
Historic American Landscapes Survey Briarwood: Caroline Dormon Nature Preserve
Howell, Rebecca A.
LD3091 .L3686 M365
Pioneering spirit remembered: The legacies of Caroline Dormon
McMillin, Marsha R.
QK163 .D6 1996 LA COLL
Wild flowers of Louisiana
Dormon, Caroline
QH45.2 .B66 1995 1995 American women afield : writings by pioneering women naturalists 1st ed.
Bonta, Marcia
LD3091 .L3687 T1274 1994
Caroline Dormon and Louisiana archaeology of the 1930s
Trissler, Alicia
QK31 .D58 J64 1990 LACOLL 1990
The gift of the wild things : the life of Caroline Dormon
Johnson, Fran Holman.
QK484 .L5 D66 1974 LACOLL 1974
Louisiana trees
McKean, Alexander Silkirk
QL684 .L8 D676 LACOLL 1969
Bird talk
Dormon, Caroline
E99 .C7 D6 LACOLL 1967
Southern Indian boy; two Indian stories
Dormon, Caroline
QK495.G74 G7 LACOLL 1966
Common plants of longleaf pine-bluestem range
Grelen, Harold Eugene
SB405 .D62 1965
Natives preferred; native trees and flowers for every location
Dormon, Caroline
QH31 .D665 S76 1961 1961
Caroline Dormon and her accomplishments
Stringfellow, Emma L.
QK 484 A8 M6 1960 RARE 1960
Trees of Arkansas Rev. ed.
Moore, Dwight Munson
BV3427 .R33 1960
I saw it happen to China, 1913-1949
Rankin, Hattie Love
SB405 .D6 1958
Flowers native to the Deep South [1st ed.
Dormon, Caroline
QK484 .A8 M6 RARE 1950
Trees of Arkansas
Moore, Dwight Munson
SB405 .S435 1947 RARE 1947
Gardening in the South and West Rev. and enl. ed.
Scruggs, Marian Stuart Price
QK484 .L5 D66 1943 LACOLL 1943
Forest trees of Louisiana
Dormon, Caroline
SB405 .L39 RARE 1942
A Southern garden, a handbook for the middle South
Lawrence, Elizabeth
QK163 .D6 1942 1942
Wild flowers of Louisiana
Dormon, Caroline
QK484 .L5 D66 LACOLL 1941
Forest trees of Louisiana
Dormon, Caroline
QK163 .D6 1934
Wild flowers of Louisiana : Including most of the herbaceous wild flowers of the Gulf states, with the exception of mountainous regions, and the sub-tropical ports of Florida and Texas 1st ed.
Dormon, Caroline
PN6110 .T75 P59 RARE V.1 1932
Poems of trees
Melton, Wightman Fletcher
DT646 .M5 RARE 1931
Jungles preferred
Miller, Janet.
PS3505 .A79665 Z3526 LACOLL
Ada Jack Carver
Dodson, Alma
QK484 .L5 D6 1928
Forest trees of Louisiana and how to know them
Dormon, Caroline
SB453 .W55 1926 RARE
Aristocrats of the garden
Wilson, Ernest Henry
F379 .N5 C54 RARE
Pen drawings of old New Orleans
Churchill, Francis Gorton
1 Letters from Walter Allan, 1951
2 Letters from Walter Allan, 1952
3 Letters from Walter Allan, 1953
4 Letters from Walter Allan, 1954
4 Letters from Rachel Allan, 1955
5 Letters from Robert E. Allen, 1950-1951
5 Letters from Nat Allen, 1937-1939, 1958
5 Letter and enclosures from Caroline Dormon and lists of registrations
6 Letters from Margaret Alpha, 1950-1953
7 Letter from Carl R. Amason about his native plants, 1968
7 Letter from Gwen, Andey, Surry, 1944
7 Letters and envelopes from Charles Arny, 1957-1958
8 Letters from Nelle L. Avery (Mrs. W. J.), 1936-1939
9 Correspondence
10 Letters from Claude A. Barr, 1955-1966
11 Exchange of letters David Barr and C. Dormon, 1950
11 Letters from A. A. Bernhardt
12 Letter from Elbert Blair, 1957
12 Letter from Mrs. Robert B. Berry, 1939
12 Letter from Ruth A. Blamquist, 1959
12 Letter from H. L. Blamquist, 1952
12 Letter from Lanise E. Boaz
13 Letters from Florence Boatner, 1945-1968
14 Letters from S.N. Broussard, Elsie & Vernon Broussard and K. H. Bucher
15 Letters from Clair A. Brown, 1934-1970
15 Booklet, 1935
15 Article, 1944
15 Letter from C. Dormon, 1946
16 Letters from James Caffery and one typed article, 1935-1953
17 Letters from people with surnames starting with the alphabet B & C including Burke, 1954
18 Letters from W. Chalupnik and carbon copies of Dormon letters to Chalupnik, 1956-1962
19 Letters from Thurman Chatham, 1952-53
19 Letter from Leopold Charette, 1945
19 Letter and postal from C. Chisum
20 Letter from G. Latta Clement, 1948
20 Letters from R. S. Cocks
21 Letter from J. C. Clark, 1954
21 Letter from Charles Clark, 1944
21 Letters from Kitty Clint, 1958-1959
22 Letters from Minnie Colquitt, 1951-1957
22 Carbon copy Dormon to Minnie Colquitt
22 Original Dormon to Minnie Colqutt letter from Warren Dietrich, 1956
22 Letter from B. LeRoy Davidson, 1953
23 Letters from Inez Conger and postcards, 1942-58
23 Postal and clipping from Tressie Cook, 1953
23 Letter from Ed Conger, 1951-1956
24 Letter from Warren O. Cool, 1950
24 Letter from Phillip G. Corliss, 1949
24 Exchange of letters from Dormon and Couch, 1957
24 Letters from Tom Craig, 1946-1947
25 Letters from Doris Cucurulle and pamphlets, 1958
25 Bristol Nurseries, 1956
25 Letter from Danks, 1944-1947
25 Carbon copy letter from Dormon, 1944
26 Letter from Wilbur Dix, 1935
26 Letter from M. J. Dorsey, 1961
26 Letter from Laura Dow, 1965
26 Letters from Herbert Dozier, 1949
26 letter from Vera Dreyfous, 1939
26 Letter from Annette Duchein, 1959
26 Letter from Albert H. Edmeades, 1951
27 Letter from Caroline Dormon to Clair A. Brown, 1935-1946
28 Letters from Percy E. Brown, 1953-1966
28 Letter from Pat Brown, 1957
28 Letter from Mrs. D. E. Brown, 1953
29 Photocards from David Brown, 1955-1956
29 Letter from Cora A. Brown, 1938
30 Letters from Ruth Dormon and Caroline Dorman from Frank Chowning, 1942-1947
31 Letters from Frank Chowning, 1948-1950
32 Letters from Frank Chowning, 1951-1961
32 Carbon copy from Caroline Dormon to Frank Chowning, 1943
33 Letters from W.C. Coker, 1935-1943
34 Letters from Irene Day, 1944
34 Letters from Florens DeBevoise, 1935-1936
34 Carbon copy of letters from Caroline Dormon to Mrs. Deal, 1949
35 Letters from Sidney Cogner and one booklet, 1943-1950
36 Letters from Sidney Conger, 1951-1952
37 Letters from Sidney Conger, 1953-1958
38 Letters from Katherine Cornay, 1943-1958
39 Letters from Claude W. Davis, 1950-1960
40 Letters from Sidney DuBose, 1943-1950
41 Letters from Sidney DuBose, 1950-1955
41 Card from Mary DuBose, 1958
42 Letters and undated correspondence of Dan and Mary Debaillon with C. Dorman
43 Letters from Mary Debaillon to C. Dorman, 1932-1933
43 List from C. Dorman
43 Letter from Lawrence Menuet
44 Letters from Mary S. Debaillon, 1934
45 Letters from Mary Debaillon, 1935
45 Letter from Dan Debaillon
45 Letter from Caroline Dormon
45 Letter from Mary Debaillon, 1936
46 Letters from Dan & Mary Debaillon, undated
47 Letters from Dan DeBaillon
47 List of Irises in DeBaillon collection
48 Letters from Dan DeBaillon, 1943-1956
48 Letter from Caroline Dormon
48 See also Lafayette Progress, March 20, 1954, “Famous Lafayette Garden Being Restored to Beauty”
49 Letters from Mary Debaillon
49 Letters from Dan Debaillon
50 Letters from Mary Debaillon, 1937
51 Letters from Mary Debaillon
52 Letters from Mary Debaillon, 1939
53 Letters from Sterling C. Evans and carbon copy from Dormon reply, 1956-1957
53 Short note from Bruce and Ann Evans, 1959
53 Letters from Joseph Evans, enclosure, 1955-1960
53 Carbon copy of Dormon’s reply
54 Letters from Harold Epstein, 1955-1963
54 Letter from C. Dormon
55 Letters from Sidney Phillips, 1956-59
55 Letters and enclosures from C. Dormon
55 Letter and enclosure from advertising department
56 Letters from George Lawrence, 1957-64
56 Carbon copy letters from Caroline Dormon and 2 pages, 1957-58; enclosure included carbon copy of letter to Sara Gladney
57 Letters from Elizabeth Lawrence, 1942-1944
58 Letters from Elizabeth Lawrence, 1944
58 Letters and specimen from Elizabeth Lawrence, 1945
59 Letters from Elizabeth Lawrence, 1946-1949
59 Letters from Elizabeth Lawrence, 1954
60 Letters from Elizabeth Lawrence,1957
61 Letters from Elizabeth Lawrence, 1958
61 Letter from C. Dormon to Elizabeth Lawrence
61 Letters from Elizabeth Lawrence, 1958
62 Letters from Elizabeth Lawrence and enclosure, 1959
2 Carbon copy from C. Dormon
63 Letters from Elizabeth Lawrence, 1961-1962
63 Award to Caroline Dormon
64 Letters to Ruth Dormon from Elizabeth Lawrence, undated
65 Undated letters from Elizabeth Lawrence
66 Undated letters from Elizabeth Lawrence
67 Undated letters from Elizabeth Lawrence
68 Undated letters from Elizabeth Lawrence
68 Undated letter to Elizabeth Lawrence
69 Correspondence
70 Letters to C. Dormon and Annie Miles from Dave Fischer, 1933-1947 and undated
71 Letters from William C. Fitzhugh, 1936-1942
71 W.S. Flory letters, 1950-1960
71 Caroline Dormon letter
71 W.D. Freeland, 1961
72 Assorted correspondence to Caroline Dormon, 1933-38
72 Letters from Alexia Gerberg, 1957
73 Letters from Reginald Forbes, 1923-1924
74 Letters from Reginald Forbes, 1925
75 Letters from Reginald Forbes, 1926-28
75 Christmas Card, 1949
76 Letters from Kathryn Goodwin, 1968
76 Letters from F. Gundersen, 1948
76 Letters from H. O. Gosselin, 1941
76 Letters from A. J. Grout, 1936
76 Letters from Dormon to Hager, 1954-1959
77 Letters from Caroline Dormon, 1949
77 Letter and clippings from Wilma Hamilton, 1956
77 Letters from Dale Hammond, 1946 and undated
77 Letters from Gordon Hammer, 1940-1941
77 Letter from Earl Hornback, 1951
78 Letters from Ethel Harmon, 1947-60
78 Carbon copy of letter from Caroline Dormon, 1948
78 Letter from R.M. Harper, 1937
78 Letters from Laverne Harper, 1947-1954
79 Letters and booklet from Sigmund Solymosy, 1959-1959
79 Carbon copy of letter from Caroline Dormon to Solymosy, 1959
80 Letters from Sigmund Solymosy, 1960-66
80 Letters from Caroline Dormon to Solymosy, 1965-66
81 Undated letters
81 Letters from Sara Gladney and photo
81 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1946
81 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1947
81 Letter from Dormon to Gladney, 1947
82 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1948
82 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1949
82 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1950
82 Letter from Sara Gladney, 1951
82 Letters and post cards from Sara Gladney, 1952
83 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1953
83 Letter from Caroline Dormon and F. Gladney’s reply, 1953
83 Letters from Sara Gladney and enclosures, 1954
84 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1955
84 Letters from Sara Gladney and enclosures, 1956
85 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1957
85 Letter from Caroline Dormon aunt Sara Gladney’s reply
85 Letter from Gladys Reily to Sara Gladney
85 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1958
85 Letters from Caroline Dormon
86 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1959
86 Letters from Caroline Dormon
86 Letter from Sara Gladney, 1960
86 Letters from Sara Gladney, 1961
87a Letters from Sara Gladney, 1962
87a 2 page letter from Frank Gladney, 1965
87a Letter from Frank Gladney, 1969
87b Letter from R. T. Moore, 1928
87b Letters from Dwight M. Moore, 1955-1969
87b Letters from Edith Wyatt Moore, 1932-1938
88 Letter from John A. Moore, undated
88 Letters from John A. Moore, 1955
88 Letters from John A. Moore and enclosure, 1956
89 Letters and enclosure from John A. Moore, 1957
89 Letters from John A. Moore, 1958
89 Carbon copy of letter Caroline Dormon to Moore
90 Letters of Charles Gersdorff, 1943-45 and undated
90 Letter from C. Dormon to Gersdorff
91 Letters from Charles Gersdorff and enclosure, 1946-48
91 Letters from Caroline Dormon
92 Letters from James L. Gerbert, 1931 and undated
93 Letters from James Gerbert, 1932-1933, 1941
94 Letters from Mildred Lyon, 1939-1952
95 Letters from Cecil Houdyshel, 1938-1949
96 Letters from Mary Lambdin, undated
97 Letters from Mary Lambdin, 1935-1938
98 Letters from Mary Lambdin, 1939-1954
99 Letters from Mary Lambdin, 1955
99 Letter from Mary Lambdin, 1957
99 One nursery order
100 Letters from Mary Lambdin, 1938
100 Letters from Mary Lambdin, 1960
100 Letter from Bethany Lambdin, 1968
101 Letters from Geddes Douglas to Ruth or Caroline Dormon, 1946-1947
102 Letters from Geddes Douglas, 1948-1949
103 Letters from Geddes Douglas, 1950
103 Letters from Geddes Douglas, 1951
104 Letters from Geddes Douglas, 1952
104 Letters from Geddes Douglas, 1953
104 Letter from Geddes Douglas and his secretary, 1954
105 Letters from B.L. Von Jarchow, 1944
105 Letters from B.L. Von Jarchow, 1945
105 Letter from B.L. Von Jarchow, 1947
105 Letters from B.L. Von Jarchow and enclosure, 1949
106 Letters from Rex D. Pearce to Ruth Dormon, 1935-1946
107 Letters from Rex D. Pearce, 1947-1955; (one on back of a Dormon letter)
107 Letters from Caroline Dormon
108 Letters from Rex D. Pearce on his company, 1956-1965, (one on back of a Dormon letter)
108 Caroline Dormon letters, 1956-1965, (one on back of another)
109 Letters from Mary E. Henry, 1938-1939
110 Letters from Mary E. Henry, 1940-1947
111 Letters from Mary E. Henry, 1954-58
112 Letters from W.B. MacMillan, 1937-1941
113 Letters from W.B. MacMillan, 1942
113 Carbon copy letters from Caroline Dormon, 1940-1942
114 Letters from W.B. and Peggy MacMillan, 1943-1945
114 Carbon copy letters from Caroline Dormon, 1944-1945
115 Letters from W.B. MacMillan and Peggy, 1946-1952
116 Letters from Peggy MacMillan, 1953
117 Letters from Peggy MacMillan, 1954-1958
118 Letters from B. A. Krukoff, 1943-1944
118 Letters from Robert S. Reich, 1942-1966
119 Letters from Mary Doggett Lake, 1934-1935
120 Letters from Donald B. Milliken, 1941-1946
121 Letters from Donald B. Milliken, 1947
121 Letters from Caroline Dormon
122 Letters from Carl Milliken, 1947-1949
122 Letters from Caroline Dormon
123 Letters from Carl S. Milliken, 1950-54
123 Carbon copy letter from Caroline Dormon, 1950
123 Letter from Ben F. Sid
124 Letter from Elizabeth H. Randolph, 1912
124 Letters from Elizabeth Randolph, Ben Randolph, 1933-41
125 Correspondence
126 Letters from Mona & Harry Meek clippings, 1955
127 Letters from Lenora Matthews, undated
128 Letters from Lenora Matthews, 1944-1949
128 Note from W.R. Matthews
129 Letters & clipping from Lenora Matthews, 1933-58
129 Letter from Dr. W.R. Matthews
129 Letters from Dr. J.E. Knighton
129 Letters from Lois J. Lester
129 Letter from Mrs. Larry
130 Letters from Maggie Shanks, 1933
131 Letters from Maggie Shanks and enclosures, 1934-38
132 Letters from Maggie Shanks, 1939-1942
133 Letters from Maggie Shanks and enclosures, 1950-1959
134 Letters from Willie May Keel, 1947
135 Letters from Willie May Keel, 1947-1960
136 Letters from Darnell Keel, 1957
136 Carbon copy Caroline Dormon’s reply
136 Letters from Carlton Sloan, 1955
136 Carbon copy letter from C. Dormon
137 Letters from Eula Whitehouse, 1935-1939
138 Letters from Eula Whitehouse, 1957
139 Letters from Ira S. Nelson, 1941-1942
139 Carbon copy of letters from Caroline Dormon
139 Letters from Ira S. Nelson, 1944
139 Carbon copy of letters from Caroline Dormon
140 Carbon copy of letter from Caroline Dormon, 1949
140 Letters from Ira S. Nelson and enclosure, 1950
140 Letters from Ira S. Nelson, 1951
141 Postcard, 1955
141 Letters from Ira S. Nelson and enclosures, 1956-1962
141 Carbon copy of a letter from Caroline Dormon, 1957
142 Letters from Ira S. Nelson, undated
142 Carbon copy from Caroline Dormon
142 Letters from Mary H. Nelson, 1935-1943
143 Letters from Caroline Dormon, 1944-1948
143 Letters from Fairmount Gardens, (Mrs. Thomas Nesmith)
144 Letters from W.W. Ashe, 1925-1926
145 Letters from W.W. Ashe, 1927
146 Letters from W.W. Ashe, 1928-1945
147 Letters from W.W. Ashe, 1930
147 Carbon copy Dormon’s list of plant material
148 Letters from W.W. Ashe, 1931
148 Letter from Mrs. Ashe, 1932
148 Reprint publications letters
149 Letters
150 Letters from Fathergill, 1947-49
150 Letter from Talesh, 1947
150 Letters from Dormon, 1947
151 Letters from Royal Horticultural Society, 1950-54
151 Letters from Royal Botanic Gardens, 1947-52
151 Dormon letters
152 Carbon copy Dormon letter, 1944
152 Letters from Robert Henningsen, 1954
152 Letters from Katharine C. Heath, 1959
152 Letters from Ruth Holleyman, 1959-1960
153 Letters from Peggy Holloway, 1957
153 Letters from H.D. House, 1935
153 Letters from Marion Hughes, 1948-1949
154 Letter from Helen Hughes, 1953
154 Letters from Margaret Kane, 1944
154 Letters from Lewis Hurst, 1944
155 Letters from Helen Hull, 1951-66
155 Letter from George Kent, 1957
155 Letter from Mrs. Karnoff, 1949
155 Carbon copy letter from Caroline Dormon
155 Letters from Elizabeth Kittredge, 1949
155 Letter from Carola Kittredge
156 Letters from W.D. Kimbrough and lists, 1949-53
156 Letters from Tee Kerpes, 1949-1959
157 Letters from S.D. Coleman, 1951-1955
157 Carbon copy letters from Caroline Dormon, 1955
157 Letter from Herman Kurg, 1938
157 3 page letter from Henry Hazlett Kofman, 1949
157 Letter from Robert Kral, 1963
157 Letters from Henry Kohankie & list, 1944-1947
158 2 page handwritten letter from Mattie C. Coleman, 1936
158 3 page handwritten from Kitty Coleman, 1958
158 Letters from Harold W. Knowlton, 1951-1953
159 Letters from Susie Kline, 1927-1950
160 Letters from Clara L. Knott, 1939-1940
161 Letters from A.R. Kruckeberg, 1957
161 Letter from Caroline Dormon
162 Letters & “Lycoris Notes” from Sam Caldwell, plus printed articles, 1948-62
163 Letters and reports from Sam Caldwell, 1964-1969
164 Letters from Mrs. Alberta Magers, 1946-1947
164 Letter from A. W. Mackenzie, 1950
165 Letters from Mrs. Lois McInnes, 1955
165 Letters from Carrie McKenzie, 1958-1959
165 Letters from Mrs. G. H. McMorrough, 1949
165 Letters from Marine Louisy, 1935
165 Letter from H. E. McMinn, 1952
165 Letter from Clare Lang, 1950
165 Letter from Mary Noble and enclosure, 1957
166 Letters from Clara McHenny, 1939-1940
166 Letters from E. A. McHenny, 1930
167 Letters from Jane Mosley, 1953-1956
167 Letter from I. Nunn
167 Letter from Mary Noble and enclosure, 1957
168 Letters from Ben Morrrison, 1958-1968
169 Letters from Orpet Nursery to Ruth Dormon, 1938-1943
170 Letter from Raymond and Wilhelmia Greene
171 Letters from A. J. Hodges
171 Letter from L. D. Clemon
171 Letter from W. Chalupnik
171 3 Carbon copy letters from Caroline Dormon, 1954-1955
171 An original from Caroline Dormon to Clemon Nursery
171 An original for C. Dormon to Hodges
172 Letters from A. J. Hodges and enclosures
172 Carbon copies of letters from C. Dormon
173 Letters from A. J. Hodges, 1958-1966
173 Two items from Caroline Dormon, 1961 and undated
174 Letters from J. D. LaFleur, 1961-1969
174 Guide to Louisiana Arboretum
175 Letter from Annie Lee, c. 1931, undated
175 Letters from Helen Luhrsen, 1949-1950
175 Letters from Velma & Dee Lybrand
176 Letters from K.E. Merren, 1932
176 Letters from Dorothy Lee, 1955-1958
176 Letter from Olive Lyons, 1934
177 Letters from Walter Marx, 1950-1954
177 Letter from Jim Tan Mayes, 1939
177 Letters from Mona Meek, 1958
177 Letter from Juban C. Miller
178 Letters from Annie A. Miles, 1941-1947
178 Letter from Donna Falkner
179 Letters from Annie A. Miles, 1948-1955
179 Letter from Clair A. Brown
180 Letters from Annie A. Miles, 1955-1958
181 Letters from Sallie Kelly, 1948-1960
181 Letter from Ethel Kelly, 1933
181 Letters from Evelyn LaCaze, 1959
182 Letters from Isabel C. Patterson, 1945-1949
183 Letters from S. August Phillips, 1957-1959
183 Letters from Mrs. R. R. Pigott, 1939-1960
184 Palmer booklet, 1936-1955
184 Letters from Ernest J. Palmer
184 Carbon copies of letters from Caroline Dormon
185 Letters from staff of Arnold Arboretum
186 Letters from Donald Wyman, 1942-1952
186 Letters from Caroline Dormon
187 Letters from Stephen Hamblin, 1926-1927
188 Carbon copy of a letter from Caroline Dormon, 1948
188 Carbon copy of a letter from Caroline Dormon, 1966
188 Postcard from Mrs. Roger Tory Peterson, 1969
188 Letter and enclosure from Janice Lacey, 1968
188 Letters from Hazel Parks , 1949-1952
189 Letters from Eric Nies, 1947-1951
190 Letters from J. B. Plato, 1950
190 Letter from C. Dormon
190 Letters from Grace Primo and enclosure, 1949
190 Letter from C. Dormon
191 Letters from Phily Seetner, 1957
191 Letter from C. Dormon
192 Letters from Mrs.W. S. Randell, 1938-1940
192 Letters from Loyd Shinners and enclosures
192 Letters from C. Dormon
192 Shenners reference article
192 Adv. of Shenner’s book, 1958
193 Letters from Edwin C. Powell, 1946-1947
193 Letters from N. J. Sahuc, 1958
194 Letters from Hardy Ramsay, 1947-1951
194 Carbon copy of letters from C. Dormon
195 Letters from Mary Redford, 1958
196 Letter from Mrs. Bert H. Porter, 1952
196 Letter from Lewle Borden Tennant, 1948
196 Letter from M. Frederick Stuntz, 1948
197 Mrs. Parry
198 Letter from Mrs. Homer Reams, 1965
198 Letters from H. A. Raboin, 1949
198 Letters from Mary Wakefield, 1954
199 Letter from Erdman West, 1955
199 Letters from Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1950-51
199 Letter from A. R. Kruckeberg, 1965
199 Letter from K. J. Shaver and enclosure, 1956
199 Letter from Anne S. Green
200 Letter from Carleton Worth, 1957
200 Letters from Fred Galle, 1964
200 Letter from Mrs. Snider, 1947
200 Letter from G. M. Snellings, 1943
201 Letters from Alex Smith, 1952
202 Letters from Donald E. Stone, 1960-1961
202 Letter from Gertrude R. Smith, 1936
202 Letters from Robert S. Reich, 1943-1966
202 Items from Pearl Pumphrey, 1941-1942
203 Letters from Margaret Slaughter, 1944-1957
203 Letter from C. Dormon
204 Letters from Elmvia Smith (Mrs. C. H.), 1929-1944
204 Letters from Ruth Shehee, undated
205 Letter from Danny Shehee, 1951
205 Letters from Virgie Sue Smith and enclosures 1935-1955
205 Letter from Effie Osborn, 1962
206 Spuria Iris Society, 1952-1958
207 Letters from American Nature Association, 1923-1929
207 Letter and enclosure from H. J. Randal, 1948
207 Letter from Hubert Smith, 1943
207 Letter from Don Brown, undated
207 Letter from Mrs. Stanley Wade, 1931
207 Letter from Blanch McConnell
208 Letters from Sam Stokes, 1933-1934
208 Letter from C. Dormon, 1958
208 Letter from Myra Smith, 1958
208 Letter from Mrs. Houston, 1919
209 Letters from Lucy P. Russell, 1927-1929
209 Letter from King Rand, 1955
209 Carbon copy Dormon letters, 1962
210 Letter from Ed Rand, undated
210 Letters from Clarence R. Stone, 1936
210 Letter from Mary H. Stone, 1936
210 Letter from Benjamin C. Stone, 1955
210 Letter from Doris Stone, 1961
211 Carbon copy letters from Caroline Dormon, 1957-1961
211 Lette5rs from Royce D. Spinkston, 1940s
212 Letters from Royce D. Spinkston, 1950-1957
213 Letters from Royce D. Spinkston, 1958-1967
213 Souvenir picture folders
214 Letters from Carl Starker, 1944-1951
215 Carbon copy letter from C. Dormon, 1950
215 Letter from Robert Schreiner, 1950
215 Postcard from High Redding, 1955
215 Letter from Lettie VanLandingham and enclosure, 1957
215 Letter from Stella Stone Welch, 1947
215 Letter from Ruby E. Whitfield, 1950
216 Letters from Inez Whitfield, 1933-1937
216 Letters from R. J. Wilmot, 1946-1947
216 Letters from Russell S. Wolfe
217 Letters from Martha Witherspoon, 1947 and undated
217 Carbon copy letter from C. Dormon, undated
218 Letters from Ora Whatoff, 1949-1951
218 Letter from C. Dormon, 1949
219 Letters from Percy Viosca and enclosure, 1933-1940
219 Three page letter from R. M. Harper, 1936
220 Letters from Carl C. Taylor, California, 1951-1953
220 Carbon copy letter from Caroline Dormon, 1949
220 Letters from Nancy P. Taylor, 1958-1960
221 Letters from Mimi Wilson, 1952 and undated
221 Letter from Lena S. Wilson, 1942
221 Enclosure and letter from Cecelia Slack Estes
221 Letter from Fred A. Wilson, 1930
221 Letter from Mrs. Fred A. Wilson, 1931
222 Letter and circulars from Louisiana Society for Horticultural Research, 1957-1969
222 Other memberships, 1936
223 Garden Club of America, 1949-1960
224 P. L. Ricker’s Letters and articles, 1930-1950
225 Letter National Audubon Society, 1965
225 Letter New Orleans Garden Society, 1934
225 Letter and list National Botanic Garden, 1957
225 New Zealand Lily Society-South Africa, 1955
225 North Louisiana Historical Association, 1954-1956
226 Louisiana Iris Conservation Societies
226 Shreveport’s Society for Nature Study
226 Australian Iris Society and enclosures
227 Carbon copy letter from Caroline Dormon, 1930
227 Letters from E. J. Alexander, 1930-1932
227 Letters from William J. Robbins, 1938
228 Letters from John K. Small, 1931-1934
228 Printed sheets booklet
229 Letters from B. A. Kruhoff, 1943-1944
229 Letters from D. E. Hansell
230 Carbon Copy Caroline Dormon, 1960
230 Letters from R. E. Harrison, 1960-1961
230 Letter from G. Pickett, 1948
231 Letters from Wayside Gardens, 1966
231 Items from Edmond Riggs, 1955
231 Photo of Do Small, undated
232 Letters and dried plants from Betty Bradley, 1950
232 Telegram from Camilla Bradley, 1939
232 Letters from Camilla Truax, 1952-1959
233 Letters from Thelma Young, 1956-1958
234 American Hermeocallis Society program and letter, 1955-1961
235 American Horticultural Society Correspondence, 1945-1965
235 Letter from Mildred G. Adams, 1950
236 Live Oak Society bulletins
236 Forest Farmers
236 Letters from George Lawrence, 1957-1958
237 Dormon letters and enclosures 1961-1964
237 Hamillton Traub’s letters, 1960-1966
238 American Iris Society
238 Congratulatory letters, 1953
238 Awards to Dormon
238 Award 1962
239 American Rock Garden Society, 1947-1956
240 Letters from editors of Flower Grower, 1949-1954
240 Letter from C. Dormon, 1949
241 Letters from W. W. Ashe refrient article, 1930-1931
242 Letters from Perry Young, 1935
242 Carbon copy letter from C. Dormon
242 Letter from Geo. Lalonmis, 1954
242 Carbon copy letter from C. Dormon, 1943
242 Letter from Ladies Home Journal, 1927
242 Letter from M. G. Roberson league of Women Voters, 1944
242 Letters from Leesville-Vernon Chamber of Commerce, 1942-1953
243 Correspondence bet. Colonial Dames
243 Correspondence Highway Department
243 Makers at Historic site on El Camino Real
244 Letters from Marion Price Scruggs, 1942 & 1958-1959 ( 1 2 page letter on display)
245 Letters from Edgar T. Wherry, 1933-1935
246 Letters from Edgar T. Wherry, 1936-1940
247 Letter from Edgar T. Wherry, 1946-1962
247 Letters from Caroline Dormon, 1946-1947
248 Letters from Camilla Bradley, 1941-1944
248 Letter from Caroline Dormon
249 Letters from Camilla Bradley, 1945-1956
249 Carbon copy letters from Caroline Dormon, 1946
250 Letters from Camilla Bradley, 1947-1948
250 Letter from Elma B. Schohr, 1948
250 Letter from Mrs. L. W. DeVane, 1948
250 letter from Hubert Chambers, 1947
251 Letters from Camilla Bradley and enclosure, 1949-1951
251 Letter from Mrs. A. T. Kramer
251 letter from A. MacNeal
252 Letters from Camilla Bradley, undated
252 Letter from Mary Noble
252 Letter from Mrs. Lauren Jay Bradley
252 Letter from Caroline Dormon
252 Magazine, 1951
253 Speaking engagements, 1922-1923
254 Speaking engagements, 1934-1938
255 Speaking engagements, 1939-1940
256 Speaking engagements, 1941
257 Speaking engagements, 1942-1945
258 Speaking engagements, 1946-1949
259 Speaking engagements, 1951-1955
260 Speaking engagements, 1957-1958 and undated
261 Letters from Tsuneshige Rokeyo, Japan, 1955-1958
262 Letters from Thomas Edison, 1930-1931
262 Letter from J. V. Miller, 1930
262 Letter from United States Department of Agriculture, 1942
263 Letters from Mrs. Edith R. Stern or her secretary, 1933-1937
263 Letter from Caroline Dormon,
264 Letters from Edith R. Stern or her secretary, 1939-1944
264 Letters from Edgar B. Stern, 1940-1941
264 Letter from Caroline Dormon, 1941
264 Letter from Mrs.Stern’s decorator
265 Letters from Edith R. Stern or her secretary, 1945-1947
265 Packet of Dormon’s notes and memos
266 Letters from Caroline Dormon, 1947 (note: 1 page has two letters)
267 Invoices, letters, and correspondence dealing with C. Dormon’s landscaping of Stern wild garden
268 Letter from Edith R. Stern
268 Letter from nurseries
269 Letter from Jim Ward, 1948
269 Letters from Mrs. Stern, 1949-1950
269 Carbon copy letter from C. Dormon, 1950
270 Letter from Mrs. Stern’s secretary, 1955-1958
270 Letter from Edith R. Stern’s, 1958
270 Letter from Edith R. Stern, 1965
271 Letters from R. Stern’s secretary, undated
271 Letters from Caroline Dormon to Mrs. Stern plus memos
271 Letter from C. Dormon to Jim Ward
272 Sam Stokes
272 Carbon copy of Caroline Dormon letter
273 Letters Dormon, 1946-1955 (Removed two letters display cases)
274 Request in catalogs or information, 1939-1957
275 Orders and comments, 1935-1956
276 letters from American Iris Society, 1935-1946
277 American Iris Society, 1942-1957
278 Requests for plant Identification, 1933-1947
279 Louisiana Department Agriculture
280 Louisiana Department Agriculture permit and correspondence, 1948-1957
281 Carbon copy letter from Caroline Dormon, 1937
281 Three page letter to Mrs. James Dormon
282 Mary Swords DeBaillon Louisiana Iris Society, 1941-1947
283 Mary Swords DeBaillon Louisiana Iris Society Bulletins 1, 2, 13, 18, 102, 106
284 Letters from Ruth Dormon, 1928-1930
285 Ruth Dormon, 1931-1933
286 Letters of Ruth Dormon, 1934-1936
287 Letters from Ruth Dormon, 1938
288 Letters from Ruth Dormon, 1939-1940
289 Letters from Ruth Dormon, 1942-1943
290 Letters from Ruth Dormon, 1946 and undated
291 Manuscript by Ruth Dormon and article
291 Another article and reprint
292 Letters from Ruth Dormon, undated
293 Letter from Estelle Davis
293 Price lists
294 Missing
295 See also folder 1127-1129
296 15 pieces, 1933
297 8 pieces, 1935
298 Clipping of news article speaker, Mrs. Evans
298 Letters from Jo Evans
299 Letters from Jo Evans
300 News article and correspondence about Jo Evans
301 Correspondence
302 Jo Evans, 1958-1968
303 Jo Evans
304 Items from Mrs. G. H. Mixon, 1954 and undated
305 Letters from J. G. Richard, 1941-1943
305 Partial letter from C. Dormon, 1942
306 Letters from J. G. Richard, 1944-1950
306 Letters from C. Dormon, 1944-1946
307 Two pieces, 1960
308 Biographical Items
308 Amaryelis Society
308 Wyndham Hayward
309 MS Flowers to the Deep South
310 Flowers Native to the Deep South
311 Ruth Dormon purchase and plants
312 Customer’s Letters
313 Letters from W. B. MacMillan, 1941-1946
314 Letters from Customer Ed-teas, 1944-1945
314 Letters from customer Mrs. W. D. Diddell, 1939
315 Letters from Ira S. Nelson to Ruth Dormon
315 Letters from Mrs. Barbee, 1945
315 Letter from Peggy MacMillan, 1944
315 Letters from plant inquiry
316 Correspondence, 1935-1946
317 Letters from Sam Rix, 1954
317 Letter from C. Dormon
317 One waybill
318 Letters from Sam Rix, New Zealand, 1955
318 Letter from C. Dormon
318 Various certificates, waybills, invoices, etc.
319 Letters from Sam Rix, family Aldo, 1956
320 Letters from Sam Rix, 1957
321 Letters from Sam Rix, 1958
321 List from Caroline Dormon
322 Letters from Sam Rix, 1959
323 Letters from Sam Rix, 1960-1965 and undated
324 General Biological Supply House, 1930
324 Remerocallis Notebook, 1954
324 C. Dormon letter, 1950
324 C. Dormon letter, (no signature) to W. W. Ashe, 1928
324 C. Dormon letter to Bond, 1948
325 C. Dormon letters to Ruth Dormon
326 Letter from Caroline Dormon
327 Rental agreement and letters, 1920
327 Dormon letters
328 Dormon Iris Breeding notes
329 Miscellaneous Dormon letters
330 Queries to Miss Dormon, 1928-1955
331 Orders for plants
332 People asking to visit Briarwood; 1935-1966
333 The Caroline Dormon Nature Preserve
333 Native Trees and Shrubs Growing at Briarwood
333 Correspondence
333 Plants donated by Caroline Dormon
334 1920’s-1947
335 1948-1954
336 1955-1969
337 Correspondence; 1941-1957
338 Raking from the Garden
339 Native Trees and Shrubs Growing at Briarwood
339 The Caroline Dormon Nature Preserve
340 Audubon Park Commission
341 The Southern Forest Experiment Station
342 The Southern Forest Experiment Station
343 Summary of a reappraisal of the Forest situation in the United States
343 Pictures
343 Correspondence
344 United States Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service correspondence
345 The American Forestry Association Correspondence
346 Department Conservation
347 Department of Conservation Work
348 Girl Scouts
349 Society in Louisiana Irises
350 Society in Louisiana Irises
350 Iris Ribbon in case
351 Society in Louisiana Irises
352 Society in Louisiana Irises
353 Louisiana Irises
354 Letters from W. R. Hine, 1926-1927
354 Letter from Mrs. Hine,1931
355 Letters from W.R. Hine, 1928
356 Letters from W. R. Hine, 1928
357 Department of Conservation, 1926-1932
357 Letter from C. Dormon to Stanley C. Authur
358 Letters from W. R. Hine, 1929
359 Letters from W. R. Hine and family, 1930-1958
360 Department of Conservation, 1919-1923
361 Sanderegger and Dormon, 1923
362 Department of Conservation, 1927-1937
363 Department of Conservation, 1940-1944
364 Correspondence
365 Letters about Kisatchie Forest, 1920-1921
366 Correspondence about Kisatchie, 1922
367 Correspondence about Kisatchie, 1926-1927
368 Correspondence about Kisatchie Forest, 1928-1929
369 Kisatchie Forest, 1931-1934
370 Correspondence about Kisatchie Forest, 1941
371 Correspondence; 1945-1959
372 Correspondence about Kisatchie Forest, 1950
373 Kisatchie, 1960-1970
374 Letter from C. Dormon about State parks Commission,
375 American Forestry Association
376 Printed Conservation Department items
377 Conservation Department plus clippings, 1920-1923
378 Conservation Department Correspondence, 1924-1926
379 1928-1930 and undated
380 Southern Forestry Congress, 1920-1924
381 Southern Forestry Congress, 1922-1930 and undated
381 Dormon’s Commission
382 Society of American Foresters, 1930
383 Society of American Foresters, 1932-1939
384 Society of American Foresters, 1940
385 1920-1923
386 Letters from N. D. Canterbury and others, 1928-1929
387 Letters from N. D. Canterbury, 1929
388 Letters from N. D. Canterbury, 1929 and later
389 Louisiana State parks Association plus membership cards
390 Louisiana Forestry Commission Correspondence
391 7 c photographs from Southern Pine Association, 1921
392 Southern Pine Association Correspondence
393 Louisiana Forestry Association
394 Letters from J. D. LaFleur, 1961-1969
395 Henry E. Hardtner letters, 1920
396 Henry Hardtner material and letters, 1921-1933
397 Quintin and Mary Hardtner
398 Correspondence
399 1920
400 Forest Service, 1923
401 Forest Service, 1924
402 A Forestry Program for Women’s Organization
403 Forest Service, 1932
404 Forestry Service, 1933
405 Correspondence
406 Correspondence
407 Correspondence
408 Kisatchie history
409 Photos from Great Southern Lbr. Co.
410 John K. Small, 1930
411 Letters from John K. Small, 1931
412 Letters from John K. Small, 1933
413 John K. Small letters, 1934
414 Letters from John K. Small, 1935
415 Correspondence
415 Lists
416 Missouri Botanical Garden, 1930
416 Edgar Anderson
416 Robert E. Woodsom
417 Missouri Botanical Garden, 1940-1955
417 Anderson letters
417 Dormon letters
418 Edgar Anderson letters, 1956
418 Van Schaack
418 Dormon
419 Missouri Botanical Garden, 1957-1959
419 Anderson
419 Dormon
420 Letters from Edgar Anderson, 1960
420 Article, 1943
421 Letters from Grace and Ralph Agate Jr.
422 Roger Alton, undated
422 Stanley Clisley Arthur, 1933
422 John Q. Anderson, 1958
422 Annabil Alexander, 1955
422 Frannie Baldvoin, 1942
422 Manguenite Bandy, 1939
423 Dr. J. F. Baggot letters, 1899-1902
424 Scott Duchein Barton, undated
424 Barnett Poem, undated
424 Daisy Bell, undated
424 C. Dormon to R. Bandolft, 1960
424 Barton-Cotton, 1957
424 Catherine Blanchet, 1955
425 Al Allenman, 1947-1966
426 James B. Aswell, 1926-1930
426 Rosalind Aswell, 1944-1959
427 Ivan Baker, 1942-1945
427 Irene Baker, 1945
427 Gussie J. Baker
428 Letter from Bernard Baruch, 1953
429 Eunice Benchenstein, 1958-1959
429 Florence Boatner, 1943-1957
430 Katherine Bridges, 1958-1967
431 Peninsular Telephone Company
431 Correspondence
431 Montgomery Chamber of Commerce
432 Correspondence
433 Correspondence
434 Correspondence
435 Correspondence
436 Correspondence
437 Correspondence
438 News Clipping
438 “Bayou Browsing”
438 The First Robin
439 Correspondence
440 Correspondence
441 Correspondence
442 Correspondence
443 Correspondence
444 United States Senate Correspondence
445 Jeff Davis Agricultural Cooperative, Inc.
446 Letters from Lois Flaxman of Phelps Shoe Company
447 Correspondence
448 Southwestern Louisiana Institute
449 Aids to Moss Study
450 Correspondence
451 Letter to F. C. Sweat
452 Dr. Edgerton; spring 1888
453 Edgerton News Letter
453 Correspondence
454 Letter
454 Brochures
455 Weeks Hall letters
455 Julia Johnson Hale letter
455 Eunice J. Hekingos letters
455 John C. Guillet letters
455 Mrs. Alberto A. Fredr4ick letter
456 Era Hart letter
456 J. Fair Hardin
456 Mrs. George Stanley Frajer
456 Lenord Hooker’s book of painting
456 E. L. Jennings
456 Mary Margaret Jardine
457 Girl Scout material
458 Correspondence
459 Josephine Greenewald letters
460 Ruby Grey
460 Tine Hardy
461 Thomas Hill letters
462 Thomas Hill letters
463 Thomas Hill letters
464 T. H. Harris
464 T. O. Harris
464 Ina Smitherman
465 Miscellaneous
466 Correspondence
467 Jack family letters
468 Speech of Senator Williams F. Knowland
469 Miscellaneous
470 Judson College Bulletin
470 Judson College Correspondence
470 Class of 1907
471 Letters from H. J. Lutcher Stark
472 Miscellaneous
473 McKillar, 1926-1935
473 Pen Women
473 Portre, 1958
473 Ransdell, 1930
474 Mary Mims
474 Sam Mims
474 Sun Up
475 Crix Norris
475 Ruth Pierson
476 Includes many small loose items in envelope
477 Carolyn Ramsey
478 Walter Tullos
479 Correspondence
480 Correspondence
481 Jennie O’ Kelly Mitchell letters
482 Correspondence
482 Miscellaneous
483 Radio address of John E. Rankin, congressman Mississippi
484 Robert J. Usher
485 Southern Home and Garden
485 The Mexico City Flower Show
486 Titzell letters
486 Dormon letter
487 Correspondence
488 April 28, 1977 no cards have been put into the index for items in this folder
489 Correspondence
490 Mrs. Evans Wall
491 Correspondence
492 Correspondence
493 Correspondence
494 Kemp letters
494 Knox letter
494 Krause letters
495 Correspondence
496 Robert MacGimsey
496 Annie Belle MacGelvary and enclosure
496 Mrs. Larell
496 Mildred Rome
497 Robertson letters
498 Mrs. J. L. Robb letters
499 Letters from Delphine Williams
500 Mildred Williams letters
501 State Normal College Letters
502 Letters from Louise H. Trotti (Mrs. H. H.) and enclosures
503 Trotti family letter
504 Mary T. Sanders letters, 1943
505 Wilkerson
505 Patton
505 Sherard
506 Dormon
506 Ogden
506 Mercer
507 Ogden letter
508 Letters from Kathleen O’Brien, undated
509 Letters from Kay O’Brien, 1943-1953
510 Letters from Kathleen O’Brien
510 Register, 1955-1959
511 James Register, 1944-1961
511 Kay Register, 1960
512 C. Dormon
512 Fanley O’Brien
512 Erma O’Brien
513 Erma O’Brien plus an article and snapshot
513 Toni Strassman
514 Erma & Fanley O’Brien
515 L. W. Stephens
515 Shinley Stephens
516 Harry
516 Marguerite
516 Leo
516 Ben
516 James
516 Paul
516 Fredrick
516 Beverly
516 Marie
517 Lowery letters
517 Anonymous speech
517 Oddfellows C. 1911
518 Ada Jack Carver letters, 1924
519 Ada Jack Carver, spring 1925
520 Ada Jack Carver letter, fall 1925
521 Ada Jack Carver letters, spring/summer 1926
522 Ada Jack Carver letters, fall 1926
523 Letters from Ada Jack Carver, 1927
524 Ada Jack Carver, 1928-1929
525 Ada Jack Carver, 1930-1933 and undated
525 Letters and carbon copy poem
526 Correspondence
527 Correspondence
528 Letters from Robina Denholme, 1938
529 Correspondence
530 Robina Denholme, 1941-1943
531 Missing
532 Robina Denholme, 1954-1958
533 Letters from Robina Denholme
534 Correspondence
535 Letter
535 Bird Drawing by Lois Pullig
536 Correspondence
537 “Do you want a Hospital For Natchitoches Parish?”
537 Miscellaneous
538 Robina Denholme, 1944-1952
538 John E. Foote
538 Caroline Dormon
539 Miscellaneous
540 Bulletin of The Garden Club of America, March 1946
541 Correspondence
542 Letters about Garden Club Projects
542 Letters from State Officers
543 Garden Clubs Correspondence
544 Miscellaneous
545 William B. & Estelle Reily, 1933-1936
546 Gladys Reily, 1940-1942
547 Gladys Reily, 1947-1957
548 James Reily, 1941-1942
549 1929
550 Essae Martha Culver
551 Correspondence
552 Letters Julia Wassman, 1933
552 Estelle Reiley
552 F. M. Setzler
553 Correspondence
554 Correspondence
555 Lyle Saxon items, 1925
556 Lyle Saxon letters, 1926-1928
556 Printed article
557 Lyle Saxon letters, 1930
558 Lyle Saxon letters
559 Lyle Saxon letters
559 Lyle Saxon letters, 1934
559 Carbon copy C. Dormon letters
560 Lyle Saxon letters, 1934
561 Lyle Saxon letters, 1935
562 Lyle Saxon letters, 1935
562 Lyle Saxon drawing
563 Lyle Saxon letters, 1936-1937
563 Dormon letter, 1937
564 Lyle Saxon letters, 1939-1943
564 Dormon letter
564 Denholme letter
564 Eddie letter
565 Lyle Saxon letters, undated
566 Lyle Saxon items, undated
566 Packet of negatives
567 Correspondence
568 Correspondence
569 Correspondence
570 Letters from Sara J. Heard, 1933-1934
570 Letters from Terry
571 Letters from Sara J. Heard, 1947-54
572 Letters from Sara J. Heard, 1955-1957
573 Grace Wingate
574 Correspondence
575 Grace Wingate
576 Correspondence
577 Correspondence
578 Pieces, 1961
579 Letters from Mrs. Storm
579 Letter from Mrs. McKnight
579 Letters from Mr. Storm
579 Letter from Gov. Harding
579 Letter from Mr. Hardtner
579 Letter from Mrs. Reed
580 Mrs. Storm’s letters, 1923
580 Gladys Breazeale
580 Dudley Berwick
581 1925
581 Letters from Mrs. Storm, 1927
581 1935
582 Letters from Mrs. Storm, 1939-1941
583 Letters from Mrs. Storm, 1945-1949
584 Letters from Mrs. Storm, 1950
584 Enclosure
585 Letters from Mrs. Storm, 1952-1953
585 Carbon copy Dormon
586 Letter from Mrs. Storm, 1956
586 General letters
586 Clipping
587 Mrs. Storm, 1957-1963
588 Aunt Willie, 33 1/3 RPM-LP, 1960
589 Cammie G. Henry letters, 1920-1922
589 Milton Dunn
589 To Virginia from Milton Dunn
589 Prescription from Milton Dunn
590 Cammie G. Henry letters, 1924
590 Clippings
591 Cammie Henry letters, January-June 1925
592 Cammie G. Henry letters, July-December 1925
592 Mother Garrett letter
593 Cammie G. Henry letters, January-June 1926
593 Mother Garrett letter
594 Cammie G. Henry letters, July-December 1926
595 Cammie G. Henry letters, January-June, 1927
595 Cammie G. Henry marginal notes
596 Cammie G. Henry letters, July-December 1927
597 Cammie G. Henry letters, January-June
597 Mother Garrett letters, 1928
598 Cammie G. Henry letters, July-December 1928
599 Cammie Henry letters, 1929
599 Mother Garrett letter
599 Clipping
600 Cammie Henry letters, January-June 1930
600 Mother Garrett
601 Correspondence
602 Cammie Henry letter, January-June 1931
602 Mother Garrett
603 Cammie Henry letter, July-December 1931
603 Mother Garrett letter
603 Business letter
603 Ruth Dormon
604 Cammie Henry letters, January-June 1932
604 Mosher Jarrett letters
605 Cammie Henry letters, July-December 1932
605 Candere Dormon letter
605 J. H. Henry letter
606 Cammie Henry letters, January-June 1933
607 Cammie Henry letters, July-December 1933
608 Cammie Henry letters, January-June 1934
609 Cammie G. Henry letters, July-December 1934
609 Rell S. Theriot
610 January-June 1936
610 Cammie Henry letters
611 July-December 1936
611 Cammie Henry letters, clippings
612 Cammie Henry letters, 1937
613 Cammie Henry letters, 1938
614 January-June 1939
614 Cammie Henry letters
615 July-December 1939
615 Cammie G. Henry letters
616 Cammie Henry letters, 1940-1941
617 Cammie Henry letters, 1942
618 Cammie Henry letters, January-June 1943
619 Cammie Henry letters, July-December 1943
620 Cammie Henry letters, 1944-1946
620 C. Dormon letters
621 Cammie G. Henry letters, undated
622 Cammie Henry letters, undated
623 Cammie G. Henry letters, undated
624 Letters from Cammie G. Henry, undated
625 Cammie G. Henry letters, undated
626 C. G. Henry letters, undated
627 C. G. H. letters, undated
628 C. G. Henry letters, undated
628 C. Dormon letter, undated
628 Clipping
629 C. G. Henry letters, undated
630 Letters from Ella Johnson, 1931-1939
631 Letters from Ella Johnson, 1943-1953
631 Printed brochure
632 Letters from Ella Johnson, 1957-1959
633 Letters from Ella Johnson, undated
634 Letters from A. R. Johnson, 1936-1938
634 Dormon carbon copy letter
635 Letters from A. R. Johnson and enclosure
635 Dormon letters
636 Letters from A. R. Johnson, 1940-1958
636 Dormon letters, 1940
637 Margery Johnson letters (Mrs. AR), 1938-1953
637 Mrs. S. J. Johnson, 1928-1937
637 Geneva Johnson, 1954
637 Mrs. J. K. Johnson, 1929
637 Pearl G. Johnson, 1953
637 Matsy McK., 1957
638 Susua Wilbur, undated
638 Mrs. Leonard, 1932
638 Clippings
638 Unfinished letter
638 Snapshots
638 Sketches on a letter
639 D.A.R.
640 Mrs. Dickson, 1930
640 Mrs. Lacy, 1935
641 1937-1939
642 D.A.R., 1940-1952 and undated
643 Correspondence, Natchez Trace, etc., 1935-1938
644 Natchez Trace, 1939-1941
645 Marie G. Hester, 1931-1940
645 Letter from A. R. Johnson, 1938
646 General Federation of Women Club, 1922
647 General Federation of Women Club
648 General Federation of Women Club
649 The Round Table Club
649 Miscellaneous
650 Renay Boney, 1930
651 1931-38
652 1938
653 Indian affairs Committee, 1938-1939
654 Indian Welfare Committee, 1940
655 Indian Welfare Committees, 1941-1942
656 Indian Welfare, 1943
657 Indian Welfare, 1944-1945 and undated
658 Louisiana Federation, 1920
659 Louisiana Federation women’s Club, 1921-1925
660 Louisiana Federation Women’s Club, 1927
661 Louisiana Federation of Women’s Clubs, 1928-1929
662 Louisiana Federation Women’s Club, undated items
663 Louisiana Federation of Women’s Club, 1938-1939
664 Louisiana Federation of Women’s Club, 1941
664 1950
665 Louisiana Federation of Women’s Club, udated
666 Clippings-Dormon’s writings
667 Clippings about Dormon
668 Extension service, 1930
669 Extension service, 1932-1938
670 Extension service, 1939-1940
671 Extension service, 1941-1942
672 Extension Service, 1943-1952
673 Extension service, 1953-1954 and undated
674 Anna
674 Annie
674 Beth
674 Betty
674 Berntie
675 Cleo
675 Clara
675 Camille
675 C. E. D.
675 C. L. R.
675 Fannie Miriam
676 E. W.
676 Dulcie
676 Dorothy
676 Eva
676 Faye
676 Famelia
677 Fannie, Florence and Frank
678 Frances, Jarry or Jarny
679 Evelyn
679 Gene
679 Genie
679 Georgia
680 Hattie
680 Hazel
681 Correspondence
682 Correspondence
683 Letters from Irene
684 Letters from Jane
685 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1927-1929
686 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1930
687 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1931
688 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1932
689 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1933
690 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1934
691 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1935
692 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1938
693 Letters from Lillian Hall Trichel
693 Carl Purdy letter
694 Lillian Hall Trichel letters,1940-1943
695 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1944
696 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1945-1948
697 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1949
698 Lillian Hall Trichel letter, 1950
699 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1951-1952
700 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1953
701 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, 1955
702 Lillian Hall Trichel letters, undated
703 Australian seeds, 1956-1957
704 Iris Record Book
704 Forest Conservation, 1920-1951
705 Dated list of Irises
706 Adventure in Louisiana Irises
707 Adventure in Wild Flowers
708 Adventure of a Naturalist at Home
709 American Forest Week in Louisiana, 1927
709 Arbor Day Program, 1928-1929
710 Animal Stories
711 Around the Calendar with Native shrubs
712 Autumn color in the landscape
713 American shrubs of American Garden
714 Autumn Songs
715 Basket-Makers of the Teche
715 Beauty every day miscellaneous article
716 Beauty in common things
717 Berries in the fall
718 Berries for birds
718 The Bible and Forestry
719 Birds Migration-fascinationg mystery
720 Southern Songster or Birds Song
721 Birds-A morning at the feeding tray
722 Birds last call miscellaneous article
723 Birds of the Sand Hills
724 Blue printing nature
725 Blueprinting wild flowers
726 Bluebirds answer
726 Bright Autumn
726 Bringing new industries to North Louisiana
727 Boy plants article
728 Bontanical Ramblings
729 Botany and Conservation Ms. Galley and article
730 Boys and girls trees
731 By all means have a pond
731 By their Beaks
732 “By their fruit”
733 Caddo Hospitality
733 Caddo pottery
734 Caged Hearts
735 Letter to Donald Ewing, “Shreveport Times”
736 Campus trees
737 Carefree Camellia
738 Cat talk
739 Chief people
739 Chinese 2 urnice (A. M. Hour May 1964)
740 Choose Southern trees for living memorial
741 The Christmas Berry
741 The Christmas Spirit
741 Cities of Refuge
742 Cold damage in Louisiana
742 Consider the Virginicas
743 Crabapples
744 Crape Myrtle, Queen of Summer
744 Crape Myrtle takes to the north
745 The Culture of Louisiana Irises Cyrellla
746 Darvuin was not a athelist
747 Daylily parade
748 The discover and collection of Louisiana Irises, 1920
749 Day talk
749 PDT must be banned
749 Dr. Wherry visit Shreveport
750 Eleangus for that tough spot
751 Evergreens for the south
752 Excitement in the Garden
752 Excitement of Growing Small Bulbs
753 Exquisite Tradescantias
753 Eyes for to see
754 Famous trees of Louisiana
754 Famous trees of Louisiana
754 Farewell Hill Farmers and Photographs
755 A fine native maple
756 Flora of the Long leaf pine hills
757 Forest Trees of Louisiana and How to know them
758 Fragrance and Fruit of Flowering Crabapples
758 Fragrant Gardens
758 Friends from the eighth sky
759 Friends and Enemies of the Garden
760 Fruits are pretty too
761 A Garden without birds and photo and drawing
762 Gardening at Melrose
763 Gardens Down the ages
764 Goodbye Birds
764 Golden Sweet Olive
765 The Goatsuckers
765 Growing Torreya Taxifolia
765 Growing Tomorrow Timber
766 Green were the Roadsides
767 Growing wild flowers from seed
767 Guess Who I Am?
768 Hardwoods of Louisiana
769 Have you tried Louisiana Irises?
770 Heart of Wildness an autobiography
771 Heaven is in Louisiana
772 The Heaven Declare the Glory God
773 Heritage
774 Highway Beauty-Now
775 Highway Heritage
776 Highways plus trees
777 Hills surprise 2 articles of this name
778 Spring Louisiana Beckons
778 History of Louisiana Irises
779 Hodges garden: How to plant trees in farm woodlands
780 The Holly Speaks
781 Hummingbirds: Living Jewels of the garden
782 Hurricane Lilies
782 Irises around the year
782 Hybirds crinums-Illus. By C. Dormon
783 I nominate the dogwood
784 Give you marigolds
784 Own my own farm but who cares
785 Invite the birds
786 Iris (Hollands)
786 Iris for the rock garden
786 Space for – It’s Tune Tried the Louisiana Irises (Flower grower August 1949)
787 The incredible slaughter
787 The I. Q. of Birds
788 Missing
789 Irises Journal
789 1945, 1948, 1949
790 Just Evergreens
790 Keep your Southland beautiful
791 The last wood thrush
792 The last of the cane basket makers
793 The last pine
794 Leaves from the Log Book
7495 Living Memorials
796 Life in the United States
796 Living Christmas trees
797 Look for the field
797 Lost song
797 Lost childhood
797 Lyle Saxon of Louisiana
798 Louisiana Iris-Garden Flower
799 Louisiana Iris
800 Louisiana Iris
801 Louisiana Iris Reaches stardom
802 Louisiana Iris round up
803 Louisiana Landscape: State Parks for Louisiana
804 Louisiana Our Garden
805 Louisiana Plants for Louisiana Homes
806 Louisiana’s Vanishing Wild Flowers
806 Louisiana Wild Flowers and shrubs
807 Louisiana’s Woodland Treasures
808 Louisiana’s Gift to Gardens
809 Magnolia Pyranidata and M. Fraseri
809 Magnificent Magnolias
809 Magic Water
809 Market Bulletin
809 Mary Swords Beballion Iris Collection
810 Magnolias Givve Lasting Beauty
811 Melrose Memories
811 Men’s Garden Club
812 More History of Readhimer Community
812 My Hobby
812 Mysterious Indians Pipes
813 Naming the Birds
814 Narcissus Bulbocodium
814 Native Azaleas
815 Native American Bubls
816 Native Bulbs: Wild Spider Lilies
817 Native Hibiscus fot the Garden
817 Native Hymenocallis
818 Native Plants in Forest and Garden
819 Native Plantings for Highways
820 Native Plants for Southern Gardens
821 Native Plants for Southern Rock Gardens
821 Native Shrubs for Home Gardens
822 A new Iris for Gardens
823 A New Lycoris Species
823 Space for A New Race of Garden Iris
823 Pub. In A. L. S. July 1951
824 A New Voice from the Old South
825 Nobody knows the Trouble I see
825 Part B – Nobody knows the Trouble (With Illustrations)
826 Oh Those Catalogues
827 Oh Springs
827 Old Fashioned Shrubs
828 Onward with Louisiana Irises
829 Our Big Garden
830 Our Native Landscape
830 Our Plundered Planet
831 Our Shrubs Are Lonely Too
832 Our Vanishing Wild Flowers
832 Over the Back Gate
833 Outline of Tree Study
835 Oysters By The Acre
835 Pansies and photograph
835 Pity the helpless
835 Park of Long Leaf pines for Louisiana
835 Passing of the Old Water Mill (illustrations for this article are in folder 596)
836 Picturesque Speech
836 Pinckney a pubens
836 Pinckney a The Showiest Tree in Florida
837 Plant Asters for fall
837 Plant Native
838 Plenty to see
839 Poems and letter
840 Poems
841 Poisonous Plants
842 Poor Man’s Orchids
843 Propagating Native Azaleas
844 Prune Spring Bloomers Now
845 Real Reforestation
846 Rejections
847 Remarkable Camellia Sasanqua
847 Remember the Franklinia
848 The Return of the Native: The Phlox
849 Reviews
849 The glamour and Romance of Hawaiian Flowers
849 Mirror of Flowers
849 Holland’s Handbook
850 The Rock Garden Goes Native
851 Rock Gardens in the South
852 The Romance of Ti Rouge
853 Sang-Pour-Sang
853 Save the birds
853 Saving our Heritage of Beauty
854 Save Oh Save
855 Scenic Louisiana: In the Land of Lafitte
856 Planting for birds also titles
856 See the table for the birds
857 Shade Does It (published Home Gardening June 1950)
857 Shall I pick Wild Flowers?
858 Silent Spring? It Can Happen
859 Single Flowering Almonds
859 Some Unusual Native Species of Ilex
860 Some attractive Shublets
861 “Some Can Take It”
862 Southern Cane Baskets
862 Southern Trees and Wild Flowers
862 Southern Wild Iris
863 Sophora Secundiflora
863 Southern pines
863 Spanish Moss
863 Southern Songsters
863 Spare the holly
864 Space held for species notes
865 State Tree-State Flower
866 The story of Louisiana Iris
867 Stuartia malocodendron not a garden plant and correspondence
868 Success With Birdfoot Violets
868 Successful Gardens
869 Thoreau in the great garden club era
869 Three animals on their own
869 Those Texas wild flowers
870 They Are Garden Plants
870 They Can Take It
870 They Change Their Costumes in Autumn
871 Those Fabulous Louisiana Irises
872 Three Beautiful Texas Shrubs
873 Time Picayune (Draft)
873 Trees and Wild Flowers of Natchitoches Parish
873 Ti Rouge
874 Trees for Shade and Beauty
875 Trees Give Us Flowers, Too
876 Two native Shrubs for Home Gardens
876 Two Ways to have Holly
877 Various Forms of Louisiana Iris
878 Voices of the wind
878 Vines for the south
878 Woody Vines
879 Water-lilies
879 We are doing it again
879 We Inherited the Earth
880 We have Beauty
880 What Can The Country Woman Give
881 White in the Garden ( Article and photographs)
882 Wild Berries
882 Wild Flowers from seed, (letter), (two of the same name)
883 Wild Crabapples
883 Wild Flowers Calendar
884 Wild Gardens
885 Wild Roses
885 Wings
885 Winter Birds
886 Winter Blooming Iris
887 Winter Fragrance
887 Women in the Land
887 Wrens Marry Once and illustrations
887 One Jo Evans article
888 Yuccas
889 Diary, undated
890 “Beyond Recall” Recollections of Dosia Moore for photographs, see folder 1599
891 Typed manuscript
892 Typed manuscript
893 Typed manuscript
894 Typed manuscript
895 Typed manuscript
896 Typed manuscript
897 Typed manuscript
898 Typed manuscript
899 Typed manuscript
900 American Home, On Farland Calendar, Can labels
901 Al
902 The Box-Supper
903 Clothes line
904 Glory
905 Notes
906 Jack Comes Home
907 Jap Cagle
908 Lam
909 Langue de Femme
910 The Letter
911 Light in the Valley
912 The Little Girl Who didn’t Know She Was Ugly
913 Little Ways
914 Molly’s Children
915 Next year
916 The Nineteenth
917 Notes
917 Incomplete sketches: Sand Hill, Indian, Negro
918 Pine Knots
919 Plots
920 Possum
921 Rainy Spell
922 Recompense
923 The Red Warriors
924 Satellites in Power
925 Shot gun quarantine
926 The Southerner
927 Weather
928 Part One, Chapter 1
928 Plant Native
928 “America is growing up”
929 Why
930 Part II When, Where, How?
930 The Home Grounds
930 Parks
930 Highways
930 “We May As Well Be Honest”
931 Must nots
931 Autumn Color
932 Mountain Flora
932 Local Flora
933 Native Plants for the Rock Garden
934 What
935 Herbaceous Plants
936 Bog Plants
937 Wild Flower Seed
938 Native Landscape
938 Wild Life
939 Have a Pond
940 Plant for the Birds
941 Unidentified pages
942 Letters
943 Indian Stones
944 Dormon Collection
945 Letters about Indian Stories
946 Highway guidebook
947 From the Car Window
948 At the Matinee
949 Letters to editors and others (printed)
950 Letters about Indian stories
951 Hichah, The Turtle
952 Diaries
953 Miller diaries (1945-1953)
954 Dormon: Speaking engagements
955 Dormon: Speaking engagements
956 Dormon: Speaking engagements
957 Shreveport Beautification Foundation
958 Thomas Vzzell, 1932
958 Edith Mahier, 1944
958 Mathilda Weil, 1925
959 Ette Levy
960 Two letters from J. W. Stayton, 1924
960 Claude Wein, 1930-1938
961 Rejection Letters
962 Rejection Letters: Blueprints
963 Rejection forms
964 Agents and editors
965 Letters about Sand Hill Tales
966 Our Friend the Forest
967 Horticulture and Iris notebooks
968 Iris Breeding Data
969 Beloved Land
970 Dummy “Forest Trees o Louisiana”
971 Forest Trees of Louisiana Correspondence
972 Forest trees of Louisiana-Notes
973 Forest trees of Louisiana-Request for Thanks
974 The Study Course
975 Publication’s Notebook
976 Three Notebooks
977 Diary, 1937
977 Lesson Plans, Grades 1-3 Tree Story
978 Correspondence
979 Beloved Land
980 Beloved Land
981 Beloved Land
982 Beloved Land
983 Beloved Land
984 Beloved Land
985 Beloved Land
986 Missing
987 Bird Talk
988 Bird Talk
989 Requests to Miss Dormon
990 Requests to C. Dormon
991 Requests
992 Request
993 Request to visit Briarwood
994 Request to visit Briarwood
995 Request for plant identification
996 Memos
997 Memos
998 Miscellaneous list
999 Miscellaneous list and jotting
1000 Miscellaneous list and memos
1001 Miscellaneous jotting
1002 Miscellaneous jotting
1003 Miscellaneous jotting
1004 Miscellaneous jotting
1005 Speaking engagements
1006 Thank you notes
1007 Sympathy notes
1008 Sympathy notes
1009 Sympathy letters
1010 Sympathy letters and other thanks
1010b Native Preferred
1011 Rough drafts for Natives Preferred
1012 Native Preferred
1013 Natives Preferred, Transcript
1014 Comments and Corrections-Natives Preferred
1015 John Macrae, 1962-1963
1016 John Macrae, 1964
1017 Carrol Woodward
1017 Orange Juld
1018 Sources and Acknowledgements, natives Preferred
1019 Natives Preferred
1020 Letters about Louisiana wild flowers, 1932-1933
1021 Letters about Louisiana wild flowers, January-March
1022 Danbleday Daian, 1934
1023 Doubleplay letters, May-July 1934
1024 Doubleplay letters, August-September 1934
1025 Publisher, October-November 1934
1026 December 1934
1027 Publisher, January-April 1935
1028 Publisher, May-December
1029 Letters from publisher, 1936
1030 Letters from publisher, 1937-1938
1030 McFarland Booklet
1031 Department of Conservation, 1940-1942
1031 Chapman Flowers book
1032 Danbleday, 1942-1960
1033 List of subscribers to Wildflowers of Louisiana
1034 Wildflowers of Louisiana
1035 Orders in books, 1933
1036 Orders in books and comments from readers, 1934
1037 Orders and comments, 1935
1038 Orders and comments, 1935
1039 Later letters and orders, 1936
1040 Letters and orders
1041 Letters and photo (Ben Dormon), 1918-1919
1042 Ben Dormon letters 1920s
1043 Ben Dormon and family, 1930-1934
1044 Ben Dormon and family, 1935-1939
1045 Ben Dormon and family, 1940-1942
1046 Ben Dormon and family 1943-1949
1047 Ben Dormon and family, 1950
1048 Ben Dormon and family, 1955
1049 Ben Dormon and family, 1960
1050 Ben Dormon and family, undated
1051 Ben Dormon and family, undated
1052 George Dormon, 1914
1053 Letters from George Dormon, 1930
1054 George Dormon, 1950 and undated items
1055 Marquita Dormon, 1952
1056 Letters
1057 William Dorman
1058 James Dorman “Bur”
1059 By Morris and Am. Heart Society, 1945-1946
1060 United State Department of Agriculture, 1945-1946
1061 Carolyn Dormon McClanahan and family
1062 Elizabeth and Adelaide McClanahan
1063 Letters to Sue Smith
1064 Dosia Moore
1065 Dosia Moore, 1932-1933
1066 Dosia Moore, 1935-1936
1067 Items from Dosia Moore, 1937 and undated
1068 Dosia Moore letters and enclosures
1068 Graham letters about the Whittington place
1069 Dosia Moore’s writings
1070 Letters from Jamie
1070 Letter from Paul King Rand Sr. and reply
1071 Letters from Jeanne
1072 Letters from Josephone C.
1073 Letters from Marge
1074 Letters from Sally, undated
1075 Letters from Sally, 1952
1076 Letters from Sally, 1953
1077 Letters from Sally, 1954-1958
1178 Unidentified letters and writings
1079 Unidentified letters and writings
1080 Unidentified letters and writings
1081 Unidentified letters and writings
1082 political letters and to editors letters
1083 letters
1084 Miscellaneous and unidentified items
1085 Letter
1086 Photos
1087 Dormon doctorate
1088 Dormon-LSU
1089 Mary Belle McKellar
1089 Who’s Who
1089 NSC exhibit
1090 Biographical data
1091 Biographies
1092 Autobiographical sketches
1093 Bibliographies
1094 Employment data
1095 Fellowship application and biographical data
1096 Letters
1097 Heath
1098 Honors
1099 Letters
1100 Letters from Sue Lawton, 1950-1954
1101 Letters from Sue Lawton, 1957-1959
1102 Mrs. Lawton
1103 Northwestern State University
1104 Mrs. Ida Victoria Heil Goodwill
1105 Hilda Perini letters
1105 Natchez Mississippi letters
1106 Joe Herring, 1965
1106 Anna Hoe, 1940
1106 Dormon diary letters
1106 Mac. H. Sardlin, 1954
1106 Mrs. Sannon, 1936
1107 Insurance papers
1108 Dormon legal and business papers
1108 Religion
1109 Briarwood
1110 Dormon’s Bienville parish place
1111 Letters to Dormon, 1930-1934
1112 Letters about Painting, 1935-1939
1113 Correction about Dormon’s art, 1940
1114 Dormon’s art work
1115 Dormon paintings
1116 Catalogue
1117 Dormon’s photography
1117 1914-1920 and undated
1118 Dormon’s photography, 1930s
1119 Dormon’s photography, 1940s
1120 Dormon’s photography, 1950s
1121 Photo’s purchased
1122 Wild garden price list
1123 Briarwood plant purchase
1124 Briarwood plant purchase
1125 Panerty point, Clarence Webb
1125 Briarwood plant information
1126 Hopedale Nurseries
1127 Wild gardens: letters ffrom purchasers
1128 Letters from purchasers from plant and seeds
1128 Dormon letter about Ruth Dormon’s garden
1129 Letters from customers
1130 Correspondence: Dormon and Robert
1130 letter to Miss Huckabay, 1971
1131 Miss Lynden Johnson
1132 Post cards
1133 World War II cartoon
1134 Correspondence
1135 Biographical material
1136 Dormon’s political opinions (blacks)
1137 Dormon’s political opinions (China)
1138 Dormon’s political opinions (Communism)
1139 Dormon’s political opinions (Formosa)
1140 Dormon’s political opinions (China)
1141 Dormon’s political opinions (Communism)
1142 Dormon’s political opinions (China)
1143 Dormon’s political opinions (China)
1144 Letters
1145 Dormon’s view (Education)
1146 Letters on use of pesticides
1146 Letter, Clyde Fant
1147 Political letters
1147 Political views (conservation of natural resources)
1148 Political letters (Indians)
1148 Bureau of Indian Affairs
1149 Political views (wildlife)
1150 Letters from Clyde E. Fant, Mayor of Shreveport, 1970
1151 Political Views Conservation of Natural Resources
1152 letters to Congress (duck season)
1153 Letters to Congress
1154 Magazine
1155 Booklet
1156 Miscellaneous letters
1157 Book reviews
1158 postcards
1159 Roland’s Harper’s printed writings
1160 Louisiana Arboretum
1161 Indian artists
1162 Indian artists
1163 Christmas Trees
1164 Lyle Saxon
1165 Landscaping and beautification
1166 Lake providence bequtification
1167 Camp Polk Landscaping
1168 Natchitoches Beautification
1169 Barksdale Field
1170 Botany
1171 Landscaping Pineville Charity Hospital (photo), 1938
1172 January to June Landscaping, 1939
1173 Charity Hospital Pineville
1174 Charity Hospital Pineville
1175 Charity Hospital Pineville
1176 Charity Hospital Pineville
1177 Charity Hospital Pineville
1178 Resume of work on hospital
1179 Landscaping reports
1180 1938-1939
1181 Bidders, 1939
1182 Lists and notes about paintings
1183 Employment application, 1938-1941
1184 Greenhouse at Pineville
1185 Business papers and accounts-Pineville
1186 NYA
1187 Letters from Robert, undated
1188 Letters from Robert, 1939
1189 Letters from Robert, 1940
1190 Letters from Robert, 1941
1190 Letters from Robert, 1942
1191 Correspondence, 1940
1192 Correspondence
1193 Correspondence
1194 Notebook pictures publication
1195 Legal
1196 Plan
1197 J. H. Hoke
1198 July 1940
1199 August 1940
1200 September-November 1940
1201 Letters to Prescott Foster, December 1940
1202 Dormon, Herderlite, Stein, December 1940
1203 Robert Slack, 1941
1203 Dormon to Slack, 1938-1941
1204 Dormon letters to Shuitts, Sentel, McHugh, 1941-1942
1205 Dormon letters, 1941-1942
1206 Hendenlite letters to Dormon, 1941
1206 Roadside Park, 1942
1207 Dormon and Foster letters, 1941
1208 Letters: Conservation
1209 Fire Control, 1941
1210 Letters to Foster, 1942
1211 Hendrite, Grashears, Richardson, 1942
1211 Lake Providence
1212 Highway nursery project, 1941-1942
1213 Destruction of beauty, billboards, 1941-1942
1214 Reports from job details, 1941-1943
1215 Letters, Mary rock land, Caroline Dormon, 1940-1941
1216 Foster, Richardson, Logan, Smith
1217 Speaking engagement
1218 Highway beautification, job application
1219 Highway department public interest and concern
1220 Highway beautification: Alabama, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Mississippi, Texas and Virginia
1221 Highway beautification general
1222 Correspondence with garden clubs
1223 Correspondence with members of federal clubs, 1930-1941
1224 Highway notebooks
1225 Dormon miscellaneous writing
1226 Kisatchie Forest
1227 Briarwood flower collection
1228 Biography of Me
1229 Dormon speech on Forestry Education in schools
1230 Forest history, 1945
1230 Forest plans, 1968
1231 Forest essay contest
1232 Boys reforestation club
1233 Federated women club-forest plan
1234 Dormon, Division of Forestry Annual Report, 1928
1235 Forest clipping that were with letters and publications in the foregoing folders
1236 Nurrell
1237 Social security
1238 Papers about loans
1239 Tax notices and receipts
1240 Carrol Woodward Macmellan Co., 1955
1241 Carrol Woodward Macmellan Co., 1956
1242 Dormon collection
1243 William Hunt
1244 Art work for Flower Native
1245 Two copies of plates
1246 Contract and Claiter correspondence, 1957
1247 Correspondence with Claiter, 1958
1248 Correspondence with Claiter, 1959
1249 Correspondence with Claiter, 1960-1966
1250 Start Evans Glaney correspondence with Dormon about flowers native to the deep south, 1957
1251 Financing of Flowers Native, 1957
1252 Problems of finding publisher, 1955
1253 Garden club letters, 1959
1254 Garden club correspondence, 1957
1255 Gladney, 1958 and undated
1256 Frank and Sara Gladney, 1959
1257 George Lawrence Letters, 1957
1257 Article, 1957
1258 George Lawrence
1259 McFarland Company, 1955-1956
1260 McFarland Correspondence, January-June 1957
1261 McFarland Company, July-September
1262 McFarland Company, October-December
1263 McFarland Company, January-February
1264 McFarland Company, March-April 1968
1265 McFarland Company, May-November 1958
1266 McFarland Company, 1959-1960
1267 Dr. John A. Moore, 1957
1267 Carbon copy Dormon letters, 1957
1268 Readers Letters, 1957-1962
1269 Reviews and correspondence about reviews
1270 Orders of books and readers letters, 1957
1271 Readers comments on Flowers Navite, 1958
1272 Readers and miscellaneous letters, 1959-1962
1273 Correspondence of C. Dormon and Camilla Fruax, 1954-1959
1274 Requests for wild flowers, 1954
1275 Edith Stern, 1957-1958
1276 Manuscript
1277 Letters from Cammie Henry
1278 Letters from unidentified people
1279 Letters from unidentified people
1280 Letters from unidentified people
1281 Letters from unidentified people
1282 Letters from unidentified people
1283 Letters from Gladys
1284 Letters from unidentified people
1285 Letters from unidentified people
1286 Letters from unidentified people
1287 Horace McFarland Company
1288 Programs
1289 Conservation letters
1290 Wilhelmina Greene
1291 Oliver Lodge
1292 Poison Sprays
1293 Louisiana plant nursery catalogs
1294 Postcards
1295 Ms. Fort Katcilutci
1296 Letters
1297 Wherry’s pamphlets
1298 Christmas cards
1299 Louisiana Society for Horticultural Research
1300 Booklets
1301 Memo
1302 Booklets
1303 Booklets
1304 Booklets
1305 Booklets
1306 Booklets (Indians)
1307 Miscellaneous letters
1308 Abstract of title
1309 Virginia Dormon Miller
1310 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1921
1311 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1923-1924
1312 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1928
1313 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1930-1938
1314 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1939
1315 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1940-1942
1316 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1943-1949
1317 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1950s
1318 Virginia Dormon Miller, undated
1319 Virginia Dormon Miller, teaching career
1320 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1920
1321 Virginia Dormon Miller, 1923-1924
1322 Virginia Dormon Miller, business papers
1323 Virginia Dormon Miller, business papers
1324 Virginia Dormon Miller, business papers
1325 Letters
1326 Virginia Dormon Miller teaching materials
1327 Virginia Dormon Miller certificates
1328 Virginia Dormon Miller English 311
1329 Virginia Dormon Miller writings
1330 Virginia Dormon Miller miscellaneous correspondence
1331 Three Books
1332 Books
1333 Virginia Dormon Miller miscellaneous
1334 Virginia Dormon Miller manuscript
1335 Virginia Dormon Miller manuscript
1336 Virginia Dormon Miller manuscript
1337 Virginia Dormon Miller manuscript
1338 Virginia Dormon Miller “Mary Mims”
1339 Virginia Dormon Miller manuscript
1340 Virginia Dormon Miller manuscript
1341 Virginia Dormon Miller writing course
1342 Virginia Dormon Miller miscellaneous
1343 Transferred
1344 Transferred
1345 Christine and Pauline Paul
1346 Pauline and Christine Paul
1347 Pauline and Christine Paul
1348 1936
1349 Pauls
1350 Photographs
1351 Slides
1352 Photos
1353 Chikmacha legends
1354 Miscellaneous
1355 Miscellaneous
1356 Photographs
1357 John R. Swanton, undated letters
1358 John R. Swanton, undated letters
1359 John R. Swanton letters, January-June 1930
1360 John R. Swanton, July-September 1930
1361 John R. Swanton, October-December 1930
1362 John R. Swanton, January-June 1931
1363 John R. Swanton, July-December 1931
1364 John R. Swanton, January-July 1932
1365 John R. Swanton, July-December 1932
1366 John R. Swanton, January-June 1933
1367 John R. Swanton, July-December 1933
1368 John R. Swanton, 1934
1369 John R. Swanton, 1935
1370 John R. Swanton, January-February 1935
1371 John R. Swanton, March 1936
1372 John R. Swanton, April-May 1936
1373 John R. Swanton, June-September 1936
1374 John R. Swanton, October-December 1936
1375 John R. Swanton, January-April 1937
1376 John R. Swanton, May-August 1937
1377 John R. Swanton, September-December 1937
1378 John R. Swanton, January-December 1938
1379 Swanton letters
1380 Swanton, 1940
1381 Swanton, 1941-1944
1382 Swanton, 1945-1949
1383 Swanton, 1950-1953
1384 Swanton, 1954-1957
1385 Swanton writings
1386 Report of DeSoto Expedition
1387 Garcilasso de la Vega
1388 Dormon labels
1389 Postcards
1390 North Louisiana Historical Association
1391 Letter and poem from Eleanor Bogan
1392 Mary Land Reed
1393 Letters from Fred Kniffen
1394 Minslow M. Walker Correspondence
1395 Data
1396 Pamphlets
1397 Annual report of the Board of Indian Commission, 1925-1928
1398 Report of the Commission of Indian Affairs, 1940
1399 Booklet, “Investigate Indian Affairs”
1400 “The Indian Problem”, 1924
1401 Patterson
1402 Letters
1403 Letters
1404 John R. Fordyce
1405 John R. Fordyce, 1936
1406 John R. Fordyce, February, March, April 1936
1407 John R. Fordyce, May 1936
1408 John R. Fordyce, June, July, August 1936
1409 John R. Fordyce, December 1936
1410 John R. Fordyce, October 1936
1411 John R. Fordyce, November and December 1936
1412 John R. Fordyce, 1937
1413 John R. Fordyce, 1938
1414 Tampa’s Commemoration
1415 Typed chapter and Dormon notes
1416 Letters
1417 Walter B. Jones letters, 1936
1418 Correspondence
1419 B. Bincy Imes, 1936-1937
1420 Letters
1421 Miscellaneous Correspondence about maps
1422 Mr. Geddes
1423 Glass slides
1424 Letters from DeSoto and maps
1425 Translations of old princals notes
1426 Correspondence with congress
1427 Financial reimbursement
1428 Correspondence with Daughters of America Revolution, Colonial Dames and others
1429 Celebration plans
1430 Correspondence about DeSoto Comm.
1431 Sunopsis of DeSoto Expedition
1432 DeSoto Comm. Photographs
1433 Department of Interior
1434 Letters from Cherokee school directors
1435 Letters from John Collier
1436 Correspondence of John Collier, 1937
1437 News release from Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1937
1438 Office of Indian Affairs news releases, 1938
1439 Office of Indian Affairs news releases, 1939
1440 Office of Indian Affairs news releases, 1941-1942
1441 Office of Indian Affairs news releases, 1943
1442 1944
1443 Letters of Dormon and Collier, 1945
1444 News releases, 1945
1445 News releases, 1947
1446 Letter from William Zimmerman, 1948
1447 Carl E. Guthe letters
1448 Alexander Lesser, 1951
1449 Smithsonian Institution
1450 James Ford
1451 Edward Neild
1452 “The John Pearce Site”
1453 “The American Anthropologist”
1454 Indian Clippings
1455 Indian Clippings
1456 Indian Clippings
1457 Indian Clippings
1458 “Caddo Pottery”
1459 Booklets
1460 National Resp. Board
1461 Francois Mignon
1462 Francois Mignon, 1945-1947
1463 Francois Mignon, 1948-1949
1464 Francois Mignon, 1950
1465 Francois Mignon, 1951-1952
1466 Francois Mignon, 1953-1954
1467 Francois Mignon, 1955-1956
1468 Francois Mignon, 1957-1966
1469 Francois Mignon, undated
1470 Francois Mignon, undated
1471 Francois Mignon, undated
1472 Francois Mignon, undated
1473 Manuscript
1474 Letters
1475 Replies to letters
1476 Letters to Louisiana State University
1477 Fred M. Setzler
1478 Letters
1479 Mary Haas Swadish
1480 Poverty Point
1481 Bosone Resolution opposition, 1950
1482 Indians
1483 Notes about Indians
1484 Photograph
1485 Indian research
1486 Indian research
1487 Arrow Points
1488 Notebooks
1489 Ancient village sites of Louisiana
1490 Tunica chief “Sam Young”
1491 Letters
1492 “Cherokee Notes”
1493 Cherokee
1494 Cherokee notes
1495 Cherokee notes
1496 Drawings of birds
1497 Thompsons music
1498 Dormon’s pottery sketches
1499 Civil rights
1500 Percy Viosca Jr. publications
1501 Booklet
1502 Household magazine
1503 Sketches of birds
1504 Iris sketches
1505 animal sketches
1506 Flower sketches
1507 Flower sketches
1508 Scenes
1509 Israel Sabbath
1510 People
1511 E. Merett
1512 Bibliography
1513 Tinted blueprints
1514 Blueprints
1515 Flowers
1516 Blueprints
1517 Blueprints: ferns
1518 Blueprints: trees or shrub leaves
1519 Blueprints: vines
1520 Blueprints: violets
1521 Blueprints
1522 Blueprints
1523 Blueprints
1524 Blueprints
1525 Blueprints
1526 Blueprints
1527 Blueprints
1528 Blueprints
1529 Blueprints
1530 Blueprints
1531 Blueprints
1532 Blueprints
1533 Blueprints
1534 Blueprints
1535 Blueprints
1536 Blueprints
1537 Blueprints
1538 Iris drawing
1539 Iris watercolors
1540 Flowers
1541 Hymenocalls
1542 Flower water colors
1543 Trees
1544 Painting
1545 drawings of Indian pottery
1546 Drawing of Indian pottery
1547 Automobile papers
1548 Legal papers
1549 Income tax returns
1550 Insurance papers
1551 Deeds and leases
1552 Leases and deeds
1553 Title
1554 Miscellaneous papers
1555 Blueprint of Cross Lake
1556 Negatives
1557 Portraits
1558 Portraits of Miss Dormon
1559 Pictures of Miss Dormon
1560 Pictures of Miss Dormon
1561 Pictures of Miss Dormon
1562 Pictures of Miss Dormon
1563 Pictures of Miss Dormon
1564 Pictures of Miss Dormon
1565 C. Dormon’s parents
1566 Virginia Dormon
1567 Kinfolk and friends
1568 Kinfolk and friends
1569 Relatives and friends
1570 Relatives and friends
1571 Relatives and friends
1572 Relatives and friends
1573 Relatives and friends
1574 Relatives and friends
1575 Relatives and friends
1576 Stickball negatives
1577 Cherokee negatives
1578 Tunica
1579 Indians
1580 Choctaw Emma
1581 Cherokee
1582 “Baskets” negatives and prints
1583 Houma Indians
1584 Marksville, Louisiana Excavations
1585 Archaeology photos
1586 Iris photos
1587 Day lilies and other flowers
1588 Trees
1589 Flowering shrubs and trees
1590 Birds and animals
1591 Miscellaneous
1592 Beautiful scenes along rivers, etc.
1593 Highway scenes
1594 Highway scenes
1595 Drake’s salt works
1596 Water scenes
1597 Negroes
1598 Murrell’s cave
1599 “Beyond Recall”
1600 Melrose
1601 Lodge
1602 Briarwood
1603 Briarwood
1604 Forestry
1605 Grand Ecore
1606 Kisatchie
1607 Kisatchie Forest
1608 Colfax (Cane River)
1609 Postcard views
1610 Water melon
1611 Old houses
612 Unidentified photos
1613 Printed photos
1614 Aunt Dosia letters