March 14, 2025
NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University’s Research Council will host the 38th annual Research Day Thursday, April 3. Faculty, staff, graduate students and undergraduate students are invited to submit proposals to present their scholarly or creative projects. This face-to-face conference on the Natchitoches campus will include synchronous oral presentations (15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions), synchronous brief oral presentations (5 minutes) and a poster session.
To apply to present this year, please complete the online form:, paying special attention to the formatting instructions. The final date to submit abstracts is Friday, March 21, 2025.
Student applications must designate a faculty sponsor. The faculty sponsor is responsible for ensuring the quality of the presentation. Faculty may use a Research Day presentation to satisfy the dissemination requirement for a Faculty Development Grant received in the past year.
“We hope that faculty will encourage advanced distance learning students to contribute either poster or oral presentations of their research,” said Dr. Betsy Cochran, Research Day chair. “These presentations can be conducted via WebEx if the students cannot come to the Natchitoches campus.”
For more information, contact Cochran at