Natchitoches – Alex Engstrom believes in solving problems through dialogue, partnerships and putting aside politics.

Engstrom is a junior in the Louisiana Scholars’ College at Northwestern State University and last year founded Demons in Government, a student group focused on cultivating a spirit of political awareness and responsibility.  His interest in government and economic development landed him a spot with the 2024 Governor’s Fellows Program in Louisiana Government this past summer. Engstrom was placed in the Department of Economic Development and designed a proposal through which business and industry could partner with municipalities to improve water quality.

The Governor’s Fellows Program is an opportunity for college student leaders to experience public policy in action, learn about current affairs in Louisiana government and earn academic credit in public administration. Each Fellow is assigned to a cabinet-level agency in Baton Rouge where they collaborate with agency leaders on existing projects, observe leadership strategies and learn how state policies are developed.  Fellows are selected based on academic standing, demonstrated leadership, public service, volunteerism, political involvement, ethical standards and a commitment to personal growth, good government and nonpartisanship.

Engstrom, of Baton Rouge, is pursuing a double major in philosophy, politics and economics and humanities and social thought.  He previously worked in the capitol as a House Page for Representative Aimee Adatto Freeman. His application essay for the Fellows program reflected his interest in economic development.

“I wrote my essay on foreign adversaries being barred from buying land in Louisiana,” he said. “I’m interested in international issues and economics, so I got slated with Louisiana Economic Development and I was very grateful to get placed there. LED Secretary [Susan] Bourgeois says that LED should be more localized and operate at the speed of business, not government.

“The coolest part of the program was taking a public administration master’s level 5000 course taught by Dr. Roy Heidelburg, who went to the Scholars’ College.”  Heidelburg, a 2005 graduate of NSU, is associate professor and department chair of LSU’s master’s degree in public administration program.

Heidelburg was not the only NSU alum Engstrom worked with in Baton Rouge.  He was placed in the same office as Jacob Ellis, a 2020 graduate and former Student Government Association president who was also selected for the Fellows program and is now employed in the Department of Economic Development.  Ellis, like Engstrom, was active in Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity and several campus organizations.

“Each of us had our assignment within our department and were expected to present a public policy proposal.  At the end of the program, we presented it in front of the governor’s cabinet,” Engstrom said. “I wrote mine very relevant to Natchitoches. It’s a grant program that encourages companies to partner with local municipalities that have failing water systems. The local governments could apply for funding and the company would be provided a tax incentive if they work to improve the water system.”

Engstrom’s other big project this past summer was representing Louisiana at the United to Beat Malaria conference in Washington, D.C.  United to beat Malaria is a global campaign of the UN Foundation that brings partners together to end malaria, a preventable and treatable disease. That opportunity was facilitated through Demon in Government, which assists membership in identifying and funding internships with the U.S. Government.

After graduation, Engstrom plans to pursue a master’s degree in homeland security and work in government, preferably internationally.

As for the Fellows program, Engstrom enjoyed witnessing the reorganization of state government from an insider’s perspective.

“It was timed really well, coming in with a new administration, from Democrat to Republican, and a transition within a department after the passing of Bill 494 restructuring LED.”

Information on the Louisiana Scholars’ College, the state’s designated honors college, is available at

Information on the Louisiana Governor’s Fellows program is available at