University Police2023-12-15T14:06:16-06:00


On behalf of the dedicated professionals of the Northwestern State University Department of Public Safety, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the Police Department Home Page.

Our highest priority is the safety of our University Community. University Police Department (UPD) accomplishes this goal by interactions with our students, faculty, staff, and guest. We want the public to know and feel assured that they have a police department that has the best interest of the community at heart. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any issues or questions that you may have. If you are a visitor to our campus please feel free to stop by our office located at 315 Caspari St. and we will assist you in getting to your destination and/or give you a temporary parking pass.

You can reach UPD at (318) 357-5431 24 hours a day. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any needs that you have.

Active Shooter

In recent years our society has noticed an increase in active shooter situations in schools, businesses, and government buildings and facilities. As such, Northwestern State University and the Natchitoches Law Enforcement community have developed a training video to help students, faculty, and staff to know what options are best when they encounter a situation like this in their lives. The video was created using the standards established by A.L.E.R.R.T. (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training). Here are some helpful tips that you can use to further enhance your safety.

  • Always Be aware of your surroundings
  • Know the exits for the buildings you enter
  • Look for alternative exits other than doors (ex. 1st floor windows)
  • Be aware of suspicious people or objects
  • Once you decide to do something do it
  • Doing nothing is not an option
  • Every second matters so DON’T DEBATE….ACT
  • Offer as many details to Law Enforcement as possible
  • Have a mental plan in place of what you are going to do

These are just a few tips to help you keep yourself safe in a very dangerous situation. Please call our office if you have any questions and we will be more than happy to discuss things with you. Click this link to view the NSU Active Shooter Training Video entitled “Seconds” or watch it below.

Annual Security Report

Northwestern State University is dedicated to providing a safe, secure and crime-free environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors to the Natchitoches Campus, the Shreveport Campus, the Fort Polk/Leesville Campus and the England Air Park Campus. Realizing the diversity of the campus and the variety of activities occurring, it is essential that all individuals and departments are involved in campus safety and security. This information can help keep you and others safe at Northwestern.

In compliance with the Clery Act the University collects information on selected crimes: battery (aggravated and simple), burglary, homicide, manslaughter, motor vehicle theft, arson, sexual offenses (rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape), dating violence, dating violence, stalking, and robbery (aggravated and simple). Also collected is the number of arrests for drug law, liquor law, and weapons law violations. This information is available to the public, to all students, faculty and staff, and to all prospective students and employees who request this information. The Act also requires colleges and universities to provide law enforcement and security information regarding each campus. Copies of NSU crime statistics can be viewed online at the University Police Department website or a hard copy can be picked up at the University Police Station.

Please click on the following link to access the entire Annual Security Report for each campus.

Annual Security Report

Reported Hazing Incidents

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Campus Parking and Driving Regulations

Campus Parking and Driving Regulations

Career Options

Northwestern State University Police is an equal opportunity employer. Our department is comprised of a Patrol division and Investigative division. Our Patrol division monitors and patrols the Northwestern State University campus 24 hours a day 365 days a year. They are responsible for the enforcement of the laws of the State of Louisiana, Federal Laws, and local ordinances. All of our Patrol division are certified through Louisiana’s Police Officer Standard Training also known as P.O.S.T., and have the power of arrest and the ability to carry firearms. The Patrol division has the options of Marked Car Patrol, Golf Cart Patrol, Bike Patrol and Foot Patrol. These options give our Officers the best interactions with our University Community allowing us to better serve NSU students, faculty, and guest. Our Investigative Division is also comprised of P.O.S.T. certified Officers, and they conduct follow up investigations of criminal activity and also investigate infractions of University policies and procedures.

For information on open positions for NSU Police Department please contact NSU Human Resource Department at (318) 357-6152 or look online at Louisiana Civil Service website.

Northwestern State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies. Employees or potential employees should contact the EEO Officer at 318-357-6359. Students should contact the Dean of Students at 318-357-5285.

Crime Log

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Fire Log

Internet Safety & Precautions

Social Media and the Internet have become a major part in the life of our University and our Students. From Craigslist to YouTube the internet has numerous options of shopping and socializing. We just want our students to be aware of a few safe measures to take while on the Internet to protect themselves and their finances.

  1. Be aware of who you are giving you information to. Never provide your personal information to anyone that you don’t know. For example some social media or networking sites offer add a phone number feature, checking in at a location and other features. These are great ways for people to find you and the places you like to visit, all information that a potential stalker would love to have. It can also let everyone know that you are not at home. Also if purchasing something online be sure that your transaction is a safe one, meaning that you are being transferred to secure site to enter your information into. Make sure it’s a reputable site before inputting your information. Never send out you information to someone via email, because you might not know the actual source of the email, which could lead to identity theft.
  2. Be Careful who You Friend. Social Media sites are awesome ways to keep up with old friends and even make new ones. However just like in person you should always take great care of who you friend, because some people aren’t who they really say they are. From practical jokes to cyber stalkers people often use these sites to betray your trust to find out more about you to take advantage of you when vulnerability may arise. The Internet is a great place for someone to tell a lie and not get caught. Not everyone is who they say they are.
  3. Once its Posted its out there and can’t come back. Just know that whatever you put on the Internet, in most cases stays on the internet. If there is a embarrassing situation or a statement that you may regret later, it’s probably best if you don’t post it. Remember you are at an institution of higher learning, meaning that you are probably going to apply for a lucrative position sometime in the future, do you really want your future boss, spouse, or other person of importance to you, to see you at your most embarrassing moment or something posted out of anger. Just take a moment to think about it before you post it.

These are just a few guidelines to use while on the Internet. Good judgment is always a trustworthy tool to use while on the web.

Missing Student Policy

In compliance with the Missing Student Procedures 20 USC 1092 (j) (Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008), it is the policy of Northwestern State University Student Affairs and University Police to investigate any report of a missing student who resides on-campus at Northwestern State University. This policy, with its accompanying procedures, establishes a framework for cooperation among members of the University community aimed at locating and assisting students who are reported missing.

A student shall be deemed missing when he or she is reported absent from the University for more than 24 hours without any known reason. All reports of missing students shall be directed to Northwestern State University Police which shall investigate each report and make a determination whether the student is missing in accordance with this policy.

Each student living in an on-campus student housing facility has the option to identify an individual to be contacted by the university not later than 24 hours after the time that the student is determined missing in accordance with official notification procedures established by Northwestern State University.

Each student living in an on-campus student housing facility has the option to register confidential contact information in the event that the student is determined to be missing for a period of more than 24 hours. Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers in furtherance of a missing person investigation may have access to this information.

Each student over the age of 18 has the option of opting out of the Missing Student Policy as per the Missing Student Procedures 20 USC 1092 (j) (Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008), through signing a waiver on the Missing Student Policy Form.

If a missing student is under 18 years of age, and not an emancipated individual, the university is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian of the missing student not later than 24 hours after the determination by University Police that the student is missing.

University Police may also notify the Natchitoches City Police and other law enforcement agencies no later than 24 hours after it determines that the student is missing, even if a student has not registered a contact person.

If Northwestern State University Police has been notified and makes a determination that a student who is the subject of a missing person report has been missing for more than 24 hours and has not returned to the campus, the institution will initiate the emergency contact procedures in accordance with the student’s designation.

In keeping with trends across the nation, Northwestern State University Student Housing is configured for apartment style living and therefore may not adhere to regular or prescribed timelines for monitoring students. Student welfare and safety is paramount to the institution; however, the University recognizes and makes known its limitations in obtaining accurate and timely information on the whereabouts of students.

The Dean of Students shall have the responsibility to make the provisions of this policy and the procedures set forth below available to students.



  • Any report of a missing student, from whatever source, should immediately be directed to Northwestern State University Police.
  • When a student is reported missing University Police shall:
    1. Initiate an investigation to determine the validity of the missing person report;
    2. Contact the Dean of Students;
    3. Make a determination as to the status of the missing student;
    4. Notify Natchitoches City Police or other appropriate law enforcement agencies within 24 hours after determining that the student is missing.
  • When contacted by University Police, the Dean of Students shall:
    1. Notify the Director of Student Housing, the Vice President for The Student Experience & Dean of Students, and the President’s Office;
    2. If, on investigation of the official report, University Police determines that the student is missing, the Dean of Students will notify the individual identified by the missing student as the emergency contact within 24 hours of making the determination that the student is missing;
    3. If the missing student is under the age of 18, and not an emancipated individual, notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian as contained in the records of the University within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing.
  • The Dean of Students shall initiate whatever action deemed appropriate under the circumstances in the best interest of the missing student.

Student Contact Information:

Students residing on-campus shall be given the opportunity to identify and register a confidential contact person(s) to be notified in the case that the student is determined to be missing. Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers in furtherance of a missing person investigation may have access to this information. If a resident is under 18 years of age, and not an emancipated individual, the custodial parent or guardian must be the contact person.

Students will complete the Contact Information Form (Form A) when they move into campus housing (University Place, University Columns, Varnado Hall and other on-campus residential facilities). This form must be completed at the beginning of each lease term. It is the responsibility of the student to update any changes to contact information.

Motor Pool Department

The University Motor Pool Department is responsible for ensure that proper practices of the Universities Fuel Card Program are followed. Each University employee that is entrusted with a fuel card must adhere to a strict programming structure to ensure proper use of the card and the vehicles or equipment that the fuel card is used for.At the bottom of this page you will find a link for the training to obtain a fuel card. Fuel card holders can only be authorized drivers that have been preapproved by the office of Environmental Health and Safety.

In addition to providing access to the fuel card program, the Motor Pool Department also provides travel vehicles to University employees. To find out more about this program please contact Erin Dupree at or Lindsey Vascocu at

* Training must be completed before access to the fuel card program will be granted.

** Be sure to print the form at the end of the training to submit to the Motor Pool Department so that your card request can be processed.

Purple Alert is Northwestern State University’s rapid notification system. At its core, Purple Alert is a multi-part communications process for disseminating alerts to NSU students, faculty and staff. Purple Alert are distributed through a company called Firstcall. Registration for Purple Alert will take place directly through a Firstcall supported website. For more information on Purple Alert or to activate an account click here.

Reporting A Crime

Students, faculty, staff members, and visitors are strongly encouraged to report criminal activity or potential criminal action and any other emergency by calling the University Police emergency telephone number, 318-357-5431 or 911 from any campus phone. All none emergency calls should be made to (318) 357-5431. This number provides direct 24-hour-a-day contact with the Police Department. The Designated Individuals of the Shreveport Campus, Fort Polk/Leesville Campus and the England Air Park Campus will write incident reports of crimes, incidents, accidents, and thefts and fax them to the NSU Police Department.

A monthly crime/incident log will be maintained on each campus and communicated to the NSU Police Department. In the event an individual prefers to report a criminal offense to someone other than the University Police, he/she has the option of reporting the situation to the Director of Student Accountability, 100 Student Union, telephone 318-357-6703, or to the Vice President for Student Affairs, Student Services telephone 318-357-5286. An employee also has the option of reporting a criminal act to his/her supervisor or the appropriate division Vice President.

If you See Something Say Something.

For more information on Northwestern State University crime statistics please feel free to look at our yearly Annual Security Report for each campus:

Annual Security Report

Reported Hazing Incidents

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Safety Escorts

It is one of the goals of this Department to provide a safe environment for our students and faculty members. One service that we are happy to use is what is known as a Safety Escort. If you are leaving a building late at night and want to feel a little safer walking out to your vehicle, don’t hesitate to call our office and request an Officer to make sure you make it out to your vehicle safe. If its night time and you are scared to walk across campus by yourself call our office an Officer will come give you a ride to an on campus building. It’s one of the ways that we let our students and faculty/staff feel a little safer at night. Call our Office at (318) 357-5431 and an Officer will be there when available to see you safely to your destination on campus.

Student ID’s

Many safety issues impacting Northwestern State University students result from the actions of non-students who come to campus and engage in criminal activity. For self-protection and the safety of the Northwestern State University community, student are expected to carry their Student Identification Cards with them at all times and be prepared to show ID’s to police and other University personnel Upon request. Help keep Northwestern State University safe; carry your Speed Demon card and cooperate with University Police when asked to show your ID.

Your first student ID is issued to you upon becoming enrolled as an NSU student. If your ID card is ever lost, stolen, or misplaced you can receive a second for an additional charge. Any questions regarding the acquisition of Student IDs should be directed to the NSU One Card Office at (318) 357-5131 or by clicking here.

University Safety Division

University Safety is a specialized division of University Police that focuses on the physical safety needs of the University community. The division is headed by Director Jon Caliste. University safety contributes to the overall safety of the University community by providing training programs which include Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events, student and faculty safety training, and anaylitcal studies of trends of crime on each of the Universities campuses. University Safety also conducts evaluations and scene investigations of University property to ensure that the minimum safety standards of the University are met or need to be implemented. This is done by research, trend studies, and communication with University stakeholders from different disciplines from the University.

In addition University Safety also compiles the Annual Security Report for each campus of Northwestern State University, and coordinates the University’s compliance with the Clery Act. Below is a link to forms required for traveling with students for a period extending over 48hrs. Questions and completed forms should be sent to Director Caliste at

  • Student Hotel Form – To be completed for stays extending over 48hrs in one location.
  • Student Facility Form – To be completed when a spaced is leased or rented for a students while traveling.

University Trainings

University Police Department develops different trainings for the University community and students. Below you will find University trainings for the subjects below. The links listed below will take you to the Moodle Shell that host both of the trainings listed below. The Moodle course is a self-enroll course, so it will not automatically appear on your Moodle page until you follow the specific link to the course and enroll. If you have any questions please contact Director Jon Caliste at 318-677-3044 or

Also please find our policy on conveyances which can be found below.



NSU Police Department
PO Box 5322
Natchitoches, LA 71497

Phone: (318) 357-5431
FAX: (318) 357-4321
Secretary: (318) 357-5999

Send comments or questions to:

Other Agencies

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some some questions that people frequently ask our officers and dispatchers. If you don’t see a question that you may have or would like a further explanation please feel free to contact our office at (318) 357-5431 and we will do our best to answer any question that you may have.

Can I file a Police Report by Phone?2019-03-27T09:36:48-06:00

No. All incident and offense reports must be done in person either at the location of the incident/offense or at the University Police Station.

Can NSU Police just ask me for my student ID, and do I have to show them?2019-03-27T09:35:45-06:00

Yes. University Police can ask for your student ID, and Yes it would be in your best interest to show them your student ID. Many safety issues impacting NSU students results from the actions of non-students who come to campus and engage in criminal activity. It is the fastest and simplest way for University Police to determine who is a student and who is not.

Does University Police do fingerprinting?2019-03-27T09:38:52-06:00

University Police does offer a fingerprinting service for its students and faculty/staff employees. It is a free service that we offer. The service is offered Monday thru Friday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

Does University Police hire students, and for what positions?2020-06-16T12:41:03-06:00

University Police does hire students for multiple positions. Positions include:

  • Student Officers
  • Building Lock Up
  • Administrative Student Workers
  • Motor Pool

Some position such as our Student Officer positions do require training standards be met before employment. For more information and to see if you qualify for a student worker position contact Donna Motter of NSU police Department at (318) 357-5431 for any openings and required training.

How do I get a copy of a Police Report that I filed?2019-03-27T09:37:18-06:00

Copies of Police reports can be obtained at the University Police Station. A person requesting a report must fill out a Report Request form which can be obtained at NSU Police Station. All that is required is a photo ID, preferably a State Issued ID.

I got an NSU parking ticket. What do I do?2019-03-27T09:34:27-06:00

When issued an NSU citation you have two options in regards to the citation.  A person has the option to Appeal the citation by filling out an Appeal Form located at the University Police Station.  The Appeal then goes before the Appeal Committee which is comprised of faculty and staff  members and students who then vote on whether or not the citation is to paid or if it is appealed.  The Appeal Form will have the date and time of the appeal meeting and the person’s attendance is not required, but is welcome.  The other option is of course pay the citation.

Is it safe to walk on campus at night?2019-03-27T09:36:17-06:00

Although our campus is a safe campus with low crime rate it is always a good idea to take extra precautions when walking at night. Always be aware of your surroundings. Try not to walk alone, have a couple of friends walk with you. And females always have the option to contact our office for an escort to an on campus building when available.

Where do I pay my ticket?2019-03-27T09:35:06-06:00

Citations can be paid at the Northwestern State University Cashiers Office, located on the 3rd floor of the Student Services Building.  All citations fines are posted to the person’s student account.


Craig Vercher Chief
(318) 357-4489
Wesley HarrellCaptain
(318) 357-5290
Jon CalisteDirector
(318) 677-3044
Patrick KornAdministrator
(318) 357-5517
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