Faculty Resources
FDC Description
Our interdisciplinary Faculty Development Community (FDC) members come from various backgrounds such as Business, Education, Engineering, Social Science, and Social Work. Sustaining Undergraduate Retention through Educator-led (SURE) Initiatives addresses the challenge of undergraduate retention by fostering academic success for all students, particularly those struggling with traditional educational methods. This initiative acknowledges the diverse backgrounds and needs of students. This FDC believes that impacting student success requires a multifaceted approach, including teaching, advising, course delivery, and broader interactions. Effective strategies can vary between departments, reflecting unique challenges and opportunities, while some policies and practices can benefit the entire university. By engaging with the proposed initiatives, educators can implement innovative teaching strategies and contribute to a supportive academic community, while enhancing students’ experience and retention.
FDC Deliverables
Our FDC’s deliverables include a comprehensive report on the proposed initiative, which any faculty member can use as a guideline to join the supportive academic community at Northwestern State University of Louisiana. This report addresses strategies to meet various student needs and support from the traditional to the non-traditional students, providing faculty with strategies to implement or sufficient guidance to direct students towards appropriate resources or resolutions.
SURE Initiative_Comprehensive Report.pdf
Our second deliverable is a PowerPoint slide deck presented at the 2024 NSU Research Day. In this presentation, we highlighted the key elements of the initiative and outlined actionable steps for faculty to enhance student retention and success.
SURE Initiative_Overcoming Barriers Presentation.pptm
FDC Members
Nabin Sapkota, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Technology
Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Faculty Advisor
Clark & Wommack Clark Endowed Professorship Recipient
Jack Atherton, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences and Applied Programs
Administrator, Unified Public Safety Administration
Susan Campbell, PhD
Interim Chair, Social Work Department
Assistant Professor & Mathilde Bradford Endowed Professorship
Social Work Program Admission and Student Services Coordinator
Phi Alpha Faculty Adviser
Mary Fair, JD
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Stewart Ewing Endowed Professor
Marcia Hardy, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Business
Barry Smiley Endowed Professor
Cultural Exploration Organization Faculty Advisor
NSU Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars, President Emeritus
Kristen Walker, MEd
Instructor, Education
Program Coordinator of Secondary Education and Alternative Certification
FDC Description
The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Academia Faculty Development Community sought to explore the effectiveness of various AI platforms in the creation and management of (1) syllabi, (2) images, (3) graphs, (4) lesson plans, (5) presentations, and (6) quizzes. The main objective is to provide a curated list of resources for faculty working on developing tools for their respective courses. The AI software researched throughout this FDC has the potential to provide innovative solutions to the myriad of challenges faced by faculty in the classroom, and to complement existing tools in surprising and exciting ways.
FDC Deliverables
As a result of this community, two deliverables have been developed. The first is a presentation that summarizes the project. The second is a pdf document that walks the reader through various AI platforms and their effectiveness as a tool for various tasks.
The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Academia_Presentation.pptx
Summary of the Use of AI in Academia Project.pdf
FDC Members
Dr. Daniel Rivera-Vazquez
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Dr. Damien Tristant
Assistant Professor of Physics
Dr. Lauren Mitchell
Instructor of Biology
Dr. Kathryn Gentry
Assistant Professor of Education
Dr. Kelli Haynes
Department Head, School of Allied Health and Professor of Radiologic Science
FDC Description
It is no secret that many students struggle academically and fail to find their footing in the university setting, regardless of how prepared they may be. Lack of support and/or preparation in the areas of academic success, social support, and mental health/self-care are often given as reasons for these students’ struggle. In response, our multidisciplinary Faculty Development Community formed with the goal of developing an easily accessible collection of resources to aid faculty in helping vulnerable students. Assembled based on best practices in advising and student retention, including successful initiatives from various departments across campus, these resources are readily accessible through the designated repository. The repository will aid faculty as they work with students who are experiencing various challenges and may prove to aid in retention of students. Additionally, it is designed to grow and evolve as additional resources become available.
FDC Deliverables
Through this project, two deliverables were created:
- A “Freshmen Resource Repository” Moodle shell that serves as the resource repository
- A PowerPoint presentation that was delivered by the FDC members at NSU’s research day. This presentation documented the development of the repository and highlighted various resources that are currently found within it.
Faculty Resource Repository FDC 2023_2024.pptx
FDC Members
Beverly Broadway, MS
Instructor, Department of Psychology and Addiction Studies
Cynthia Doffitt, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Microbiology
Holley Shivers, MS
Instructor, Department of Psychology and Addiction Studies
Deborah Huntington, MLIS
Head, Collection Development and Cataloging/Associate Professor
Eugene P. Watson Memorial Library
Joseph Straub, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Microbiology
The Moving Beyond the Discussion Board: Apps, Digital Tools, and SRS Inside and Outside the Classroom Faculty Development Community sought to investigate a broad range of tools to help keep NSU faculty on the cutting edge of digital interaction with our students, colleagues, and campus community and to support and educate faculty members who know that these systems exist, but don’t know where or how to begin deploying them. We have created “Quick Guides” for these tools, offering a contact person for each resource, video walkthroughs to help colleagues set up accounts and begin deploying tools, and in-person workshops. Crucially, this FCD sought to equip NSU faculty with resources that are not limited to the classroom. These apps, tools, and systems can certainly support more engaging, interactive, and innovative pedagogies, but also can help professors network with colleagues on committees, support graduates with job placement, and generate new modes of interaction across campus.
FDC Deliverables
We have produced two kinds of deliverables: PDF “Resource Guides” and “Video Walkthroughs”. The Stream URL links for the Video Walkthroughs are listed below.
PDF Resource/Quick Guides
Canva Quick Guide
Flip Quick Guide
Kahoot Quick Guide
Nearpod Quick Guide
Padlet Quick Guide
Perusall Quick Guide
PollEverywhere Quick Guide
Video Walkthroughs
Discord Walkthrough
Kahoot! walkthrough.mp4
Nearpod walkthrough.mp4
Perusall Quick Guide.mp4
Packback Video Walkthrough.mp4
FDC Members
Dr. Sean Bartley – Facilitator
Assistant Professor of Theatre History
Dr. Lilly Berberyan
Assistant Professor of English
Dr. Haley Blount
Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance
Dr. Maryanne Candley
Assistant Professor of Social Work
Professor Jonathan Clayton
Instructor of Photography
Professor Leah Forsyth
Assistant Professor of Music
Dr. Kathryn Gentry
Assistant Professor of Education
Our interdisciplinary Faculty Development Community (FDC) focused on workforce readiness. Our goal was to support academic programs’ efforts toward preparing NSU students for work and graduate/professional school. Faculty from Engineering Technology, Psychology and Addiction Studies, and Creative and Performing Arts developed a template with case studies that illustrate the ways in which departments currently foster, and could further enhance and sustain, the pipeline through which students gain awareness, knowledge, skills, and experiences that make them workforce ready.
FDC Deliverables
Our Workforce Readiness FDC’s deliverables included a Self-Assessment tool (fillable PDF) to aid academic programs endeavoring to understand and enhance their on-going efforts to prepare students for successful entry into work and graduate/professional school. Each academic department employs strategies to promote awareness and workforce readiness among three cohorts of students (future students, current students, and alumni). Furthermore, each academic program has its own unique strengths, challenges, opportunities, and threats. Our self-assessment tool is intended to foster self-reflection which will help these academic departments/programs to identify what is working well in their unit and what are their opportunities for growth.
Our FDC’s second deliverable is a PowerPoint slide deck that was presented at the 2023 NSU Research Day. In this presentation, we define workforce readiness and illustrate a continuous improvement pathway that academic programs can follow to ensure that a Northwestern State University education is personal, valuable and impactful.
Workforce Readiness PrintReady_FINAL_April_6_2023 – Copy.pptm
FDC Members
Steven Gruesbeck, MS, NCC
Executive Director, NSU Healthcare Acamic and Career Exploration (ACE) Project
Director, NSU Service-Learning
Instructor, Department of Psychology and Addiction Studies
Charles R. King, Ph.D., LAC
Interim Department Head and Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Addiction Studies
Dr. Francisco A. Silva Endowed Professorship Recipient
Nabin Sapkota, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Technology
Pia Wyatt, M.F.A.
Professor of Theatre and Dance and Associate Director of Theatre and Dance, The Dear School of Creative and Performing Arts
KCACTF Region VI Past Co-Chair
Our workplace has gone through profound changes in recent years, and the increase in burn outs and sick leave usage shows a need to establish clear boundaries in our lives and make conscious efforts to pause. Learning to take a break from our area of expertise, exploring new avenues, and connecting with others are key to overall well-being, symmetry, and temperance of character. These qualities help to re-energize faculty teaching and research, as well as model a healthier life-work balance for students.
This Faculty Development Community sought to discover and compile all that Natchitoches and NSU have to offer as opportunities to try something new with no strings attached, recruited faculty and staff members who were up to this challenge, and helped to organize a Faculty Show that celebrated our efforts in this challenge.
FDC Deliverables
GREEN LIGHT CHALLENGE.mov (sharepoint.com)
FDC Members
Malena McLaren: mclarenm@nsula.edu
Christine Ferrell: ferrellc@nsula.edu
Rebecca Macijeski: macijeskir@nsula.edu
Cynthia Doffitt: doffittc@nsula.edu
Phyllis Lear: lear_p@mac.com
Kathy Autrey: autrey@nsula.edu
James Mischler: mischlerj@nsula.edu
Leslie Gruesbeck: gruesbeckl@nsula.edu
Center for Research, Education, and Artistic Teamwork Exploration
Northwestern State University has developed a faculty collaboration incubator called CREATE – the Center for Research, Education, and Artistic Teamwork Exploration. CREATE is a place for faculty/staff/students to share ideas for collaboration and to establish and nurture professional working relationships that are necessary to produce outstanding, interdisciplinary activity.
Faculty strive to provide all Northwestern State students with an undergraduate experience rich in transformational, high-impact, experiential learning practices, research, and service with the goal of equipping students with the skills needed to reason and analyze as well as express their creativity and thoughts in preparation for post-baccalaureate life. The ability of our faculty to provide these meaningful experiences to our students is intimately related to their ability to sustain their drive to maintain their own creative and educational practices. This means that for Northwestern State to thrive, we must support the mentoring and professional development of our faculty and assist them in acquiring the resources needed to assist those conscious-minded faculty remain inspired and energized by their work for and with each other and our students. CREATE seeks to provide that support!
Each academic year, CREATE sponsors several collaborative projects spearheaded by university faculty. Some of those collaborative projects are highlighted here.

Thinkers, Tinkers, and Talkers – Episode 1
Grace Jensen is the student host and producer of Thinkers, Tinkers, and Talkers. Grace is a junior Communications major with a concentration in Journalism. She is the General Manager of KNWD 91.7FM and has hosted shows since her first semester at NSU. She would love to work as a multimedia journalist or a news producer in her dad’s hometown of Buffalo, New York.
Faculty from the Schools of STEM and CAPA have collaborated to create a new general physical science course tailored for music, theatre, and art majors. The new SCI1010 course will still cover the important physics and chemistry topics addressed in the traditional course, but it will utilize examples from the music, theatre, and art fields to spark more student interest and knowledge in the science that will affect their daily lives as professional artists.
This project involved facilitating some needed updates to our existing campus map offered through CampusTours. The updates included the establishment of several new maps “layers” that depict parking lots, campus roads, and accessibility parking and building access points. The project will continue as we update building information and include interior photographs and videos.
Department | Faculty Member |
Biology & Microbiology | Cynthia Doffitt |
Business Administration | Marcia Hardy |
CIS | Begona Perez Mira |
ELCS | Rebecca Macijeski, Oona Zbitkovskis |
ET | Shahriar Hossain |
F+GA | Corbin Covher |
LSC | Keith Dromm |
Mathemathics | Judith Covington |
Music | Masahito Kuroda |
NMJCA | Dorian (Elaine) Eaton |
Physical Science | Anna Dugas |
School of Education | Dylan Solice |
SSAP | Kim Boudreaux |
T&D | Andrew Killion, Sean Bartley, Robert Richoux |