A bachelor’s degree in psychology or addiction studies offers an overall understanding of the human mind and the opportunity to join one of the fastest growing job fields. The master’s program in clinical psychology provides training for students entering the workforce or going on to a doctoral program. Psychology graduates work in a variety of fields and settings including mental health, human resources, etc., while advanced education will open paths toward clinical practice and research. Addiction Studies graduates typically work as Addiction Counselors.

Degree Programs

Bachelor of Science in Addiction Studies (395)

A bachelor’s degree in addiction studies offers an understanding of the human mind, addictive behaviors, and advances in addiction counseling.  Students have the opportunity to join one of the fastest growing job fields. Addiction Studies graduates typically work as Addiction Counselors.  Learn more »

Bachelor of Science in Psychology (392)

The bachelor’s in psychology offers students the flexibility to gain an overall understanding of the field or specialize in several areas.  There is great demand for graduates with psychology degrees. Employers need people with communication skills; the ability to collect, organize, analyze and interpret data; and an understanding of human behavior. Learn more »

Master of Science in Clinical Psychology (552)

The bachelor’s in psychology offers students the flexibility to gain an overall understanding of the field or specialize in several areas.  There is great demand for graduates with psychology degrees. Employers need people with communication skills; the ability to collect, organize, analyze and interpret data; and an understanding of human behavior. Learn more »

Minor Requirements for Psychology or Addiction Studies

Psychology Minor Requirements:(21 semester hours) Psychology 1010, 2430, 4400, 4410, 4450, 4510, and three semester hours of Psychology electives.

Addiction Studies Minor Requirements: (18 semester hours) Addiction Studies 1010, 2050, 2430, 3010, 3020 and 4510.

Virtual Graduation Ceremony

January 4th, 2021|

On Wednesday, December 16th, the Psychology and Addiction Studies Department recognized graduating seniors in special virtual ceremony. Students and faculty submitted videos of congratulations and future plans. The virtual ceremony was well attended […]

Moulton, colleagues contribute to psychology textbook

November 19th, 2020|

NATCHITOCHES – Dr. Patrice Moulton, a professor of psychology at Northwestern State University, co-authored a publication, “Clinical Supervision in the Helping Professions:  A Practical Guide,” published with leaders in the field of psychology Dr. Gerald […]

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