The Sponsored Programs Office congratulates the following on successfully secured grants:

 Jennifer Cowan, Louisiana Pathways, Department of Child and Family Networks, Gallaspy College of Education and Human Development, received notification of a $367,873.20 award from the Louisiana Department of Education entitled, “Louisiana Pathways Career Development System.” Dr. Nancy P. Alexander is a collaborator.

 Dr. Shane Rasmussen, Louisiana Folklife Center, College of Arts and Sciences, received notification of a $4,800 award from the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation entitled, “The 45th Annual Natchitoches-NSU Folk Festival.”

Dr. Tammy Curtis, Radiologic Sciences-Undergraduate, College of Nursing and Allied Health, received notification of a $195,000 award from CHRISTUS Health Northwestern Louisiana entitled, “Christus Highland-Radiologic Sciences Faculty Support.” Dr. AimeeBadeaux and Tiffany Chasteen are collaborators.

Dr. Anna Morris, Department of Nursing-Undergraduate, College of Nursing and Allied Health, received notification of a $216,000 award from the CHRISTUS Health Northwestern Louisiana entitled, “Christus Highland-Nursing Faculty Support.” Dr. Aimee Badeaux and Tiffany Chasteen are collaborators.

 Dr. Charles King, Department of Psychology and Addiction Studies, Gallaspy College of Education and Human Development, received notification of a $25,000 award from the University of Texas at Austin, entitled, “SSW ATTC Grant.” Dr. Neeru Deep and Ms. Sarah Combs are collaborators.

Current Activities

Kimberly Duncan, Child and Family Network, Gallaspy College of Education and Human Development, submitted an allocation to the Louisiana Department of Education entitled, “Birth to Three – Third Quarter.” Dr. Nancy Alexander, Ms. Paula Youngblood, and Ms. Camille English are collaborators.

Dr. Aaron Stigers, Shreveport Nursing Education Center, College of Nursing and School of Allied Health, submitted a proposal to the Health Resources and Services Administration entitled, “PMHNPs: Bridging the Behavioral Healthcare Gap.” Dr. Anna Morris, Dr. Aimee Badeaux, and Ms. Tiffany Chasteen are collaborators.

SPO STAFF are Alysia L. Jones, Director, and Amber Campa, Coordinator. For assistance in seeking information about funding opportunities, preparing proposals, or administering projects, contact the Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) by phone at 357-5222, email at, or visit the SPO website.