The Student Accounting & Cashiering Office is the central billing and collection point for Northwestern State University, and is responsible for managing the university billing, collecting, and cashiering functions.
Payment Options
Northwestern State University offers several options and methods of payments:
On-line: Online payments can be made with 24/7 available access. Students may login to myNSU and make an online payment by clicking pay my bill. The online system accepts E-check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. Effective October 2, 2024, a 2.95% convenience fee will apply to domestic credit and debit card payments ($3 convenience fee minimum). ACH payments will have a $0.50 flat processing fee.
Students may provide their parents with a parent pin to make payments on their behalf:
- Log into myNSU and click pay my bill
- Click pay my bill online now, and in the parent pin section click – Add New, and complete the form.
- Parents will be sent an email with login information and password, allowing them to log into CASHNet and make online payments.
Foreign Payments: Northwestern State University is partnered with the following platforms to accept international payments:
Flywire is a website that allows students to use foreign credit cards, sites like Paypal, and bank wires and transfers to make payments to Northwestern State University. It is a safe site that is available 24/7, with a help desk that assists customers in many different languages. Once the student makes a payment, it notifies NSU and the payment can be posted to the student’s account. To make an international payment please visit
PayMyTuition is available 24/7 and allows students to pay for their tuition and other fees in their home currency while saving them thousands of dollars on currency exchange and transfer fees. For more information and to make an international payment, please click the PayMyTuition tab on our website.
Mail: Checks and money orders can be mailed to Northwestern State University, NSU Box 5669, Natchitoches LA 71497. Please, no cash payments! Please include the remittance stub from your bill statement and/or include your name and campus wide identification number with your payment to ensure timely posting of your payment.
In-Person: Check, money order, credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover) and cash payments can be made in person at the Cashier’s Window located on the 3rd floor of the Jimmy D. Long Student Services Building. The Cashier’s Window hours of operation are Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, and Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Effective October 2, 2024, card payments will no longer be accepted at our cashier window.
Important: The University does not accept credit card payments over the telephone.
Previous Balance Policy
The following holds will be placed on a student’s account:
- 68 – Registration Hold – Students with a balance of more than $1,000
Holds will be placed on a student’s account after the final installment due date for the semester. This allows students with a balance to participate in early registration.
A student who has early registered and owes a financial balance of more than $1,000 from a previous semester must pay the previous balance to $1,000 or less to attend classes.
A student who has a financial balance greater than $1,000 will be dropped from classes by the established cancellation date.
If you have registered or want to register but owe a financial balance of more than $1,000 from a previous semester, you may qualify for an exception. The registration exception process is meant to allow students to continue their education while actively participating in a repayment plan to the University. The goal is to continue to reduce your past debt while ensuring your current debt is covered.
Steps to a successful exception
- Exhaust ALL financial aid opportunities. Complete all necessary paperwork for financial aid, including but not limited to a FAFSA ( All students should complete documents unless financial aid can determine that students are at their max or in default.
- Submit a detailed payment plan that addresses how both the current and previous balances will be paid by the end of the semester. You must demonstrate a commitment to paying your debt.
- If you fail to follow the agreed upon plan, exception status will be denied for the following semester.
If an exception to register with a previous balance is approved, and you are eligible for financial aid, Northwestern State University will apply your aid in the following ways:
- Non-title IV aid will be applied to any balance, current or previous.
- Title IV aid will be applied to any current aid year balance.
- Title IV aid cannot be used to pay a balance greater than $200 from a previous aid year.
- Students with financial aid greater than current award year charges will receive a refund. Students are encouraged to pay any previous award year balance upon receipt of any refund as documented in their exception plan. Failure to do so may result in future exception status being denied.
- An aid year begins in the Fall and continues through the Spring and Summer. Any Title IV aid awarded during an award year is used to pay for a balance in these semesters. It can also be used to pay up to $200 toward a previous award year balance.
Installment, late registration, and late payment charges will be assessed, and collection placement and credit bureau reporting submitted in accordance with university policy.
The Vice President for the Student Experience has authority to override any decision of the committee if unforeseen circumstances warrant such.
Accounts not paid by the last day of the semester will be referred to the University’s contracted collection agency in the timeframes listed below. The collection agency will pursue collections; however, a student’s account will not be reported to a credit bureau.
- Spring and Summer semester delinquent accounts are referred during the following Fall semester.
- Fall semester delinquent accounts are referred during the following Spring semester.
Uncollectible prior year student receivables are to be written off and referred to the Attorney General’s Office for collections.
Example: Students with a balance from Summer 2019, Fall 2019, or Spring 2020 will be referred to the Attorney General’s Office as of June 30, 2021
Upon transmittal for collection, the student is responsible for collection/attorney fees in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of the unpaid debt and court and other related costs. In addition, these debts may be reported to credit bureau agencies.

Tuition & Fees
Northwestern State University – Tuition and Fees Schedule
Registered students are assessed tuition and fees based on a variety of factors. The following criteria are used to determine the amount of tuition and fees a Northwestern State University student is assessed each semester:
- Level (Undergraduate or Graduate)
- Campus (The campus where the majority of your classes are held?)
- Credit hours enrolled
Spring 2025 Tuition & Fee Schedules
Fall 2024 Tuition & Fee Schedules
Understanding your Costs: The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of school-related expenses. Please visit the COA webpage for additional information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Explanation of Fees
Contact Us
Northwestern State University Student Accounting & Cashiering Office is located on the 3rd Floor of the Jimmy Long Student Services Building.
Office HoursStudent Accounting and Cashiering:Monday – Thursday 8:00-4:30 (CLOSED 12:00 – 1:00) NSU Departmental Cashiering: Monday – Thursday 8:00-2:30 (CLOSED 12:00 – 1:00) |
Mailing AddressNSU Box 5669Natchitoches LA 71497 Email: |