Title IX/Power-Based Violence2025-03-11T07:06:27-06:00

Power Based Violence and Title IX

Female college student holding up sign that reads "Sexual Assault or Sexual Harassment.....Report it!"
Title IX: Power-Based Violence

Every Northwestern State University employee is considered a responsible employee.

Northwestern State is committed to eliminating sexual misconduct in our community, advocating for anyone who has experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment, and respecting the rights of both complainants and respondents.

Northwestern State prohibits discrimination and sexual misconduct on the basis of sex, which includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and coercion. NSU also prohibits discrimination based on gender or sex.

Northwestern State is committed to eliminating sexual misconduct in our community, advocating for anyone who has experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment, and respecting the rights of both complainants and respondents.

Northwestern State prohibits discrimination and sexual misconduct on the basis of sex, which includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and coercion. NSU also prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Responsible Employee

Every Northwestern State University employee is considered a responsible employee. When an individual tells a responsible employee about an incident involving sexual misconduct, the employee MUST report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator.


NSU strongly advocates reporting sex discrimination, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or sexual harassment. Anyone who reports an incident will be informed of their options for support services, such as health and wellbeing counseling, employment accommodations, residence accommodations, or class accommodations. They will also learn the options for filing Formal Title IX Complaints or criminal charges. Reporting will not obligate the Complainant to file a Formal Complaint or pursue criminal charges, nor will it subject the complainant to scrutiny or judgmental opinions. Reporting to Title IX does not mean the incident has to be reported to police. That is your decision to make. Title IX is here to help you.

Reporting Options:

  1. Reporting online with the Title IX Reporting Form. (Preferred Method of Reporting)
  2. Reporting to Director of Title IX Compliance & Title IX Coordinator, Julie Powell (318) 357-5570, Student Union room 306, obannonj@nsula.edu
  3. For emergencies, call University Police (318) 357-5431 or 911.
  4. For a 24/7 Confidential Advisor, please call University Police, and they will forward the call.

Officials with Authority

For all schools, notice of an incident to an Official with Authority charges a school

Julie Powell
Director of Title IX Compliance & Title IX Coordinator

Traci LaBom Norris
Director of Accountability & Student Conduct

Reatha Cox
Vice President for Student Experience & Dean of Students

University Police

University Obligations

  • take prompt necessary steps to stop sexual violence and harassment, prevent its recurrence, and remedy the effects, whether or not the incident is the subject of a criminal investigation
  • offer support services and take interim steps, including but not limited to free counseling services, moving residence halls, moving classes, changing transportation options, issuing mutual no contact, and/or any other reasonable accommodation
  • investigate alleged incident
  • provide a grievance procedure based on preponderance of evidence standard to resolve complaints of sex discrimination, including complaints of sexual violence and harassment
  • notify both parties of outcome of complaint
Julie Powell
Julie PowellDirector of Title IX Compliance & Title IX Coordinator
Co-Chair Behavior Intervention Team
Kinshanna Fontenot
Kinshanna Fontenot
Deputy Title IX Coordinator


Title IX Training Certification

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What is the role of the Title IX Coordinator?2022-12-08T11:59:02-06:00

The Title IX Coordinator ensures schools are compliant with Title IX, oversees educational efforts for students, faculty, and staff, coordinates the investigation and disciplinary process, and looks for patterns or systemic problems with compliance to ensure schools fulfill all their federal obligations.

What if a student discloses to Faculty or Staff?2025-02-06T10:54:33-06:00

As a responsible employee per Title IX related law, faculty and staff must report the disclosure to the Title IX Coordinator. Please feel free to contact the Title IX Coordinator for assistance immediately. Official online reports must be made at https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?NorthwesternStateUnivLA&layout_id=1 . Additionally, please download the What to Report Guide (Employee) below and the NSU TIX Brochure-Not Alone to give to the student.

What factors contribute to the likelihood of sexual assault?2025-01-23T13:22:32-06:00

Research has shown that alcohol use and sexual violence are associated. Make every effort to watch out for friends and plan interventions to take action if need be–be proactive and do not be a bystander to sexual misconduct. For more information about how you or your student organization can get involved in eliminating sexual misconduct in our community, contact the Title IX Coordinator-Julie Powell at (318) 357-5570, obannonj@nsula.edu or visit 306 Friedman Student Union during office hours.

Will my friends and I get in trouble if we report and we’ve been partying?2022-12-08T11:57:31-06:00

Northwestern State provides amnesty–forgiveness of nonviolent student conduct violations, such as underage drinking–for any student reporting sexual misconduct in good faith.

Will others know that I’ve reached out for help?2025-01-23T13:12:28-06:00

All reporting of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct is treated as confidential to the greatest extent possible; the privacy of all individuals involved is important to the Northwestern State. In most situations, only individuals involved in the resolution of the situation will have access to the information about the case. If there is a risk of the alleged perpetrator committing additional crimes, if an individual is in immediate danger, or if there has been expressed intent to harm others, or other risks such as involvement of a weapon or the age of the person involved (minor), the University may determine that it is necessary to compromise the level of privacy provided.

How am I protected if I report or act as a witness?2022-12-08T11:56:39-06:00

Title IX policy and NSU’s Student Code of Conduct prohibit retaliation. Acts or attempted acts for the purpose of interfering with any report, investigation, or proceeding, or as retribution or revenge against anyone who has reported sexual misconduct, relationship violence, sex discrimination, or who has participated (or is expected to participate) in any manner in an investigation or proceeding under the NSU policy is strictly prohibited. Prohibited retaliatory acts include, but are not limited to, intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination. For purposes of this NSU policy, an attempt requires a substantial step towards committing a violation.

What happens after an incident is reported and what are the University sanctions for sexual misconduct?2025-01-23T13:11:00-06:00

Once an incident is reported, the complainant is not obligated to file a grievance with the University or a criminal charge with law enforcement. The Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator will explain all options to the complainant with the goal of ending the sexual violence and harassment, preventing its recurrence, and addressing the effects. Please see University Obligations below for more information regarding accommodations.

NSU has policy and procedure set in place to fairly and quickly address sexual misconduct. Students found responsible for sexual misconduct may receive sanctions ranging from an educational alternative to expulsion. Sanctions are determined on a case-by-case basis.
Employees found responsible for sexual misconduct may receive sanctions ranging from Suspension to Termination. Sanctions are determined on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, the incident may be investigated and adjudicated by the University and local law enforcement simultaneously.

For details regarding informal and formal resolutions, investigations, disciplinary actions, and appeals, please see the current version of the Power Based Violence/Title IX Policy on this page.

Training Resources

Title IX Training Certification

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What is Consent?

Consent is a CLEAR, out loud, unambiguous “YES”!
Know that…

  • Consent cannot be given by a person impaired by alcohol and/or other drugs
  • Consent can change at any time during interaction
  • Consent must be without pressure, intimidation, or manipulation
  • Silence is not an indication of consent
  • Past consent of sexual activity does not imply future, on-going consent

It’s On the NSU community

  • to recognize that non-consensual sex is sexual assault
  • to identify situations in which sexual assault may occur
  • to intervene in situations where consent has not or cannot be given
  • to create an environment in which sexual assault is unacceptable and survivors are supported.

Take the pledge: http://itsonus.org/

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after an incident is reported and what are the University sanctions for sexual misconduct?2025-01-23T13:11:00-06:00

Once an incident is reported, the complainant is not obligated to file a grievance with the University or a criminal charge with law enforcement. The Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator will explain all options to the complainant with the goal of ending the sexual violence and harassment, preventing its recurrence, and addressing the effects. Please see University Obligations below for more information regarding accommodations.

NSU has policy and procedure set in place to fairly and quickly address sexual misconduct. Students found responsible for sexual misconduct may receive sanctions ranging from an educational alternative to expulsion. Sanctions are determined on a case-by-case basis.
Employees found responsible for sexual misconduct may receive sanctions ranging from Suspension to Termination. Sanctions are determined on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, the incident may be investigated and adjudicated by the University and local law enforcement simultaneously.

For details regarding informal and formal resolutions, investigations, disciplinary actions, and appeals, please see the current version of the Power Based Violence/Title IX Policy on this page.

How am I protected if I report or act as a witness?2022-12-08T11:56:39-06:00

Title IX policy and NSU’s Student Code of Conduct prohibit retaliation. Acts or attempted acts for the purpose of interfering with any report, investigation, or proceeding, or as retribution or revenge against anyone who has reported sexual misconduct, relationship violence, sex discrimination, or who has participated (or is expected to participate) in any manner in an investigation or proceeding under the NSU policy is strictly prohibited. Prohibited retaliatory acts include, but are not limited to, intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination. For purposes of this NSU policy, an attempt requires a substantial step towards committing a violation.

Will others know that I’ve reached out for help?2025-01-23T13:12:28-06:00

All reporting of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct is treated as confidential to the greatest extent possible; the privacy of all individuals involved is important to the Northwestern State. In most situations, only individuals involved in the resolution of the situation will have access to the information about the case. If there is a risk of the alleged perpetrator committing additional crimes, if an individual is in immediate danger, or if there has been expressed intent to harm others, or other risks such as involvement of a weapon or the age of the person involved (minor), the University may determine that it is necessary to compromise the level of privacy provided.

Will my friends and I get in trouble if we report and we’ve been partying?2022-12-08T11:57:31-06:00

Northwestern State provides amnesty–forgiveness of nonviolent student conduct violations, such as underage drinking–for any student reporting sexual misconduct in good faith.

What factors contribute to the likelihood of sexual assault?2025-01-23T13:22:32-06:00

Research has shown that alcohol use and sexual violence are associated. Make every effort to watch out for friends and plan interventions to take action if need be–be proactive and do not be a bystander to sexual misconduct. For more information about how you or your student organization can get involved in eliminating sexual misconduct in our community, contact the Title IX Coordinator-Julie Powell at (318) 357-5570, obannonj@nsula.edu or visit 306 Friedman Student Union during office hours.

What if a student discloses to Faculty or Staff?2025-02-06T10:54:33-06:00

As a responsible employee per Title IX related law, faculty and staff must report the disclosure to the Title IX Coordinator. Please feel free to contact the Title IX Coordinator for assistance immediately. Official online reports must be made at https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?NorthwesternStateUnivLA&layout_id=1 . Additionally, please download the What to Report Guide (Employee) below and the NSU TIX Brochure-Not Alone to give to the student.

What is the role of the Title IX Coordinator?2022-12-08T11:59:02-06:00

The Title IX Coordinator ensures schools are compliant with Title IX, oversees educational efforts for students, faculty, and staff, coordinates the investigation and disciplinary process, and looks for patterns or systemic problems with compliance to ensure schools fulfill all their federal obligations.

Officials with Authority

For all schools, notice of an incident to an Official with Authority charges a school with actual knowledge and triggers the school’s response obligations.

Julie Powell
Director of Title IX Compliance & Title IX Coordinator

Traci LaBom Norris
Director of Accountability & Student Conduct

Reatha Cox
Vice President for Student Experience & Dean of Students

University Police

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